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At about 2:30 a.m. Friday, May 20, in t he ombulanc e in which I was riding we heard a police car reporting cha sing a c ar out De kalb Avenue for running a r e d light; chased th e car f or about 20 minute s, kept saying t he dar was r unning r e d ligh t s, at one point, said Trie d t o wreck us. 1he ambulanc e follo wed , b e - c a use we fi_gured they would be shoot ing or a wr eck; f ollowed the car t o Dec atur out Memorial Drive; the car wouldn't stop, drove into park on the sout h sido of Decatur, into ;wompy part of the . park; we hoard shbts and went down the creek wi·~ a stretcher. They ha d the man in the cree k, kicking him; he ha d beon bitte n by t he polic e He was dQg a nd hit ovor th e head with a s owed of f shot gun; He was handcuffe d. kicked by abou t 10 diffe r ent people , i ncludi ng tho ambula nc e drive r. There were \ a bout 30 polic e ther e by that time , includi ng lot s o f De kalb Police , who had hea r d \ . t he radio. \•Jhen we go~ th e r e , tho man was saying , " Don' t hit me again", a nd I heard s omoono say_ a bout 20 t imes "Got him, Bill". I triad t o pi c k him- ~p a nd put him on the stretc her , no ona would hel p ms . , t he other aide o f t he s t retcher ond l\laS A policeman s hoved him a nd ha fell on bitten again by the polic e dog . I got him on t he stretc her, but s om·e one dragged him off, pu s hed him dO\--m in the mud on his faco , a nd t hen made him walk to t he ambulanc e ; moro polico kicking him and cuffing him across the face . - There wero s ome s uperior officers t here and t hey triod to find a car with 2 officers s o one could ride back in the ambulance with us . ·- Fi nally, t hey found . one off-dut y policeman and he rode in the ambulance . He .,_ s hoved the man face down in the ambulance, and he climbed in• a nd kicked him. The man finall y got a bit billige rant and said "I wish I was dead", a nd the police· officer said, "Well, I'll t a ke the hand cuffs off a nd you r un, a nd I'll just fix that for you". .. When wo got to Grady, the detention officer rou~hed him up a bit more . treated at the emergency clinic . He was Usually a nybody who comes in like that ia taken to X-Ray , but before they got to X-Ray, ho was taken off to jail. ') ! Turned out the reason ho didn't stop when they saw him running the red light was that he had borrowed his friend's car without parmission. They said �I - pag e 2 it was a st6len car, and there was some talk ~f charging him with attempting to murder a police officer. He gavo hie mama to me as "Leroy McFarland, but then he gave it to the attorney as "Lou McMorris" or something like that. (A person is ~ot allowed to make a phone c all from Grady's detention ward. Some- times it is 18 hours before they get out of Grady, but the police don't let them mako a phone call.) \. . . \ �