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MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE WORKING COMMITTEE Washington, D. C. September 21, 1967 John Feild opened the meeting and defined the working committee as a reviewing and coordinating body with the primary objective of insuring a steady flow of information to the national steering committee so that the steering committee will be able to make appropriate decisions at its meetings. NOTE: Steering committee will meet Monday, October 9 at 7:30 PM in New York at the Time-Life Building. ADMINISTRATION bffice space has been secured in the Federal Bar Building West, 1819 H Street NW . (telephone 293-1530). John Feild and Ron Linton will continue as coordinators for the Coalition. Full-time staff will consist of Olga Corey, information coordinator and associate coordinators Mel Cotton and Chris Mould. Jim Gibson of the Potomac Institute and Vernon Jordan of the Southern Regional Council will be available on a part-time basis on loan from their respective agencies. NOTE: An administrative report will be sent to you before the October 9 steering committee meeting. You will also receive a roster with names, addresses and phone numbers of all steering committee members and their representatives. A budget for operating the Coalition will be presented to the steering committee on October 9. PUBLICATIONS A roster of all those who attended the Convocation will be sent out before the October 9 mee ting: everyone who attended will receive one. Complete proceedings are also being prepared and will also be sent to everyone registered at the Convocation. NOTE: Because of printing costs, hulk copies of the proceedings can only be supp lied at cost. Please notify Olga Corey in advance of your organization's needs. TASK FORCES Two new task f orces are being formed -- Local Coalitions and Communications . Co-Chairmen for Local Coalitions are (1) Mayor Joseph Barr of Pittsburgh, (2) a busine ssman to be selected as soon as possible, and (3) Arnold Aaronson, of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. Co- Chai rmen for Communications are (1) Joseph Allen, President of McGraw-Hill Publications, (2) John Johnson, President of Johnson Publications (Ebony, Jet), and (3) Harold Fleming, President of the Potomac Institute. Also, Roy Ash of Litton Industries has agreed to serve as Co-Chairman of the Task Force on Educational Disparities with Dr . Arthur Flemming and Roy Wilkins . �-2PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT Representatives of the Co-Chairmen of the task force met with the coordinating staff. They are considering pilot meetings (probably New York, Detroit, Atlanta) at which 10-20 representatives of the local corporate structure will generate ideas and lay the groundwork for local action. The first meeting would be held early in October. Under consideration for follow-up to the local meetings is a national meeting to launch plans for assisting local private employment programs. The task force also plans to prepare a handbook for the initiation and development of local task forces on private employment. LOCAL COALITIONS Cities in which local coalitions are already in the process of formation--or are likely to be--are being identified. These cities will be contacted to send representatives to a national meeting in Chicago on October 18. At this meeting there will be presentations on the techniques of establishing · and operating local coalition task forces on private employment, legislation (public service employment) and communications. Meanwhile, staff liaison from the Coalition will be available to any city coalition working in these three areas. Hopefully 50 or more local coalitions will be in operation by early November. NOTE: All members of working committee were asked to immediately contact their principals and urg e them to contact key people in local communiti es who could be helpful in establishing local coalitions as emphasi z ed in the Coa lition's Statement of Principles, Goals and Commi tments. PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT The t a sk force urged members of the working committee to relay to their principals the need f or t e legrams, calls and letters in support of the Clark-Javits bill. I t was explained that the Coalition 's endorsement of this legislation was taken as a result of polling members of the st eering committe~ as agreed at the previous meeting. In or d er to keep procedures clear, th e task force will meet before the October 9 steering committee meet ing t o draw up re commendations to the Commit tee for Coalition policy on pending legislation. COMMUNICATIONS The three Co-Chairmen of this task for c e h ave defined t h eir objectives as thr ee-fold: (1) communi cating to the public the meaning, goals and activ i ties of the Urban Coalition, ( 2 ) working with other task for ces in producing materials which wil l offer techni cal assistance and guidance in imp l ementing coalition programs and (3) mounting a nationwid e educational effort on the urgency of the urban crisis. The national Advertising Council has registered a strong interest in assisting the Urban Coalition and has s chedul ed a s pecial meeting with a coalition representative to discuss how their interests, talents and energies may best be used. �-3- RECONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Task force Co-Chairmen are meeting in New York on October 5. This task force will be working closely with the Insurance Committee on Urban Problems which will also be working closely with local coalitions. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Task force co-chairmen have not met yet. has expressed a desire to work with us. A task force operating in Illinois OCTOBER 9 STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Four items have been proposed for the agenda of the October 9 meeting, which will be attended by principals and their representatives. These are: (1) recommendations on organization, (2) presentation of task force programs, (3) procedures for developing public policy positions and, (4) an administrative report. Since there will be discussion of the desirability of enlarging the present 33-member steering committee, especially to provide for some type of participation by local coalitions, a committee was appointed to consider this question and report on October 9. This committee consists of Richard Hirsch, Chairman, Andrew Biemiller, Alfred Eisenpreis, Harold Fleming, Bayard Rustin, Wayne Smithy and Peter Tufo. It was a lso decided that the proposal for an Urban Economic Council would be pr e sented to the steering committee at the October 9 meeting. �