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COMM UNITY RELATIONS COMM I SS I ON 12 0 3 CITY H,~ LL ATU\NTA , GEORGIA VINE · CITY-LI GHTNI i\J G /~R U\S fviEETING. THUR5 Qi-\ Y,.-.A!:.rn I.. 6 , __.l. % 7 , :-:- lCl.. F'.•__y. C[ISi'-IOPOLITAN ,n,f.ljE t HUl~CH , l7[J v:·N[ s·;Hu: T' r,. '.if . Mr. T. M. Alex a nder, Sr . , Team Ch a irma n, c al led t h e meet in g to o =c~~ . Commissio n Membe rs prese~t : Mrs. Fred W. Patters on Archbi shop Paul.Hallinan (Mr Jack Sells, Team Membe r, wa s out of t~wn) Mrs . Eliza Paschall, •Executi v e Di rector Commission Membe r, Mr . C. G. Ezzard a nd Al d s r ma n Q. V. Wi l lia mson w~re also in a ttendan ce. Visi ting stud en~ s from Agnes Scott Co ll ege we r e th ere to observe. Mr. Alexander expla i n e d the purposes of the Commission, he sa id, " 1r.' e d i dn't come he re to gi ve directio n, we ca me for y ou to tel l us what has to be done . We all know this would not be a popularity c ommittee." 1. Mrs . Do rothy Bo l de n Thom ps on, 6 43 Delbri dg e St . , N. W., 668 - 2 422 Mrs. Tho,nps n n serv ed on the Ad Ho c Committee wh ich helped to e s t a blish the Co1mission, asked about the idea of Advis ory Committees fr om the various ne ighb orhood s for the Comm i s s ion . Mrs. Pa s c hall said that these would be appointed follo win g the neighborh o od hearin gs, that the Co mmission ha d in mind tryin g to use the exi sting organ i zat i o ns . and groups(, rai;J,e r th a n forming a ne1r1 and a dditional organization i n _the co mm unity. Mrs . Th ompsn n: "E ducation, l abo r and housin g are all im porta nt but t he most important is ed uc ation." 2. Mr, Ron Stirr up , c /o 141 1·Ja l nut St . , N. W.: " People mak in g $4 0 . 0 0 a week , not a legal minimum wage , need adeq uate wa ~es for hours worked . Will you spea k fo r us? Don't t e ll us 'to do bet ter' . 11 3. Mr. Otis Cochra n, 227 lfa lnut St . , N. lv , , 525-1792 : " Group accross the cou ntry le ast r epres en te d on v arious co mmunity gr oups, boa r ds, et c., is_ the 1 8 - 25 year r a nge; t~e Atlant a Youth Coun cil, for e xamp l e , hc::_s ·n o . 11 yout h" o n the board ; knows o f no policy making board i ~ 15:36, 29 December 2017 (EST) City with members h ip from the 1 8- 25 year range ; urges Commission to pro vi de for parti cip ation fo r thi s gro up; necess a ry to stop wo r king 'f ~r' and sta rt wo r ki ng 'wi th '; need to get ri d of paternalistic point of vi ew ; everybody is ' somebo dy' -whether they 're working or no t; the proble m is not b ei n g he a r d when you come hon es tly a nd humbly ." 4, Mr. Geo rge Sims , 16 1 -Ba nkh ead St . , N. W. ,: e duc a tion . 11 5. Mr, Eddie Muro hev , 141 lrJa l nut St ., N. W. , 523 - 5136, : ' 1 fasn 1 t go in g tQ speak, but would s ay t h is f o r the bo ys fr om th e Recr ea ti o n Cen ter pres ent, that they . ne e d a la r ger building to ha ve a re c r eat i~n program ; th e re is a vac a nt building in the a r ea (Ma gnolia ' Map l E Sts. : a Ba pti s t Cent er th a t woul d do wel l f o r a re creat i o n c e nte r; p_esen ~ Center is 3 rooms about 7 x 7,or 8 x 8 ft." / "Int e r est e d ma inly in �- 2- 6. Mr . A1 o n zo Calch1el l , 263 Mangum St . , N. l:J . , 523 - 88 15: "From Li uht,, i 79 , 100 famil ies wi th abo ut 1 ~0 0 c hild r en playing in the st reet s ; need t o f i x up houses, need ho t and c old running \\late r. 11 Mr. Alexende r: If add r e sses of those with out wafe r wer e given to the Be tt e r Housing Co mmi ssio n at the City Hall, own er 1r1 culd be requ ired to f i x the m. 11 Mr. Cald1r1el l : 11 S.., me of the ar ea is z o n ed f or busi ness, b ut th_e y 1van t t o ke ep it t o live i n ; some people o n welfare, gettin g $45 . 00 a mon th, c an 't pay to ha ve re pa irs requ i red by co de e nf orc e ment, made; c a n't get in to Public Hous i ng be c ause o f long 1v a i t ing lists . 11 Mr. Alexande r: "S ome people in publi c housing nee d to move out so ot he rs c an move in." Mr. Cochr a n : "Some r est ricti ng policies, su c h as those ab out il le git imat e chil dren, kee p some o ut; people i n mos t need, c an ' t ge t in to publ ic ho usin g ." 7. Mr. Cl a re nc e Ezzard, Co mmi s sion Member : " Keep he 8 ring th a t pub lic housi ng is all filled up but don't think that i s t ru e , Co uld Co mmission ask for an inven tory ?" B.

Lightning has l playlot ( wi t h l ba s ket ball goal)

clos es at 7:00 p. m. , c hil dren a r ~ not goi ng to bed then, will pl ay in t he streets; n eed a shelter whe r e the y c a n dan ce, et c . , and ne e d to have it o pen past 7: 00 p. m. 9 . Bro ther Ch a rlie Sheoard, 40 0 Maye r s St . , N. W. , Fo und a ti on Clu b, Li gh tnin g : " Ma ny s ma ll child re r? pl ciying in the streets , tr uc ks c omin g throu gh Ma ngum St r e et. .10. Mrs. Sylv_:i_a__C_o_c_h_r_a_n ,. _t.O A, C. D . Aide : " They have ta lked t o peop l e who own bu s in ss ses , and th e y have ag r e ed for t ruc ks not to use Mangum and Fou ndry Sisn s·- (No . t ruc ks ~ !. lOlrJe d : Slow , Children) ·, 1ould help . 11 11. Mr. Gerrv Chew , Vista Worker : "Lar gest pro bl ems are ob vious on es ; Was n't Co mmission established just t o ease the c ons ci ence of the ·city; ,Jhat makes th e Co mmiss i on t h i nk they will be e ffective?" 11 Mr. Al exand er : "I n appoi n ting Co mmiss i o n, the Ma yor is trying t o get at the bottom of problems . " 12. Archbishop Hallinan , Commis s ion Membe r : "Th is was in the ba c k of eve r ybody ' s minds - but at first si gn that things a re being 's we p t un de r the ru g ', I would resign and know others who 1vo uld, 11 Mr. Stirrup: "I t 's no acc id ent we ha ve a Vi ne Ci ty ; We ne e d n ew ma c hinery; i f Landlo r ds won't fix plumbing, et c ., the City should take the ho use an d do i t . " 13. Alde rmen Q. V. Wil l i ams~ n: "Pa r ks Comm i ttee is aiking fo r a ½ mill o r more tax for r ecreation; Finance Com m ttee is waiting to see what the Soa rd of fd ucation will ask for before setting it; The Admi nis tra ti o n has sa id that the Ci ty has to r eplac e the EDA mo n ey spent on recreation last y e a r." Mr. Williams on on Pa r ks Comm . t t ee l ast summer a nd insist ed that Vine City get some of the program, he was raised i n Vine City and ~n that Church. Mrs. Pat terson, Committee Member: "We ha ve no il l usion that we can solve all the problems; We are exper i menting with liasion between the Cit y and the people. Mr. Wi lliams 1, n; Ci tv Alderm a n: "A ut hority to paiie the streets c omes from the Leg is · ature; Pol ~c y has been that 51% o f property owners had to sign for pavin g , etc .,; In some ~lace s in Vine City one person own e d mor 8 tha n 51%, they could control. New l cw per mits the City to adver ti se a nd if 51% don't ob je ct, street can be .. �pa ved; Once pavin g is done , the Ci ty c an r e - surfa ce, etc . " Mr . Ezz a r d , Commis s i o n Mem be r : whi c h are not paved?" " How doe s the Ci ty rec on cile re - surf a cing streets Mrs. Thoma s on : " Nobody po unds on th e 1-iord Ed uc ation . 1-Ja re School is in double session; bo a rd of e duc n t ion is a tight little group; Need to strengthen scho ol attendance." Mr. Ale xande r: "Co mmission memb ers divide themselve s up ; Reverend 1villia ms st a ys 1-J i th board of e du c ation . 11 14. 15. John Ro binson. 645 Be c kwi t h St., S. V-J •• At . anta Universi. tv : " Need to work on educ at ion; I too k a bo y back t o Was hi n ~ton Highschool, said he c ouldn't c ,:, me ba c k in day sc hool." "If out 6 months, polic y not to re- adm it them . r, Mr. Mr. Fowlkes , Di r ecto r Nash - Was hi nq ton EDA Cent e r : "Glad to s e e th e Commis s i o n i n ou r nei ghbarho .J d. Ccn any ir:f lu e;; c e be us ed t o up cate the plans f o r c hanges ; At Atlant a ~oci a l Wo rk ers Club , heard that p r 2s e nt schedule 1-i il l mea n Urban Re ne 1·1a l in Vi ne City i n 1 0 to 11 y ea rs ·; . rm . p L,in:3 toiimpro v e Lig htni n g because it is zoned f o r Comme rcial uses ; Ne ed to u~date plan s so peo ple c an expect abol i tio n of sl ums mor e quic kly . 11 Mr. 1.rJ illi cJmso n : " Unless some meth o d is found fo r more Ci ty rev en'...le , c a n I t d o !;h :, t; Cit y has to e ma tch Urban Rene wal f un ds by i / 3 an d only place to ~e& it i s bond is sues. " ~ Mr . F o vi 1 ~es : Mr. Che w: 1 "Ci t y shoul d in c l ude Vi ne Ci ty a nd Lightn i ng in Mo del Cit y funcis. 17. 11 " Should ma ke e dllcati Qn more releven t; 1e)<tb oo ks a re out moc! v;; All a:r.e '.,J. white' and Neg ro students can ' t i dentify ,,.,i th pe rs ons in t he m. 11 Archbishop Hallina n: 16. ·- As ked abo ut ele c tio n of Schoo l Bo a rd Memb e rs. Mr. Otis v/ h i te , Princioal o f '.va r e Sc hoo l a nd Pri:,si cie n t o f Ga te Ci t·,, Te a che:c s : Hi~· o r ganiz at ion c on c erned about tex tboo ks, i f children are to i dent i f y with ·tile good in th e U. S . , they must be repre s ented in the textb ooks . ;·hJ r e Sc hool has purch ase d so me new ' intergrated 1 te xtbook s with Ford Founda t ion money; Ne9ro tea c he rs are 'concerned wi th so meth i ng s wh i te tea c he r s aren't conc e rned wi th; di ffere n ce bet\/Jeen in t er grati ,n and assimi l a tion of te a c ' ,er I s g rou ps . 11 Mr . ~vhite ha s b e en Pri nc ip a l 11 years in Vine Cit y ; Fut h er and Son pro Gr a ms at Boys Club e nc ou r aged. Mr. Charlie Lo we, 1B94 Penelooe Rd., N . W. 10314, EO~: Co mme nded Co mmiss i on for he a rin ,J S, shou ld all work together, " Need you r help in getting t o the peop l e; c an't make Tr uant Offic e rs out o f EDA wor kers." Mr . Coch r an: Repo r ted o n convers ation with Dr . Boo zer of Sc hoo l St a ff that r eports of truan c y de pend on Principal; 11 Have co mpulsory school attendan ce lu 1-1 , but i t is up to Prin ci pa l to ex c use a n d rep o rt. There a re 11 So cial ~o rkers ~ anq ~~ Vis i ti~ ~ tea chers i n t he who l e system. Mr . Wi l l i ams on : " Wa r e Sc hoo l ha s Soci a l Worke r thro u gh Ford Fo undati o n Program; Hm-1 ma ny other scho ol s ha v e that ? 11 Mr s. Thomoson : , 11 Dro po ut s c ome because they have pr n blem1,; there is a reason -fo r f o r e ve ry t hing ; somethi n g wrong an d the c h ild is unhap ~y; children can be unhappy too; nobody knows what is 1tJro ng. 11 �- 4- 18. Said he once dr orpe d ou t, but went ba c k i n sch oo l; Not Princip a l's f a ult , not pa re nts fault ; i t ' s t he Co mmun i ty ' s fault ; th e wa y people are l ivin g ; if had better pla c es to st a y, w1uld stay i n s c hool . 19. Mr . Ch a r .es Hawk, Cou nc elor, \·/arz, Sc hoo l : "Dropout s goe s ba ck to f i n a nc es ; Nee d job s wi t h decent sa lari e s ; Should r e c ru it for jobs a nd for NYC , et c ., on str aet s in Vi ne Ci ty; Wa iv e f or m~l edu c ation requi rements . " Mr . Murr:ihe1. : " ED A rec ru its f or NYC a nd Jo b Co rps ; Ca n do s ome through Re c reat ion Ce nte r. " 20 . Mr. Ch a r les Bl ack, EDA Extension Mana ger : "In summer ' Impac t' pro gr am Employe rs may not take peop le fr om Vi n e City Area bec a us e o f educ a tio n a nd dis tance frum the job s; Need to have loc alized t rain in g , II 21. Said t hat they as ke d n e i ghbor wh o had r etu rn ed from Juvenil e Home if he wa s glad t o get home; He replied No - not g l ad to get home ; at Juv e nil e Home had a cl ean be d, 3 good meals, cl ean cl othes, bett e r than at home. " . Mr. Wi lliamsnn : Re co mm a Pu b li c Hea r ing on c onditions i n Pub l ic Hous in g ; , e nded . Had vi s it ed Eagan Hone s; ba d hea lth co nd itio ns ; Hous i ng Authority f or b i ds t elepho ne e xtensions put i n a 2- sto r y apartme nt ; no rodent c ontrol; Housin g Project s shou ld mee t standards li ke pri vate hou s i ng~ Eaga n Ho me s - no li gh ts at fr on t do or; tenants forbidden t o pu t lig hts~; several rob b eri e s and rap es . It was sug ge ste d that the Co mmis sion invite the Boa rd of Hous in g Authorit y to join in a Public He a ring on Atla Gta Publi c Ho using . �.... • : 1 - .o COfviMUNITY. 8ELATI NS COM1•1ISSIDN 1203 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA c- I..i.1 0· f NEIGHBORHOOD PRO[LE

·-------______ _ --- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.,i;,._~ .., :L Name o:f Neigh;>e'I'Meod-: - 51:lMM&IRHJ.ll:ll. __; :L :~Li. ._· S . • .. - . . .... . . . . ..- ... - .. .... .. . ·- .... '. . - . l. ~ ' ~ ,..: tret .[ n ) ·' : .. _L.J . . ·:15:36, 29 December 2017 (EST)~i:ieff :~~ ~ ~-~ iahb1o•rh'~~-d -: . . ~}lA~.!~ ._ Dr, N,\ .. ~ portion zoned '. ~-~a; :;. i·.v·_ ---------- . ·-·-- .. -· . Condit ions Of Streets :._...;F...;a;;.1.::;;·r:.a.,,~m.::::o.:::s.t~a:,:r;.:;e:;...:,n.:.:a;;.:r:.,;r;:;,;O=W.,\.t...::;m~a:.:.n;.,1v:.....'...:D;.;.n.:,:e:;.·_· Condition - ~<.;!i:ia e s:t.:t.~.l'!J_p :. var1e u , most sub-standard.according ta code, . S,ome j,Jhi te, S,o,na,J)legro I Manv.- transitional areas. Political Representation: - - - - - City Ward · • I st ·--:- • Ald'!=lrmen . G.r ig'.qs, ·Oeno;i;s_ State Senate District 36 u. ·---·- J. Co'uh't:y - Fulton 1.:C_om.rnJssio.nih·.Al.f!tidge 1 . Mitchell, Brown Sta te legislative District 124, 127 · - -m~pre!~~-n ta t i 'v·~ · · 'Jc)'f\7{ tfobd. Cox Dr. 4th Congressman -:Ben . Blackpu.n

S. Congressional District . . . .. ,._ .. - - . ...:. -~:.' ·... . ~u perintendent Mrs. Ed. S. Cook, Dr. G. Y. ' ,,. · e-"' • -.. \ .. ... , •. Smith P1,1b_lic_ SchQ.o.,ls . in _-'l_r.ea No High School.sin <.area .., r t3 sidents div.ided among E. P~ Johnson Elementary, .. Ed Coale Elementary, and Capitol ~venue Elementary Vocational Schod'J.S in' ·Area · Hoke-Smith (Admission restricted f' Most courses 10th_ _: .12th. gta de~ -- S_o~ei" fees. , , ·;- '-J. ,.;..~- - --·---__ _

Atlanta Public School ' 5 5 ~ ,,r.aa,,,_.,_.,..,··-·'- .. - ···. ---· - .. �Profile No. l 1 Page - No. 1f rar ., ,:-.) _i:, I ,.J - ., . (TI~.u.,.;._J J ,.'. YTIJ ~-:.,s_; L"', l JJ Ii-' H .,_Jl I necreational Services: ·-------------------------··-------- Parks in Area Recreati nal Center5. inL Are__ a--_:. , , , 1 , ,,......,,, ,, , ,• A , A , . 1 .. , ...... . 0 • • ,. J _1 _ Z ... .. . t _. ,5 ,. . .... _ . . . g ·~ ,. . :::S-7..·,_ 1 .

Parls Serving Area_____G=r~a~n~i-·_P_a_r_k______________, ________

1,~7s¼,~X _t:1?11.,1_

ej,~ ~lZf ie:q. __;,C_o urt

Recreational Centers Servine Agea


C.A. - Social \;Jelfare Services in ~rea.: 1, -rl · -'I~ , . -~ -- - 9 l&::'"','\1! :f\ •V Q .....E-;O;,.,A~_._~.,.....;;;,;;...,....,.;;,;....,....,...,......,...;;;,;,........,~~;;;;;,;;;~,..;,.;:;;...;;..,.....,.C.-.,,e..;n..t..,e,_r_,......,.,.,...._....,_ _ """""____ __: ,,- , :. '2!__!2~.;...U~ !. ·-· · ' -'" ·1 LI.LC."'·'} ~ .J~ l..[r ________ 1_1:

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facilities not ¼~~a t ed in geogru phic area .

223 Bass St., SW �.. , Communfti Relations ~ommission, 1203 City Hall, Atlanta Ga • .; - I -, ' .- • NEIGHBORHOOD PROFILE ND. II ·, j ,,. •• ,'• ,··, I . 'I Name of Neighborho.od: Vine City Description of Ne.i ghb'orhood·: ' ·1 : · .- _;, · ,.·•r, ··, ;, · Boun d arie·s . .. . J ,~ .-.·: ~ S ifl_!pso~ . ' . . . s·.r ",.r ·,.~ ·..:· Sun-set' Ave·.· : Geograp h ii:; _"c·.-1_" uv · ·. Northside 'Dr. '. "S r..:.: Hunte~ St. · Developmental .iProglfains ...· None . ~ .', C' j •. ~' Zoning Classifications - Residential, apartments, some comme rci a"i . Conditions of Streets - ·. Fair ··to po'o r' · ' . •"'· ·~ Condition of Housing - Diiapidated Il Racial . Pat t e'rns ~ ' Negro ·area1.l , 1.··,•• " ~ ..... ,·. ' ' ~·.:.. • . t '! '( ,, P~litic3i Repr~sent~tion: , I City \fa;d .;.; r:Jrd ,· -·· Aldarman - Wil liams on, Kn i ght State Senate District 39 Senator - Horace Ward U. S. Congress i onal Dis t. - 5th Congre ssma n - Fletche r Thompson ll . : 'f.1 . II ,tl.J...i t ·Co'unty · - Fulton ·.:· ·' Commissi oner(s) Aldredge; Brown, · · ~ itchell · State Legisr atf ve -District - 136, 137 Aepresentati~e Jul~~n Bond, Grace ill _ ,, • ~. Hamil ton Bd. of Education - Dr. Rufus Cl ement Educational Services: A-tlanta Public School Area - 1 1 , ~, • Supt •. -:-,: Dr., .H~ A. Bowen 1 _ Pub1ic Schools in Area .. l;'l,f"l .'4 i;l_e thun.e / -K·E . A: , ltjar_e :_·~ one block out of area (no high sch9ol in ,area , - most students ~t_tend B. T. l-Jashingto.~ &. _C entral J ~. High.

Ware School is on e o f ~d . Impro~ement Project

(Fo r,d, Fqupda tion ) ' · · 1 Vocational Schools in Area - . _{'Jon e /. B§lthune Community,. School Nuis eries '- Lundy's Day Nursery Pr i va t e School s in Area - None Libraries in Area - None Recrea tional Se rvi c e s: Pa rk s in Area - None (2 play lo ts ) Recreational Ce nt ers i n Area - Vi ne City Recreat ion Ce nter, Carver Boys ' Cl ub Pa r ks Serving Area - Washi ngtbn Pa r k Re c reationa l Cente rs Servi ng ,,rea - No ne Social Welfare Services i n Area: NASH - Washingto n Neighborhoo d Service Center - Vine City Extension Health Services in Are a: Neighborhood Unio n Heal t h Ce nter ( Fulton Co unty Dept. of Health ) Business Enterprises in Area: Small grocery stores, wine stares, barber shops, and cafes �' Page 2 . Neighborhood Profile ·No. 2 Public Services: Police Services - Routine patrol and stationary patrol a t Vine and , Magnolia Sts. No fire station - nearest one at Si mpson & Troy Sts. Secp edule for Sanitary C~~lections - Jw ic e weekl y Housj ng Inspection Schedule. ~ left blank Public transportation - One bus line do wn Magn!)lia ,St. ) Civic, Political and Religious Organizations: . Vine City Council Mrs. Helen Ho ward, Chairman 587 Rock St. Tel. 525-3111 Vine City Improvement Assn. Mrs. Ozella Smith, Ch a irman Vine St. Tel. --Democratic Organization - 3K Otis Cochra n, Chmn. , 230 Walnu1< St. - ~25-1792 The Uplift Club Mrs. Alb e rta Fle t cher Delbridge St. ~ 7 Chu r ches a nd Religiou s Organi z ations. Mt. Gilead ·Bpt. Rev. Hall, Minister Cosmopolitan Vine City Bpt. 2nd Mt. Olive Bpt. Re s ource Persons in Area: Name: Address: 227 Walnut S t. Mr s . Sylv i a Eochran Mrs. Helen Ho ward · 587 Rock St. Mis s Pa uline Kindell ' ' 141 Walnut St . 580 Magnolia St . Mr. Davi d Bu r n e y 230 Vla lnu t · St. Mr. Otis Coch ra n 58'7 ' Ma gnoli a St. Mr. Jo e L . Br own Mr . Eddi e Mu r phy 141 VJ alnu t St. 56 0 Found ry St. Mr s . Ru by Lundy Ma g noli a S t. Mr. Hec to r Bl a ck 643 De lbridge S t. N.tv~ Mrs. Do r oth y Bold e n Thomp s on 4-4-6 7 Phone: 525-1792 525-3111 No phone 52 5-1 792 No phon e MU 8- 24 2 2 �Communi.ty -R~lat'i o'ns ' Comrhi~sion, 1203 City Hall, Atlanta, Ga. • J NEIGHBORHOOD PROFILE ND. III • :31.. J Name of Neighborhood: Kirk wood Descri~tion of.Neighborhood: .N - Memorial Dr. W.- Wyman St. S.E. B~S~a143.215.248.55§~ E - Rocky Ford Rd. S - Rail r oad . ( to D'e.catur) ~ Developmer:ital Programs - None ,, Zoning Classifications - . Residential 4F, commefd ial Conditions of Streets '.;;. Fai f t 1o good ' l .,_; !:.) ,, • -~ 'j - • ( / (., Condition of Housi o g ~~-· Fai t to g~od 8~ome dete ±-i 'or~~ti~ng"·, ·, 1 · · , Racial Patterns - ' Negro Are t3 s, . b ;an ~itional ar ea!:l- : ' ( f:i;-om ~h:i.t e · to Negro 1 • 1. ll · , .·, · ' ' wi -t; h'i n past· 2 years) I· • , d • I "; • I · . ' °"', Political Representation: City 1.fard - 2 . . ,. 1 · ' County ~ fl~ Kaib • . ·' Alderman - Gilliam, · Flanigen ,Je,_, . '. , C6m~i~sioner·: - .IL:. ·Mann i ng, Chmn. · · · · -·r 1 • I, State Senate District ' - 43 J "i.1 State Le~1 ~], a ~1ve " D1strict 119 Fran k G. Miller · .Represent~tive - "fostl~ke Mrs. Bd. of E~µ ~~ tion · - W~ ra ' ~ U.S.Congressional . Di st : · _ 4th

J. Leroy "Woodward Congressman - Blac kb~rn •·· , '·' I • \I ._... • - ,c ,. . • t • Educational Services: Atlanta Public School Area - 5 Supt. - Dr. G. Y. Smith Public Schools in Area - Kirkwood Elementary, Murphy High School East Lake El e mentary, Burgess Elementa r y, new elementary under construction Vocational Schools in Area - None Nurseries - No public nurseries Private Schools in Area - None Lib r ari es in Are a - None Recreational Services: Park s in Area - Bessi e Branham (Kirkwood Park) Parks Serv i ng Area - Candler Park Recreational Centers in Area - left blank Recreational Cente r s serving Area - l eft blank Soc ial Welfare Services in Are a: Edg ewoo d Servic e Cen t er , EDA Kirkwoo d Ch ris t i an Cen ter Heal t h Service s i n Ar ea : Non e Busi ne ss Enterprise i n Area : Reta il, c hicken hat c hery , lumbe r company, Sou th e r n Iron & Manufacturing Co . Public Services: Police Servic e s - Ro utin e patrol Fire protection service: - Left blank Schedul e for Sani tary Collections - twic e weekly Housing Inspection Schedule" Le ft blank Public transportation - Satisfactory . Sunday transpo rt ation is poor. Civic, Political and Religious Organizations: Name: ChairmaFl Confederation of DeKalb Kirkwood Council on Human Relations Block Clubs, EDA Address Phone �Page 2 Neighborhood Profile No. 3 Churches and Religious Organizations: Name: Israel Baptist Turner Monumental A.M.E. Resource Persons: Mrs. Eliza Bro~n Miss Rosetta Williams Mr. James Dean Mr. James Crowley Mr! ijenry , W~ Brooks Mrs. Georgia Ashe Mr. Joseph Finch Rev. O. E. Myles Prof. John Davis Gaither Mr. James Cosby ' Mrs. Charity Hill Mr~ · J. A. McClain The Rev. Hosea Williams 17 .~ast Lake Drive 50 Mason Ave. N.W. 1312 Dupont Ave. 5.E. _ 2170 Boulevard Drive 1628 Foote St. #7 1361 Dupont Ave., s:E. 1560 Foote 5~~ N.E. 1424 LaFrance St. N.E. 1514 Foote St. 2079 Delano Dr., N;E. 8 East Lake Dr. N.E. -' April, 1967

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-, .- .' �Communi-hy -Reh a tions- Comrn-i-ssion.,- -1203 City Hall, Atlanta, Ga. NEIGHBORHOOD PROFILE .NO. IV • l.i • ·•-Name bf Neighborhoo d' - ' L:i ghtning Description of Neighborhood: Geographic Boundaries- :~,. N -i. ·s-impson St. W - Northside Drive • 01 ' S Hunter St • ~ r~ r, Marietta St. Developmental Progr~ms - No~e (Projected - part of Vine City proposed urban renewal) Zoning Classifications - Residential ~ commer~ial {_factories) • I ~oijditions of • streets - . .Poor • · 'M ' l. . I l I Condition of Housing - Poor - dilapidat e d Racial patterns - Negro area ,, ... ~ . " Pol i tical Representation: City \;Jard ... 3rd Aldermen - Williamson, Knight State Senate District - 39 Senator - Horace Ward U. S. Congressional District - 5th Congressman - Fletcher Thompson l County - Fulton Commissioners - Aldredge, Mitchell, Brown State Legislative District - 137 Representative - Grace Hamilton Bd. of Education - Dr. Rufus Clement Educational Services: Atlanta Public School Area - l Supt. - Dr. Hilliard Bowen Public Schools in Area - None (one block from area is Cra ddock & Bethun e Elementary). No high school in are a - students att e nd several - mostly West Fulton, Washington, and Cent r al Jr. High Voca t ional Schools in Area - None Nurseries - None Private schools in area - None Libraries in area - None Recreational Se rvi c es: Pa rks in Are a - None (2 pl a y lot s ) Recre a tion a l Ce nters in Area - Non e Pa r ks Se r ving Area (not located in geo graphic area) - Washin gt on Pa r k (no t in walking di sta nce ) Rec reat ion a l Cen t ers Se rving Are a (not loc at ed in geogra phic are a) Ca rv er Boy's Clu b Soc ia l Welfa re Se rv i ces in Area: Non e (Vine Ci ty Ext . - NASH - WASHINGTON Ne igh borhoo d Se rvic e Ce n ter serv es a r ea) Healt h Serv i c es i n Ar ea : None Busine s s Ent e rprise s in Area: 3 grocery st o res, casket-maki ng company, city i ncinerator Public Services: Police Services - Ro uti ne patrol Fire Protections Services - No statio n in area - served by Simpson St. faci l ity . Schedule for S~nitary Collections - Twice weekly �Page 2 Public Services co·nt, 1:l: ' JJ •j;; c , J 1 ·.1,1 Housing Inspection Schedule - Left blank Public Transportation - 2 bus ·1-ines , , d.i:> rtr.11 r!"!a_gnol-i-__a- ?t_. a~ri-r.U do,\rlf1 ,Simpson St. _, _i:riq£,~ r,- 1Z1 Address: Ca.v ie, Pcili tic·al -and Relig:iious·• Orgar.iiz.at;ions: _ ,::. ~:,:,·,L. Name: , ··. , - c. JCh.c1irinan: - I~ ,_f o~.~;~~t i on Cl~b ..: ' - . -, 'M1f ~ • . Gci rbt't,1_y1 Mafsh i l 'f' .

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~ 11. .,, .. d ,1 Phone: t.2 [ ... ',. -, \ Churches 1~nd · R'eiigio~s -o'rg·~;~izai:io'~s: ., Mt. Gilead Bpt. Re½• ~~½, Resource Persons in Are Name: Address: Mrs. Dorothy Marshall Mrs. Mary' Nelson .. I 't1l' • Phone:

.r~;L.·~, .

b · , 1~. (' .,_, 2 1t'-iJ f,_ ,..:..-:.i..1 0 1 ··\1 y_L. 1 i. m~ '1L • 1 - '"'·.1 r. ; r- • April, 1967 rl . ', lt 1.- ( ti I If ,G.i: ., C 'Jtl ,) I


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' ,... r [ . - ;. f [ ,J �c Coml'r!,q,_n_it_y __Relation,s ,i ~-~ rn ission, 1203 City Hall, Atlanta. Ga • .::30303 NEIGHBORHOOD .P O!, r~; -"NQ,._, V, Name of Neighborhood: · Edgewood Geographic Boundaries:. W. -Whiteford..:. .Ave I • ,, t • • S. -Blvd. Dr. • :{ ' ("' ,, .. ,-J . ,11· , E. -Woodbine ~ . N/ -De.l:\'.a.lb Developmental Programs - None (proposed urbanr renew~l) ·, · Zoning c1.a~sif 1icp.:,t ioJ1s ~:.. Residential, com~e-rcial - •· ; 1 • • •



, r 1 g~g~i~t;rls o~l H143.215.248.55i~;~ _-:~t;t ·~· ' · .•-,l - ·· · • · Ln Racial Patterns - Negro areas, white areas, few transitional areas Polit i cal Representation: r I "l A City Ward - 2nd County - DeKalb Aldermen - Gilliam, Flanigen Commissioner(s), B.Manning, Chmn. State Senate District - 43 State Legislative District 119 Senator - Frank G. Miller Representative - Westlake U. S. Congressional District - 4th Congressman - Blackburn Bd. of Education - Mrs. Leroy Woodward Educational Services Atlanta Public School Area - 5 Supt. - Dr. G. Y. Smith Public Schools in Area - Wesley Ave., Whiteford; in process of building new Jr. high; no high school in commun i ty most students attend one of the seven traditionally Negro high schools i n the city Vo cat i onal schools in area - None Business Nur series - Little Mores Chapel Day Ca r e Center Pr i vate Schools in Area - None Libra r ies i n Area - None Rec r eat i onal Services : Pa r ks in Area - Wesley Pa r k Rec reat i onal Centers i n Area - 1612 Woodbine St. Social Welfare Se r vi ce s i n Area - Edgewo od Neighb ~rhood Service Center Health Servi c es i n Area - DeKa lb Hea lt h Cent er ( on fringe) Business Enterp r is es i n Area - Cleane rs , Florists, Atlanta Gas Light malnteuance sta t i on, shoe company, B. F. Goodrich, lumber company, Atlanta Public School warehouse Public Services - No comments on police , fireprotection, sanitary collec ti ons, or housing inspection. Comment on public transportation reads - constantly c onfusing schedule changes - no serv ic e f rom eas t to west into DeKalb Civ i c, pol i t ica l a nd r elig ious orga niz atio ns - Bl ocks Club s (EOA 2nd Wa rd Ci vi c League Church e s a nd r e l ig io us or ga niza t ions : Grea t e r Trav ele rs Re st, Be ulah Bapt i st, Ki ng s Memo r ia l Methodist, Little Mores Chap e l , St. Paul AME, Antioch East �·1 I. J r ·1 2~ ,,._, -Page .. · ,.: Ir·· J~ ,·r .. ,• 192.res ~r .~ .,- -- .. --- ~567 Paxf ofi' st~ ; "'" r. Name Mt: rbhai les Tu}n~f0 • 9 JlrJ.l- . \ r~ -:r Mr. , _B.alph Long '", 1 , .,,., . .Principal, Wesley Ave. School Mr . .... ·.A.;. wa J;.s p n,:~ , . .1. . · " ' ~ ,-,.. ••L 187 Wesley.A ye. Mr. -Delmark .Yoat -r lJ .. c.O <' , . ~£11.. .180~ ·M-enfo;ria-J::>~n r .· . . Mrs • Louis g 'Wn:i?t·e'V) · l ".1. ;t.n :2 r·.t 8. 22G 1 Hutcti'.f ns ·St • . .t • Mrs. Ruth Flemister '11 ~'29 Da n'i el :'st. s·. 1L · r-r 11 ' rt

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~1 I ,- ~-1.,.!:l; - ,-. ,!. ;r, .. .,.-~ • ~ April 1967 . • r: r J. b ·,o\·: n 'l l ,r•c' ., ~ ~ i.a.C 'I:. ;._f ·, f-' ·,·"" I" !l • Q J.. ., ') l ., • [ 11 �April 27, 1967 MEMORANDUM T o: All Department Heads From. : Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . Your presence is reque ted at a Department Heads ' Meeti ng on Wednesday, May 3rd at 10 :30 a . m . in Committee Room 1/2 . Mr . Irving Kaler, Chairm n of the Community Relations Commission, together with Mrs. Eliza p - schall, Executive Director, will be present to beief the department heads on the activities of the Corrununity Relations Commission. U you are unable to fir t as i tant. IAJr:lp ttend thi meeting, plea e send your �April 27 , 1967 Mrs . Eliza Pa chall Executiv Dir ctor Community R lation Commission 12th Floor, City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mrs . Pa chall : Mayor Allen has c lled me ting of our City Department Head for 10 : 30 a . m. on Wednesd y, M y 3rd in Committee Room 112, on the Second Floor of City H 11. It will be greatly appreciated if you will ttend this meeting ttd brief the City De run nt He de on th ac;tiviti . · of the Community Relations Commi ion. Sincerely your , R. E rl Land rs Admini tr tiv .A ei _tant REL:lp �April 27, 1967 Mr . Irving K. Kaler , Chairman Community Relations Commission 12th Floor, City Hall Atlanta , Georgia 30303 De r Mr . Kal r : Mayor Allen ha call d a meeting of our City Dep rtment He d for 10 : 30 • m. on W dnesday, May 3rd in Committee Room #2 . on the Second Floor of City Hall. It will be reatly appreciated if you will attend thi meeting and brief the City Departinent Heads on the activiti of th Community Relation Commission. Sincer ly your • R. E rl Lander Admini trativ A REL:lp i tant �OMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1966 1209 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 90909 MR. IRVING K. KALER, TELEPHONE 5!!-4469 EXT. 499 Chairman THE HONORABLE SAM MASSELL, JR., E x-Officio President, Board of Aldermen April 29, 1967 COMMISSION MEMBERS MR. T. MR. M. ALEXANDER, SR. R. BYRON ATTRIDGE MRS. SARA BAKER MISS HELEN BULLARD MR. R . J . B U TLER MR. ROBERT DOBBS MR. HAMILTON DOUGLAS, JR, MR. C. G. EZZARD MOST REVEREND PAUL J . HALLINAN Archbishop of Atlanta MR. JOSEPH HAAS MR. AL KUETTNER D R. ROBERT E. L EE MR. ROLLAND MAXWELL MR. F . W.'PATTERSON R ABBI JACOB M. ROTHSCHILD MR. M. 0. "Buz z" RYAN MR. JACK SELLS Mro R. Earl Landers Administrative Assistant City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 MRS. MARY STEPHENS THE REVEREND SAMUEL WILLIAMS Dear Mr. Landers: MRS. ELIZA K. PASCHALL, Executive Director Thank you for your letter of April 27, 1967. Mrs. Paschall and I will look forward to meeting with you, Mayor Allen, and the City Department Heads on Wednesday, May 3, at 10:30A.M. I appreciate this opportunity to discuss the program of our Connnunity Relations Connnission. Yours very sincerely, ~/L ( ; ,-~~ Irving K. Kal~r Chairman IKK:rjg cc: Mrs. Eliza Ko Paschall (" ( . k c,.Qq"- �LAW OFFICES KALER, KARESH & RUBIN 1820 FULT ON NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CABLE ADDRESS : IRVING K . KALER SANFORD R. KARESH MARTIN H . RUBIN ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 "KKATTY " ATLANTA TELE PHON E : PAUL M. M 9 LARTY , JR . AREA CODE 404 525-6886 April 17, 1967 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: I appreciate your kind reference to me when you spoke at the National Convention of the Council of Jewish Women. Several ladies who were present told my wife about this, and this pleased her~very much. Yours very sincerely, ~ Irving K. Kaler IKK:db / ~/ ~ �M UN TY ELATIO S COM SSION ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1988 1f08 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 80308 Chairman THE HONORABLE SAM MASSELL, JR., Ea:-Ofjicio President, Boord of Aldermen TELEPHONE 5t!-H88 EXT. ~88 MR. IRVING K. KALER, April 13, 1967 COMMISSIOX MEMBERS ~IR. T. J\I. ALEXANDER, SR. MR. R. BYRON ATTRIDGE JIIRS. SARA B AKER TD: l\Jrss HELEN B ULLARD MR. R . J. FROM: Messers Collier Gladin, Colonel Malcolm Jones, Mr. Ray Ni xon, Mr. Les Persells, Mr. William Wofford Eliza K. Paschall, Executive Director ?{:.P RE: Public Meeting on all phases of Housing in Model Neighborhood Area BUTLER MR. ROBERT DOBBS l\JR. HAMILTON ' nouGLAS, MR. C. G. EZZARD MOS T HEYEREND PAUL J. JR. HALLINAN Arch/,i,il,o}J of Atlanta Ma. JOSF.P!I HAAS l'IIR. AL K UETTNER DR. ROR F.RT E . LEE MR. ROLi.A ND MAXWELL l\!a. F . W .' PATTERSON RADO! JACOB M. ROTl!SCH!LD MR. M. 0. "Duzz" RYAN MR. J AC'K SELLS Mas. MARY STEPHENS At the public hearing which t he Commiss ion held in the SummerhillPeoplest own and the ~echanicsville-Pittsburg areas, we were asked to help plan one meeting for the whole model neighborhood area where all the various questions about housing might be brought up and discussed and answered as they relate to each other. THE REVEREND SAMUEL WILLIAMS MRS. ELIZA For example, i f there is to be no lessening o f code enforcement during the year' s planning period, where will people b e relocated? Are there relocation re s ou rces within the area? Will the sched uling of improvements in streets, etc., be delayed until the year 1 s planning is done, or will that continue without regard to th e model planning? Etc., Etc. K . p ASCHALL, Executive Director It seemed to those present at the meetings that it would be helpful f or the residents to ha v e an opportun±y t o he ar t hese and simil a r questions. put t o the heads of the vari ou s dep.artme nt s concerned and for e v e ryb ody to hear everybody else's answers. The group has scheduled suc h a meetin g for Tue sday, April 25 1 B p .m. at St . Stephe n' s Church, Geo rgia Avenue & Ca pitol Avenu e . TH EY HA VE ASKED ME TD REQUEST EACH OF YOU TD COME 50 THAT YOU CAN GI VE ACC URAT E AND AUTHORITATI VE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROG RAMS ADMINISTERED EY YOUR DE PARTMENTS : Planning and Zoning; Model Neighborh oo d, Mr. Colli er Gladi n In s pe ction and Code Enforcement, Mr. William Wofford Con st r uc tio n , Mr . Ray Nixon Reloc a tion, Mr . Le s Persell s Housing Resources, Colonel Malcolm Jones cc: Mayo r Ivan Allen, Jr • .,,,,.,-Alderman Rodney Cook �r CITY OF ATLANTA COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION P UBL I C February 16, 1967 HEARING Atlanta, Georgia The first public hearing of the Community Relations Commission of the City of Atlanta was held February 16, 1967 , at 7:30 p.m. in the Aldermanic Chambers of the City Hall. Mr. Irving Kaler, Chairman of the Commission, presided. Other Commission members p:r'esent were: Mr. T. M. Alexander, Mrs .Sara Baker, Miss Helen Bullard, Mr. Robert Dobbs, Mr. A. L. Feldman , the Rev. J. L. Griggs, Mr. Joseph Haas, Mr. Al Kuettner, Mrs. F. W. Patterson, Rabbi Jacob M. Rothschild, Mr. M. O. Ryan, Mrs. Mary Stephens, the Rev. Samuel Williams. Mr. Kaler recognized Aldermen George Cotsakis, J.M. Flanigen, Charles Leftwich, G. Everett Millican, Hugh Pierce, Jack Summers, Q. V. Williamson, and Senator Leroy Johnson and Representative John Hood. Mr. Kaler thanked them for their interest and support. Mr. Bennie T. Smith, of the Grass Roots Council , and Senator Dan McIntyre sent letters expressing their regret at being unable to attend the hearing and assuring the Commission of their interest and support. Mr . Kaler stated this hearing was the first of a series of hearings planned to afford the citizens of Atlanta a place to seek help with their problems and to voice their complaints or grievances. The chairman then introduced Mrs. Eliza Paschall, who has been appointed by the Commission to serve as its Executive Director. Mrs. Paschall read the list of persons who had expressed a desire to be heard and asked that all speakers leave their names and telephone numbers for future conferences. Mrs. Paschall stated that her office would begin the following day on checking into all complaints and that all matters brought before the Commission would be thoroughly investigated. The meeting was then turned over to the Reverend Samuel Williams, who conducted the hearing. Mr. Williams stated that a series of neighborhood hearings would be held and that meetings would be held with all City department heads to discuss problems or complaints presented at these hearings. Mr. Williams expressed his gratification at the interest shown by the large number of persons, approximately 250, attending the hearing. All persons wishing to address the Commission were asked to limit their remarks to three minutes in order that all might be heard. �MRS. HENRY TOOMBS, 2871 Normandy Drive, N. W. Mrs. Toombs expressed the feeling that Fulton County and the City of Atlanta are neglecting an opportunity to meet the needs of many of our people by failing to part i ci pate in the Food Stamp program of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Mrs. Toombs explained the operation of the program, in which 68 Georgia counties are participating , and reiterated her belief that the City and County should i mplement all programs designed to meet the needs of segments of our community. MR. WILLIAMS. JACKSON, Dean of School of Social Work, Atlanta University Dean Jackson expressed his pleasure in the formation of the Commission and his hope that the Commission could be helpful in seeing that all services of the community are made available to all people. Dean Jackson feels that despite progress in the availability of public services resulting from civil rights legislation, the services of many private agencies are still not available to all citizens. As a case in point, he read a letter from a woman who has experienced difficulty in finding nursing care for her aged mother. She stated Hillhaven had taken her application, promising to notify her when a vacancy occurred, but she has heard nothing further. Upon making application to Highview, she was told that Highview had never admitted a Negro applicant , but might have to accept Negroes at a later date to comply with Federal laws . MR . ARTHUR BARHAM, West End, (Bush Mountain) Student at Clark College Mr . Barham stated he was concerned over an incident in which several Negro youths were threatened by white youths with a pistol. Mr . Bar ham s aid a case was made against the white youths , but the case ha s been pendi ng i n court si nce J anuary 25. Al t hough Mr . Ba rham conceded there wer e legal reasons for the t wo postponement s of the case , never theless he felt i t i mposed a ha rdshi p on students t o have to get out of school so many times . Mr. Barham also cont ended t hat t he police and other per sons in the city seemed more anxious to obtain informat ion regarding gangs in the neighbor hood t han t o concl ude t his spec i f i c case . Asked i f he would coopera te with the Commiss ion in an i nvest i gat i on of potent ial gang warfare , Mr . Bar ham said he would cooperate, but r ep eated hi s asser tions that he actual ly knows very little of any gang act ivity . THE REVEREND AMOS HOLMES, 1035 Simp son Street, N. W.,Vice President of the Atlanta Chapter of NAACP, Chairman, Housing Committee of NAACP Mr. Holmes stated the City should concern itself with an up to date citywide zoning plan. The City is still using the 1956 zoning format, which is now inadequate for the growth of the City. Mr. Holmes feels zoning policies should be geared to meet the needs of the City and its citizens and should be free from citizen pressure or commercial domination. If the city is to eliminate ghettos and provide housing for all its citizens, planning must be done on a citywide rather than a sectional basis. Page 2 �MR. ROBERT W. HAVER, 430 Lynhurst Drive, S. W., Southwest Atlanta for Progress Association, Cascade Heights Area Mr. Haver described the work of his organization, which is concerned with preserving their community on a balanced integrated basis. The special concern of this group is that white people do not move out as Negroes move in, thus creating a racial imbalance in the schools and community as a whole. Mr. Haver stated that while the use of percentages in governing human relations is undesirable, the community nevertheless feels it is important for the present to try to maintain a 50-50 balance of white and Negro families to give their children an opportunity to grow up in a truly integrated situation. A series of community forums will be held at Holy Family Hospital, beginning March 9, to discuss ways of stabilizing the community. Mr. Haver asked for the moral support and encouragement of the Commission in their efforts. Mr. Williams expressed the pleasure of the Commission in learning of the work of this group and pledged the full assistance and support of the Commission. HR. CHARLES CLARK, Southwest Atlanta Mr. Clark stated a Negro real estate dealer had tried to procure housing for him in a white neighborhood and alleged many prospective sellers had stated they were afraid of the reaction of their neighbors if they sold to a Negro family. Mr. Kuettner said he would be interested in receiving reports on any real estate agent who will not handle sales because of the race of the client. Mr. Clark was asked to appear before the Commission at a later date to give his story in full detail. MR. JAMES ~1ARSHALL, JR., 392 Rock Street, S. W. Block 13 near Incinerator (Lightning) Mr . Marshall stated there are no recreation areas in this section; the houses are unfit f or human habitation; there is only one paved street in the area; garbage and litter from demolished houses is not picked up. Mr. Dobbs asked if there was any plan for including this area in an Urban Renewal project. Mr . Marshall said he knows nothing of such plans. He also stated that the Sanitary Department is very slow in responding to calls to pick up trash. Rabbi Rothschild stated this area is high on the priority list of communities whose problems will receive special attention. MRS. ALVENIA DAVIS, 449 Markham Street, S. W., speaking for residents ·of Markham area Mrs. Davis stated that several houses unfit for habitation have not been demolished, although some have been unoccupied for more than one year. She feels these houses are dangerous and are a breeding place for crime and delinquency. Page 3 �MRS. ALVENIA DAVIS (Continued) Mrs. Davis also alleged that the housing code is not impartially enfor ced, contending that persons who own many houses receive more lenient treatment. that the owner of only one or two houses. Asked who owned the substandard houses still being occupied, Mrs. Davis stated Joe Schaffer was the owner. MRS. HAMBRICK , Walker Street School Council Mrs. Hambrick stated the residents of this area protest the continued use of the Walker Street School buil ding, which is old and in substandard condition. The residents want the school building replaced and feel the transfer of children to this school should be discontinued. Mr. Kuettner asked if the problem had been discussed with the Board of Education. Mrs . Hambrick said members of t he community had met with Dr. Letson and .had been told tha t work has been done on the building recently and that plans for replaci ng this school were not included in the r ecent school bond issue. MR. GLENN GLEATON , _1035 Garibaldi Street, S. W. Mr. Gleaton asked what the responsibility of the City is in regard to the individual homeowner whose property is bei ng damaged by leaking sewers or overflowing drains. Mr . Dobbs stated that new homes were inspected by t he Ci ty and the Building Ins pector should not clear houses which had inadequate sewer or drainage systems. Mr. Gleaton replied that he had complai ned t o the City of the damage to the foundat i on of his house and had been told t he house was too close to the ground. No further help on the matter was off er ed by the Ci ty. MRS. SALLIE BILLI NGSLEY, Pittsburgh Civi c League Mrs. Billingsl ey comp l ained of poor police pr otection in this area. Many r obberies have occurred, but the police have not appeared very interested in the matter. There are ver y few str eet lights. Teenagers are hanging out in vacant houses. Mr. Williams sta t ed tha t Alderman Charles Leftwich ha s discussed the problems of this community with the Police Department and every ef fort wi l l be made to provi de better pat r ol s ervice, especia lly at night . MR. HERNANDEZ, Southeast Atlanta , close to Blair Village (Gilbert Heights Ar ea ) Mr . Henandez asked what can be done about unscr upulous real esta te dealers who attempt to buy houses thr ough scare tac t ics, s uch a s t el ling homeowners that the section will be t urned over to Negroes or tha t it is going to be torn down for an Urban Renewal proj ect . Mr . Hernandez stated t here is no racial trouble in the area , but real est ate deal ers a re constantly sta rting rumors that the property will be condemned by the City to build apartments. In answer to an inquiry as to the real estate companies involved, Mr. Hernandez stated tha t Bickers, State Realty, and Collins Realtors were among t hose engaging in thi s practice. Page 4 �MR. HERNANDEZ (Continued) Asked if he had called any of the Urban Renewal agencies, Mr. Hernandez replied that he had not talked to anyone in those agencies, but he could not wait for this. He feels the City should investigate immediately, as many of the people in the community may be panicked into selling their homes. Mr. Hernandez was asked to meet with the Commission at a later date to provide specific names and additional facts. MR. OTIS COCHRAN, 230 Walnut Street, N. W., Vice-Chairman, Advisory Board, Nash-Washington EOA, Member of the Board of Directors of the Atlanta Council on Human Relations. (Vine City) Mr. Cochran stated the City should investigate cases of discrimination in employment practiced by many of the firms and contractors with whom the City is doing business. He stated that a group of consultants engaged by the City to make a study of equal employment opportunities actually practices complete discrimination against Negroes in their own hiring policies. Mr. Cochran also addressed the Commission on the problem of recreational facilities in the Vine City area. Mr. Cochran stated that a full time, long-range program should be established rather than relying on emergency measures to solve crises. MR. JOE LEWIS HEADSPETH, 575 Magnolia Street , N. W. (Vine City) Mr. Headspeth, with two other teenage residents of this area, appeared with Mr. Cochran to protest the closing of their recreation center at 141 Walnut Street. Mr. Dobbs stated that because of a reduction in EOA funds, the center had to be closed becaused funds for recreation technicians were cut off . Mr. Headspeth turned over to the Commission a petition from residents of the area requesting that the center be reopened. Alderman Millican stated that there has been a 30% cut in Federal funds available for EOA , but the City is working to provide the same service to this area as was available last year. Mr. Headspeth stated that he and his friends felt very strongly about this matter and that if it were necessary demonstrate in the streets to spotlight their problem, they would do so. MRS. LOUISE WHATLEY, Pryor Road (Carver Homes) Mrs. Whatley protested the lack of recreational facilities in this housing project in which approximately 4,000 children have no place to play. Open space which could be used for football and baseball fields is available, but the Housing Authority will not permit them to use it. Page 5 �MRS. LOUISE WHATLEY (Continued) Mrs. Whatley also protested the managment's practice of doubling and tripling charges for repairs according to the number of repairs requested in one year. She stated repairs were often made without the occupant ' s knowledge or request. Tenants have been charged as much as $36 for repairing a screen door and have been charged $5 because their children played on the grass. Mrs. Whatley said a receipt was given for the charge, which is paid at the same time as the rent , but the receipt does not specify what the charge covered and the tenants do not know where the money goes. She said complaints had been made to Mr. Howard Ball at the Housing Authority, but his attitude was that the complainants represented only a minority of the tenants. In reply to a question about a tenant's organization, Mrs. Whatley said they did have a Tenant's Association, but it is more or less run by the management. Mrs. Whatley also complained that the tenants are treated with discourtesy or disdain by the management. MRS. CHARITY MURRAY, 76 Hilliard Street, Apt. 612, Grady Homes Apartments Mrs. Murray stated that a woman living in an apartment across the hall from her had fired a pistol, narrowly missing her grandaughter. A case was made against the woman and she was bound over to Fulton County Court , but both the defendant and Mrs. Murray had been told to vacate their apartments by letter from Mr. Carl Brown, manager of Grady Homes. Mrs. Murray stated she went to Legal Aid Society, but they could not help her, Mrs. Baker asked if any charge had been made against Mrs. Murray. She said no charge was made against her. Mr. Williams stated that an investigation would be made. MR. DON CROWLEY, Edgewood Area , East Atlanta Mr. Cr owley stated that large numbers of people have migrated into this area and there is an acut e need of recreational facilities. The citizens of this area want supervised recrea tional facilities f or their children. MR. LORENZO JOHNSON, 1583 First Street, President of the Wesley Homes Tenants Association Mr. Johnson stated the apartments are unsanitary, unfit for human habitation, infested with rats and snakes. He said that persons who attend meetings of the Tenants Association had been threatened with eviction. In answer to an inquiry as to the owner, Mr. Johnson stated he believed the apartments were owned by a Mr, Sam Maddox. Mr. Dobbs asked him to call the Commission if he is threatened or harassed in any way because of his testimony before this commission. Page 6 �MR. JOHN DAVIS GAITHER, 1560 Foote Street, N. E., Edgewood Civic Club (Blue Heaven) Mr. Gaither is concerned that this section is a political football between DeKalb County and Atlanta. He said if complaints or requests are voiced to DeKalb County, he is told to call Atlanta; if he calls Atlanta authorities, he is told the matter is under the jurisdiction of DeKalb County. Mr. Gaither also to describe this residents of the it and they want expressed a strong sentiment that the term Blue Heaven" used area is derogatory and inappropriate. He stated that the community are proud of their community and want to improve the use of the term "Blue Heaven" discontinued. MRS. JOHN W. STAi.~LEY, Chairman of the Council on Human Relations of Greater Atlanta Mrs. Stanley congratulated the City on the formation of the Community Relations Commission and expressed great faith in the potential effectiveness of the Commission. MRS. THELMA McCLENTON, Bankhead Estates Apartments Mrs. McClenton feels the occupants of these apartments, which are privately owned, should receive better maintenance service. She also stated the apartments are rat-infested and no pest control is provided. The children have no play areas. MRS. NANNIE McCORMICK, Oakmont Drive , S. W. Mrs. McCormick cited health hazards caused by Proctor Creek. She said the creek causes basements to flood in rainy weather , sewerage backs up to the doors of homes; the odor is highly offensive ; and, most serious of all , it is a great hazard to children. Mr. Dobbs stated that seven children have died in this creek. The creek pr esents an especial danger because most of the parents i n the neighbor hood are at work all day and the children ar e not super vised. MRS. J ANI E HAE SIMS , 774 Norwood Road (Thomasville ) Mrs . Sims said this area is t hr eatened by poor dr a inage and by overflow of t,1at er in r a i ny weather . Mosquitoes are a probl em and backed up sewerage causes offens ive odors . THE REV. J. ALLEN JAMES, 1152 Welch Street, S. W. , Pittsburgh Civic League, iastor, St. James Baptis t Church Mr. James asked that the Commission make inquiry into discriminatory practices by the Municipal Court and the Housing Authority in the enforcement of the Housing Code. Page 7 �MR. DAVID McGOUGH, 50 McDonough Blvd, S. E. (South Atlanta) Mr. McGough cited water overflow and sewerage problems in his community. He feels there is too much "buck passing 1' when he tries to reach City officials. MRS. IULA O'NEAL, 1612 Foote Street, ij. E., Apt. 5, President, Edgewood Improvement Association Mrs. O'Neal cited the danger to children in this community from open streams running from above the park. She also complained that truancy laws are not enforced in this area. HRS. ROBERTA GRESHAM, Boulevard Area Problems cited by Mrs. Gresham were: No recreational facilities. Many elderly people cannot get welfare assistance. Poor sanitary service. Garbage collects on warehouse property and causes rats. MR. LEWIS HOLHES, SR. Reynoldstown Area, representing Reynoldstown Citizens Improvement Committee Mr. Holmes stated that he makes building repairs and alterations and in the course of his work has seen many violations of the City health laws and the U. S. Government pure food laws. He asked for a private meeting with the Commission and was told such a meeting would be arranged. MRS. ANNETTE WATKINS , 773 Hill Street (Old Summerhill Area) Mrs. Watkins feels the practice of permitting colored people to move into old deteriorated houses vacated by white families perpetuates the pr oblem of substandar d housing for Negr o families. She feels these houses s hould be demolished if they are not fit for occupancy. THE REV. L. WILLIAM HOPE , Peoplestown Civic League Mr . Pope stat ed the problems with which he is concerned cannot be covered i n the t i me allotted for each speaker . He asked fo r an opportunity to meet with the Commission at a l a ter date . The Commission wil l arrange a meet i ng with him. MR. STERRS A. J OHNSON, 260 Linkwood Road , N. W. Mr. Johnson f eels the Civil Def ense program is of vital importance and participation should be open to all citizens. He stated that there are no Negroes on the staff of the Atlanta Civil Defense Agency. THE REV. PERCY L. HEATH, cab driver Mr. Heath protested brutality of the police. He feels he was unjustly accused of running a red light because he pulled into the intersection to make a turn. He said he has heard rumors that police have to write ten tickets each day. Mr. Williams assured him that this is not true.

Page 8

�MRS. BEATRICE CAMPBELL, 1331 English Avenue, N. W. (Blandtown) Mrs. Campbell stated this community needs bus service and better street lighting. She also cited the need for recreational areas for children and asked for the elimination of a portable bridge which the children have to cross to get to and from school. MR. JOHN MATTOX, 2541 Tilson Drive, S. E., East Lake Heights Mr. Mattox complained of poor sanitary service in this area. He is also concerned about this area being rezoned as commerical. He feels the people who have invested in property in this area have a right to have their investment protected. He stated that signs saying the property was zoned for business extend on Memorial Drive from the Expressway ramp to East Lake Avenue. Mr. Dobbs stated that no property can be rezoned without a public hearing and the occupants of this area must be alert to attend such hearings. They should also take care when buying property to see that the area has not already been rezoned for business. Mr. Williams asked that any persons desiring to be heard at a later date notify the Commission. Chairman Kaler expressed the Commission's pleasure in having had the opportunity t o hear from representatives of so many sections of the city. He stated that additional meetings will be scheduled on a neighborhood basis and the dates for these meetings will be well publicized. The mee t ing was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Page 9 �COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION 1203 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA The Community Rela tions Commission was established by the Mayor end Board of Aldermen in November, 1966 end t he 20 members were appointed in December. The Execu tive Director was appointed in J anuary, end approved by the Mayor -- and Board o f Aldermen on February 6, 1967• The fi r st business of the Commission was to hold a Public Hearing in.the City Hal l on February 16, to which individuals a nd/or represe ntatives of organizations were invited to appear and st a te what they felt were their own problems or those of .the community. More than thirty-five (35) persons spoke, on matters ranging from the food Stamp Plan for Fulton County to the pros pect of immediate eviction, from a plea for help in a 15 year old struggle against water damages to property to the need for r ecreat i on fa cili ties , better sewerage, end help in racial stabilization of neighborhoods. Two spokesmen presented a petition with· more than 200 signatures. A civic club president, e student, a teacher, an academic Dean, a housekeeper, a member of the State Board of family and Children's Services - men and women, young end old, they piApointed problems of their community. Following is a summary of response to matters brought up: A. RECREATION: 1. Vine City: As requested by the Vine City Youth Council , the Vine City Recreation Center ha s resumed services under Mr. Eddie Murphy. The city of Atlanta Recreation Department is paying his salary, along with a supplement from the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Schots's supplement came as a result of NASH- Washington Service Center , EOA, following suggestion by the Executive Director of the Commission. 2. General Recreation: Mr. Jack Delius, in reply to many other recreation requests, reported that the playlot program will �have priori t y in summe r p r ograms 9 t hat 21 are now scheduled , a n i nc rease from 7 operat ed last year . He point ed out that t here a r e no EDA fu nds for this , a nd in orde r t o budget fo r these he has had to c urtail a c t ivities i n other pa rts of t he City t o save $48,000 fo r s al aries for playlot pe rsonnel . Exi~tin g pl ayl ot s a r e located e s fo l l ows : Summerh ill - 2; Mecha nic sville-3 ; Butt e rmtl k Buttoms-1; Vine Ci ty- 2; Light ni ng-I ; Edgewood-! ; Cabba ge Town-1 ; Park Av~. ~ L~n i ng St r et-ls ArliMgton Circla , N. w. ~1; Ce nt ra l Ave ., S. W. -1; Proposed new sites a re Li ghtning-! ; Perry Homes- 1 ; Edgewood-l J Huff Roa d , N. W.-1 ; Plun kett Town , Bende r St . , s.w. and Li ttle St r eet ~ S.E. Four (4 ) port abl e swimming pools j us t ac quired t hrough a nonymous gi f t ; site s not ye t decide d on . B. HOUS ING: 1. Public Hous in q : In r esponse to inquirie s a bout Mrs . Murray who appea r ed be f ore the Commission , Atl ant a Housi ng Authori t y -s t aff r e po r ted that t he tenant ha d be en warned last f all about complaints from nei ghbors, ha d been give n evic tio n notice whi ch ha d been wi t hdra wn after conferences , t ha t the dec i s i on of t he mana ge r t o evic t was uphel d by t he c en tral s t aff. The Autho rity did , however, agree t o the Commissio n 's r eques t to po s tpone evicti on while the Commissi on got more information. (Mrs. Murray pl ans to mov e soon ; she was part icularly grat e ful not t o have t o move du ring cold wea th e r which woul d have been di fficul~ for he r el de r l y mother. ) 2. Gen eral i nforma tio n about publ ic hous i ng. requested by the Commission, is tha t leases are f or a month and are on the f orm normally us ed by public housing uni t s t hroug hout t he countr y; i t i s not c us tomary i n any public hous ing to giv e wri tten not i c e s of r ea son s for evic t ion. Project managers are gi ven maximum a uthority to ma ke dec is i ons, but · t here is a t e nant rel a t ions officer at t he cent ral offic e, to whom t e nants may go for any bus ine s s . Fun ds collected f o r damages, etc. go i nto gene r al operat i ng f unds for that pro j ec t. ( Ho using Authority · pro j ects receive no operating funds exc e pt from rents an d the overal l operation must br eak even . ) The r eceipts should i ndic a t e reason for charge . 3. Neighborhood Stabiliza tion : Meetin gs a ttended in Gilbert Heights area and in Lynhurst area fol lowi ng appea r a nce of res i de nts at Hearing. Geo rgia Real Es ta t e Commi ssion investigator explai ned responsi bilities of l i c ensed real estate agents a nd r i sks o f dealing with unlicensed pe r s ons. It was announc ed that those agents operating in t he Gi l ber t Heights area had agreed that anyone who had put his house on the marke t t hro ugh a misunderstanding about the neig hborhood wo uld be pe rmitt ed to r e s c ind his acti on. Individuals i n southwes t area i n transition have asked fo r help alo ng t he following lines: all sections of t he city must be opened up to make one housing market, "by opening up oth e r areas t o all people, the tension will be relieved here"; "Negro teac hers be placed in all schools where teachers are needed, so th at people won't have any .plec e to run to avoid contact with Ne gro c i t i zenss financing be used to encourage housi ng market r a the r than t o discourage • . �-3- 4. Demolition of sub-stan dard hou s i ng: Pro pe rt y referred to on Markham St. , owned by Mr. J osep h Shaffer , is under court orde r and the city can do nothing. 5. Property on Garibaldi Street, da ma ged by water: Several city departments have sent inspectors out and each disc l aims any raeponsibility for the situation . Mr . Gleaton has obt ai ned legal advice and an engineer has been engag ed t o s urvey the areao Five(S) other residents of t he s ame area have signed statements, describing similar conditions , o f damage from water entering house and being una ble to e nter f ront door i n times of heavy rain because of water standing. 6. Res~lutions from the Atla nta Branch. NA ACP, as ki ng Housing Resources Committee to reque s t "Op e n Housing Occupancy"; urging state tax abatement law, req uesti ng Mayor an d Board of Alde r men to reduce term of Atl a nta Hous i ng Aut hori ty members from 10 to 5 years "as in other cities of the c oun try " a nd to increase Negro representation on autho ri t y. C. POLICE PROTECTION 1. Police protection in Pitts~: Pol ice a dd e d , alt hough r ecords show not as much crime there as i n s ome oth e r areas. D. INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE, OTHER SERVICES : l. Inadequate maintenance, etc •• i n priv ate a pa rtments: report s have resulted in inspections and in s ome c a ses, the a part ments have been found unfit and residents are now on the priori t y list for relocation. 2. Sewerage and drainage problems: Individ~al locatio ns report e d to Construction and Sanitary Departments, end in several cases corrected. 3. Sidewalks: 4. Proctor Creek: Mr, Nixon says property lines extend to middle of creek and it is responsibility of property owners to fence property and parents to keep children away from creek if it is dangerous. S. Food in neighborhood stores: 6. Civil Defense: General Woodward states no discrimination, says records are not kept by race, so cannot report on participation of Negroes; 14 employees (No Negroes) Mr. Starrs Johnson is now on state merit system register for Deputy Civil Defense Director~ 7. Property owners must sign for new sidewalks, 51% of the owners of the property fronta ge must sign a petition requesting paving and agreeing to pay for same. Investigations by Health Department. Nursing Homes: Administrators of 3 facilities mentioned (Wesley Woods, Hillhaven, and Highview) all have expressed policies of no discrimination; Mrs. Dempsey has been so advised. �-4- Hillhaven reports one Negro pat i e nt~ Highview reports no applications; We s ley Wood s says they have always offered services to all. (Highview r eceives $5 00 from the ci ty c ertain pe rcent of space re se rved for patients receiving public welfare assistanc e. ) B. Pla nning and Zo ni ng: Planni ng department says area in East Lake Heights, where re sidents are concerned about possibility of zon ing for bus in e ss is zo ned R4-single family residential,and there a r e no zoning changes projected. 9. . , General statement at Hearing t hat Planning and Zoning still according to 1956 format "i s inacc ura te 11 , Planning Department Zsays present format is multipl e , with formats varying from area to area, and changing as the need arises • 10. Sanitary Department-garba ge collection: City of Atlanta is responsible for all collec t ions in Fulton County and for all within city limits, even if in Dek alb County. For portions of East Lake Heights not in city limits, Dekalb County is responsible. All c ollectio ns fo r private residencesare on twice weekly schedules, with 2 or 3 days lap s e between collections. Business collections are done nightly . 11. NQ report yet on Ci ty Perso nn el Department ; CIP , UA agencies city contrac ts require equal opportunity. To be tak en up at meetings to be sche duled with vario us department heads. Food Stamp Plan: Inquiry di rec te d t o EDA; response that inquiry should be made of state Family and Children's Services. This has been done; report pending. 12. 13. Delay~in ~Court ceeeat , ~5tedent=cam?lained of having to appear ea a witness and case postponed; lawyer, etc. say this is inconvenient for everybody but see no remedy. Marchp 1967 �COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMI SSION 12 03 CITY HALL ATLA NTA, GEORG I A SUMM AR Y OF COMPLAIN TS MADE TO THE OF FIC E I N PERSON, BY TELEPHONE , OR MAIL. 1. Public Housing occup a nt compla ined of ext r a charges; referred to Tenant Relatio ns Officer. 2. Owner of substan dard dwell in g t ha t was ordered demolished said occupant of dwellin g (sic k, little inc ome, e tc . ) could not find new housing. Hous i ng Relocation Of f i c e re po r ts have visited family, suggested public hou s i ng 9 but clients do not want public housing but income is insufficient f o r adequat e private housing ; r elocation officer still working on it. 3. General questions about short notic e of evictions in private housing; lack o f relocation resources! stric t ne s s and rig i dity of public housing eligibil ity . 4o City regulat ion s abo ut parke d cars; ca r was towed away from in front of residence , owner showed registra tion ce r tificate ta polict but car had been parked over 72 hours wi th out being moved; complained that car parked in front of res i dence s houls not be moved - no driveways or alleys , yards too small, no o the r place to park c a rs; persons often do no t have money for new t ire s, bat te ries, etc. withi n 72 hours. 5. Pol i ce: Individual reported he was arre s ted by off duty police officer who said he was usin g ba d language; t hat he was shot b y pol icema n, taken to Grady, beaten by policeman th ere; charge d wi th disor de rl y c onduc t and resisti ng arrest. Pol ice de part ment reco r ds s how report o f pol i ce o ffic er that person was using obscene language, that he resis t ed a r rest, was shot and taken to Grady for treatment . Case is on court c ale nda r . 6. Report of discrimination in employment in a Met ro Atl anta c onva l esc e nt reported to U. s. Dept. of Health Education end Welfare, Office of Equal Health Opportunity. ~ 7. Report of discriminatory service to Negroes et a re s taurant;forwarded to business with request for in f ormat ion. B. Voluntary associations: question raised about access to Negroes of events held in certain private clubs and sport events. To be referred to Commission. 9o Difficulty in finding suitable middle income apartment for Negro tenants, To be referred to Commission, Housing. 10. Continued practice of Grady Hos pit al to practice racial segre gation in regard to emergency ambulanc e service: ambulance driver reports that lest summer two white police o ffi cers were picked up in Boulevard area rather than seriously injured Negro youth, because ambulance dispatched by Grady Hospital wee for "white". As of March 25, 1967 �COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION 1203 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA EDGEWOOD- KIRKWO OD NEIGHBORHOOD HEARING, MARCH 14 7 1967, WESLEY AVENUE SCHOOL The f irst neighborhood hearing of the Community Relations Commission of the city of Atlanta was held March 14, 1967 at 8:00 porn • at the Wesley Avenue School. Mr . Hamilt on Douglas, Jr. · pre s ided . Other Commission members present were Mrs. Mary Stephens, Chairman, Mr. C. G. Ezzard, Mr. M. D. Ryan ·and Mrs. Sara Baker. Mr. Douglas t old the group the committee was very grateful to be at the meeting, and to feel free to tell them what was on their mindso He t old t hem how the Commission was established and whyo He asked individuals desiring to speak to sign a card. The following is what the individuals had to report to the Commission. 1. MR. CH ARLES TURNER, 1567 Paxton Street, Mr have the committee in the neighborhoodo 0 Turner stated that he was happy t o He was concerned with trying t o get low rent houses. He said most of the people in the community were wage earners, that they had few professionalso He said they had been promised this, they even made a survey and made plans, but since then they have built a new school, put up a warehouse, and built a park. The apartments in the area are sub-standard. He would li ke for the Commission to help get low·rent housing in this area. 2. MR. J AME S DEAN , 17 East Lake Drive, Mr. Dean said that he has been living in the N.E. area for 9 months, and was buying a house on East Lake Drive. He told the committ ee he had 10 things that he would like t o bring before them. 1. Wh a t are s om e of the real concrete pow ere of the Commission , Mr. Dou glas answered by saying the Commission was forned to 'fi nd out the problems that exi st in the city and make recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, because, he stated, they are going to correct the things that are wrong. He said the problems that will be heard tonight has a relationship to various parts of the city, for example, police service, and poor service will be heard from, ·from all the areas . The commit tee will take the problems back to the Mayor a nd Board of Aldermen, and the different departments. The Commission does not have t he power to do what needs t o be done , but will recomme nd what i t think needs to be done He 0 stressed the fact that since the Commission has come this far in its program , he believE:>'it will be able to help correct s ome of the wrong 0 �-22. We-nee d more parking s i gns on East Lake Dri v e He stated there has been several accidents in front of his house because of no pa r kin g signs. 3. There is a n e e d in the East L2ke are a for enforcement of Health Laws. Genera l sanitation is bad. He stated the sanitation department was coming around 2 or 3 times ~ week, now sometimes they do not come around at all during the week. 4. There is a need for proper street lightning on Memorial Drive, East Lake, and Boulevard. s. There is a need for Enforcement of the Housing Code. 6. Better sewer conditions are neededi he said when it rains, it seems like a - flood. I • 7. There are no s ide wa l ks on Boulevard and East Lake. 8. Edu c a ti on. East Lake Elementary is overcrowded. school went on double sessions~ The first of February the He said the parents were only notified one week in advance of the doublfr session, this was u~far because the parents did not have time to make the adjustments. Example, a child changing from going to school in the morning and start on the afternoon session, the problem of g e tti ng s omeone to look after him in the mornings because the parents have to work. During the 1965-66 term there There i s no P,T,A. in the school. were only 42 Negro es in the school with a· capacity of 625. Now there are 900 students with the increase of Negroes moving into the neighborhood. 9 • . The store s in the area are very un sa nit a ry • . The vegetables and meats are o f a v ery l ow grade. 10 . Re z oining. The area is in a transitional period from whites to Negroes. Now they wa nt t o rez one it for business . In his area, Carter St. and East Lake Drive. Mr. Ryan co mplimented Mr. Dean on his remarks. P.T.A. in the school. Then he asked why there is no Mr. Dean said because the students are 80 to 90 and the parents do not want to meet together. He said the principal is retiring, but this sh ou ld not ha v e anything to do with t he P 0 T .A. Dean what d id he do. Social Work. Mr. Ezzard as ked Mr. He said he was student at Atlanta University School of Mr. Ezzard suggested to him that he come to the Commis sion and se e wha t he could do to help. 3. % Negro He s aid he would. MR. RALFH LO NG, PRINCIPAL OF WESLEY AVE. SCHODL u Mr. Long s tated that it was the responsibility of the parents and not the teachers or principal to sta rt a P.T.A. The teachers and principals are suppose to cooperate with t hem after it is establishedo �-3- He also brough t up z oning. Two years ago t here was no liquor stores from Moreland Avenue to Deca t ur . store e n almost every corner. Now that the Negroes are moving in, there is a He said as f ar as crime is concerned it is going to get worse and all these liquor stores are contributing to it. He sa{d who ever is permitting al l the s e store s licenses should not be permitted t o do so. Mrs. St ephens s ta ~cd there has been a lot of changes in the permitting of licenses 0 It is no w out of the hands of the Board of Aldermen. Mr. Long sa i d he would like to know who to see about the matter and he would follow throu gh. He s a id they would go to court if that was necessary to halt the number of store s tha t were being permitted to openo 4. MR. J AME S CRO WLEY, 50 Ma s on Avenue , N, w. , Mr. Crowley· is concerned with recrea t ion, he said it is very poor in th e areao In the past 10 years the area ha s gro wn tremendously, and recreation facilities have not been added to acco mod a te th em. There is a smalljumped up park" in back of the school, Wesle y Ave ., but it is not adequate. of Cha ndler Pa rk . vi s ors a re ne e ded . parks.) It was put up to keep the Negroes out The part is not properly supervised. More trained super- (look into the facilities of Walker, · and Besser Brandon Mr . Howard Long of the Recreation Depar tment was sent to the meeting by Mi ss Carmic hael , he said he would take the complaints back to Miss Carmichael an c 1".r. Delius. 5. MR. A WA TSON, 18 7 Wes le y Ave ., Mr . Watson stated t he need for a be t t er l i ghtning system. He sa i d t he r e i s nig ht s chool f rom 6 : 30 unt i l 10 : 30 and the area around th e sch ool i s s o dark some pe ople are afr ai d t o come out . He a s ked the Commission t o help get l i ghts on bas eball a nd foo t ball fie lds , he sa id i f th e se a r e a s are lig hted, crime will go do wn (Mr. Douglas s aid if he ha d no t studied a ma p f or half. a n ho ur before c omi ng , he would not have been a ble t o f i nd the s chool .) Mr . Wa tson s ai d it is eve n wo~se when t here is a he avy rain . Al so Foo t e a nd Second St r eet s ar e not paved , this :is also bad when i t r ai ns. ha ve bee n a dded si nc e the are a was lighted up in t he begin ning . He s a i d no lig hts He also me ntio ned ol d ho uses t hat s hould be t orn down , he ~ga ve an e xample of a fir e down s tairs i n one of th e sch ool s, and the f ±re wagon could not get in becau s e of the houses . 60 r~RS. ELIZ ABETH GIFFORD, 1565 Bo ~ (Left befor e her turn ) 7. MR. DELMAR R, YODE R, 1800 Memo ri al Dri ve , Edgewood NeiQ hbqrhoqd Serv i ce Ce nter. Mro Yoder st a te d t ha t he wa s spea king as a pro fessional a nd was wo rking wit h the people in the a reao Ha s a i d t he Commi ss ion nee ded to deal with Pu blic �-4- Rela t ions of minority groups, and he said Miss Bullard could lead it. This groGp would let the people know about the good things going on in the neighborhoo ds0 He said that crime , and filth always get a place on the front page, but the good things are overlookedv He stated there are many good families in this a r ea. He s ~id that Bert School was start ed sometimes ago and seems like it will never be finished. Others schools have been finished that were started after this one. He was co~cer ne d with white abandonment of area s when Negroes start to move in. · He s a id it should be someway to get people to stop movingv about ge t ting low rent housing. He was alas concerned He said the Commission should try to influence the Urb an Renewal to help with this. He stated that the city has built a new stadium and other nice things of this nature, but we need something for the peo pl e of areas like But termilk Bottom, etc. Ag enci e s are not providing services. e>:ample. He said the City Wide Service He gave the Metro Atlanta YMCA as an He said the Atlanta and Dekalb Government work against each other. When s omethin g is brought up one say it is t he responsibili ty of the other. He said he was gl a d Mr. Lon g of t he Recreation De partment was present, but Miss Ca rmichael and Mr. Delius already know of the problems that exist. 8. MR. HENRY W. BROOKS , 1 312 Dupon t Avenue, S. E. Mr . Broo ks s aid wh e n he move d 7 ye ars a go i t was a very nice neighborhood, now i t is junked up with on e t hing a nd t hen a nother. t o c heck on this . The City wa s s uppose On Wylie Stree t refriger ato r s are dumped. The people are rui ning th e nei gh bo r hood by us ing it as a junk yard . 9. MR S. LOU ISE WHITE, 220 Hu t chi ns Street , Mr s . Whi t e is a civi c worker v s a i d sh e l i ve i n th e hea rt of Edg ewoo d. She Agr ees with Mr. Brook s a bout the ju nk ya rd s . Sa i d t he c i vi c grou p c a nnot do a thi ng a bout it . She gav e a n example of a car being dumped on La f ran ce St re e t , the polic e put a t icket on it. Now pe opl e are taking pa r ts off i t, soon it wi l l be a pil e of junk. She was a] i=:o rc:nlJ1lc e r ned a bout sa ni tation, said people a r e du111ping th eir garbage ou t in th e back yard, s he a s ke d th a t pe ople s hould pl ease be ma de to ge t a nd use garba ge cans . She said there are house d with 3 r ooms and peopl e with 11 a nd 12 c hild re n a re living in t hem. They are c all e d o ne wa y ho uses , bec a use th ey have one way i n an d one way out . She s aid they w~nted sgme pl aces built f or t hese pe opl e to live wi th a pa rkin g s pace a nd s omewhe re f o r t~e c hild ren t o play , a nd def ini t ely no one way s bec a us e they are _ha zardso �-5There is a need for a red light at the corner of Whiteford Avenue and Lafra nce Street, other signs should be used also. Example (Slow-Children Playing). 10. MR S. RUTH FLEMISTER, 29 Daniel Street, S. E., Mrs. Flemister had her 16 year old daughter with her. She said she was operated on by Grady Hospital when she was 15 months old. She is now handicapped. Grady will not give her a card because they say her husband makes too much money, she said he is a common laborer and has 3 children to support She said she has been to other places to have her daughter treated, but they will not because Grady will not sign for it. 11. MRS. GEORGIA LISHE, 2170 Boulevard Drive, Mrs. Lishe was concerned with sanitation, she said a lot of the stores carried a terrible odor,and they keep a lot of old boxes out in front. Also teenage boys hanging around outside beer stores and breaking in people houses. needed at Ruckeford Street and Boulevard Avenue. A light is There has been several accidents at this site. 12. Mr. Joseph Finch, 1628 Foote Street, Apt. 7, Mr. Finch expressed the need for more recreational facilities. He said a YMCA should be organized so the teenagers will bave something to do. 13. MRS . LAURA W. NUNNALY, 1286 Fair Street , S. W. (left) 14. MR S. F. 'vJ . ARN OLD , 57 Raymond Street , S . W. (left) 15. REV. D.E. MY LES , 1361 Dupont Ave. s. E., Rev . Myles said he was happy to be at the meeting, that every body had touched on about everything he wanted to say but he would make a few remarks. He wa s concerned with wha t did it mean when people sp ok e of low-rent hou si ng? He said he was asked t o mov e from seve r al di ff ere nt plac es because he wa s making too much money to re main. But during these times he was sick and in the hospital a nd could no t work for quite a while. taxes in Fulton and Dekalb counties. He sa id he is paying At the Dupont and Whitefore Ave . sch ools, children are very dest r uctive, some thing should be done aboutit. He expressed a need for more Pol ice protection. He commen t ed on Mr. Lon g ' s remarks about the Liquor stores, and said the thing to do about them i s to boycott. He stated that some of these responsibilities lie at the people dooro • - • · : - •• • - - - - • .• 1 •• ' T "; ~ -- • · - · ··- ;--- - -· ·· - - •• - · ·· · ·· ···· · . . ···· - . -- - -- - �-6~ 16. PROF. JO HN DA VIS GAITHER, 1560 Fciote St., N.E., Mr, Gaither stated he was happy to be at the meeting. He said if we stayed until the midnight hour, the same problems would continue to come up. of the problems. Lightning He commented on some Atlanta was suppose to be one of the most lighted areas in the world, it is in certain parts, Ex. Peachtree Street. But, other areas are badly in need of light. Atlanta-Dekalb When you go to Atlanta to try and get something done, they tell y6u its in the jurisdiction of Dekalb County, and when you go to Dekalb, they send you to Atlanta. Police Protection tnere is one policeman on foot and when he goes to one area of his beat, people are doing what they want to on the other end, end vice versa. House Construction You can tell where a Negro live because of the way the house is constructed. Low-rent housing He said houses should be built up to present day standards. Mrs. Baker asked him when he referred to low rent housing, did he mean sub-divisions or government projects. Thomasville area. He said the kind that are in the Mrs. Baker said those houses are bought and not rented Prof. Gaither told the committee to take what hes been said and take it seriously, because the Edgewood-Kirkwood area is on the move. The question of what type of houses the people are trying to get was rei ntroduce d. It wa s decided that houses that comply with the Housing Cod e Enforcement. I t_ was pointed out that some of the houses the people were talk ing about were built before the housing code was in eff~ct. Mr. Douglas explai ned t hat the problems would be turned over to the pr op er departments. It was suggested that a specific resolution be prepared by the people of the neighborhood of the thi ngs that are wro ng . Mr. Long said these thi ngs had been reported 10 years ago and nothing has been done about them. Mr~ Douglas re pl ied by saying that this Commission has been establis hed to try and help t he people communicate with City Hall and see that these problems are solved . 17 9 MR . J AM ES COSBY , 1424 Lafrance St., N.E., Mr. Co s by stated that he was having t rouble with Real Es t ate Companies. Educ a ti onal pro gra ms. He was c oncerne a ab ou t He sa i d s omebody sh oul d be hi r ed t o tea c h the people in t he un de r priviledge a r eas ho w to liv e. �-718. Mrs. Charity Hill, 1514 Foote St., Mrs. Hill's concern was with lights, and street paving. She referred to Foote St., and Mason Avenue. She complained of the dust, she said gravel was put on the street but it only made things .worse. 19. MR . J. A. MCLAIN, 2079 Delano Dr., N.E. , Mr. McLain was concerned with rezoining of the Kirkwood area. Houses that had For Sale signs in front of them now have signs of rezoining for commercial use. He stated that we are trying to keep communities from going slum, but how can we when city hall is passing these laws. Mr. Doutlas stated he would get the city attorney to drqw up a list of what the city of Atlanta is responsible for. He stated that except for court house functions, most of the thnigs are concerned with the city of Atlanta. Mr. McLain said there shouid be enforcement of the various Codes, sanitary, housing, etc. · He said the Federal Appraisal System should ~belooked into. Mr . Douglas thanked the people for staying and suggested that the committee conduct a tour of the community and see some o~ the things the people are talking about. Mrs . Baker told the group the Commission would get a list of what Atlanta and DEKALB county is responsible for. Mr. Long thanked the committee for coming and said the community has been making some progress but that they still had a long way to go. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ' l I .r �COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION 1203 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA SU ~M ERHILL-PEOPLESTOWN AREAS MEETING, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1967 MOUNT CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. Clarence G. Ezzard, Chairman, called the meeting to order. Members present: Mr. Al Kuettner Mr. Joseph Haas Mrs. Sara Baker Mrs. Fred W. Patterson Mrs. Eliza K. Paschall, Executive Director (League of Women Voters of Atlanta members present to observe) Mr. Ezzard called the meeting to order, and after the invocation, called on Mr. Joseph Haas to preside. Mr. Haas said that he felt at home in the are3; he was born not far away and went to school in the area. He described the establishment of the Commission and spoke of his own interest and belief in it. Mrs. Paschall reported that she had the following information from Mr. Collier Gladin, of th e Ci t y Pla nning Department about the Model City Program (of which the 9 e areas are parts): The meeting held earlier with the Mayor, etc., were to inform the people that Atlanta would apply for the program and tell what the program would be; the ~p~lication submitted on March 13, 1967 was for a grant of $500,000 for planning; if this application is approved, the city will receive the $500,000 probably around May 1, 1967, and it will take about a year for the planni~ to be completed; during the year the resident s of th e a rea will be completely involved in making the pl.Jans for the areas; no pl a ns ha ve bee n mad e yet but it is e xpected that the final plans will emphasize r e habil i ta tion of e xis t ing res i de nce and as lit tle tearing down as possible. The neig hb o r hood s should strengthen existing organizations so they will be able to pa rti ci pat e i n t he planning ph a se. 1. MRS. OLIVE AN TH ONY, 135 Little .Street: t o do ? 2. wanted to know ~hat are they intending Th e r eport f r om Mr; Gladin elaborated on by Mr. Ez z ard. MR S. ALICE BURTON, 1 0 43 Hil l St re et : wa s al so ,co nc e r ned about plans. Ezzard said If your property needs imp rovemen t, go on and ma ke them. expect no change s for a year. · 3. ~ We will decid e what is t o be do ne" . MR S. NELLIE MALLORY, 136 Little Stree t; sit steady in the boat." Mr . "I unders ta nd you all a r e sayin g to �-24. MR, H. E. PHIPPS, President o f Peoplestown Civic League and Chairman of the Summerhill-Mechanicsville EDA, CNA C, 179 Haygood Avenue, S. W., 627-4449:, pointed out many things needed for years, "Don't want another year for Model City; been asking for some things for ten years: Resurface Haygood Avenue from Capitol Avenue to dead e~d; extend Vanira from Connaly to Hill Street; resurface Vanira Street. Sidewalks on Vanira; needs complete resurfacing from Capitol Avenue to Martin Street. Traffic light at Haygood and Capitol - need for school children (asked Mr. Karl Bevins three years ago - had childien killed there.) Space for play area on Violet Avenue between Vanira and Haygood; finish park site at Martin and Boykins Street, started five years ago, stopped when Stadium was finished, dirt dumped from Stadium; Sanitary Department has left trash on Haygood and Violets Street for two ~eeks; vacant lot at Ma rti~ Vanira could be usec for play lot; signed petition for sidewalks on Martin St., need repairing (said he had slipped in mud hole in sidewalk on way to meeting). No recreation facilities in Peoplestown. 11 5. Mrs . Ma rtha Weems , 123 Vanira Street, S. E.: owners . "People in Peoplestown are home City can resurface streets around Stadium but not around homes". "Complete Connelly Street to Vanira Street; open Primrose all the way from Littl e Street to Tuskegee Ave. 6. MR. STEPHEN MELSH, 979 Violet Avenue, Vista Work er : "St ant on Par k voted in 1963 Bond Issue; $17,000 appropriate d to finish development, $100,000 to rehabilitate communit y center; · why hasn't any work been done"? 7. MRS . PEAR L J" HARRIS, 101 Love Street, S. E.: "I f I've got to get out, say so. Repairs cost a l o t, understand they don't give much f or hou s es• B. Re v ere nd Ro y Williams , ? " Bad if p eople have to invest in loans for repairs and then have to move". 9. Th e Honorable John Hood, Repre sen tativ e from 124 District: "N eed to clarify- people not so worried abo ut Mocel City Program; worried about Stadium Parking, wh ere will it g o"? Mr. Ezzard suggested another meeging just on Housing and Model City. concensus that this wo uld be helpful. General Mrs. Paschall and Commission Team urg ed to do t h is. Mr. Kuettner: " Ho w do t h e y g e t s p ace for Sta dium Parking"? Mr. Hood 8aid Stadium Authority has power of eminent do~ain and can condemn property. �-3- 10. ? ~i R. ,JOH NSON', 21 Ormond Street, said houses aroung his had been demolished, his still standing, he is puz zled. 11. Mr, A. L, Be nton, 162 Lamar Street, S. E.: "Get back to Summerhill, needs street lights, sidewalks, needs to open up Primrose Street, open Bass to Connelly. Cudzo so Sad you ca~'t get throughf Glen Street (Martin to Colony) emban kme nt with no sign or barricade. +2• Dang.e rous". Mrs . LARRI E PARKS, 196 Connolly St., S. E., 622-4874: Her house was inspected, and she signed contract for $2000 worth of repairs, then thought house might be torn down, doesn't want to keep contract. 13. Referred to Lawyer at EDA.

"Mayor Allen said we are not going to force people out of their

? home - who would set price for homes"? Mrs. SARA BAK ER, 938 Park Ave., S. E. (Commission Member): "So much confusion, would be good if inspectors wouldlay off". Mr. Kuettner: Mr, Hood: Stadium Authority must compensate for pioperty, inclusing improvements". "Stadium Authority has contract for four to five thousand (4 to 5DOD)more spaces within ten (10) years. 14. MR. BENNY T. SMITH, 209 Archcrest Drive, Hapeville,(From Poole Creek Area; one of members of Ad Hoc Aldermat ic Committee which recommended Commission to Aldermen): "Co mmission was created for people to have confidence: Atlanta has opportunit y to receiv e money for planning, so many public officials, people are told different things." 15. Revere nd Orin BENTON, 795 Martin Street, S. E. 524-3341: area, ought to think ab out people. "Always been neglected So many on e-way streets, sometimes have t o go fi ve (5 ) blocks out of t he way; people are "stirred-up" out here, not going to improve area if don't know.what's going to happen; when whites s t arted l~aving area, they started teari ng do wn one e nd of Was hington Street, what about the other end? Peopie out here are concerne d an~ want to know . are willing to fight to kee p our propert y ." Tell people we Sigh on 101 Love Street: (" Kee p it up or we'll tear it down" ) make s people anxious. Mr. Smi th: Mr. Ha a s: "City Inspectors should identify themselves." "Are there legal services at EDA?" Officer Lyons from Summerhill-Mechanics vill e Center: week days , 9- 12 on Saturdays." " Attorney at center 4-6 p.m. �-4- · 16. Mr. JESSE PORTER, 139 Little Street, S. E. 525-6939: "Fix Little Street be tween Elmira a nd Nartin; fix Ma rtin Street do~n to Stadium, Dangerous, no street lights, much traff ic. 11 Mr. Phioos: 17. 11 \·Jhat lights there are, over here are dim. 11


while. 305 Kil so Drive, 758-9161: 11 Get inspectors out for a I f the City will fix up streets and sidewalks, we'll fix up houses better. Need storm sewers; water sometimes 10 feet deep at Elmira, Little, Ami and Kennet Streets. Mr, Hood: 11 Three (3) recommendations to the Commission: That Commission recommend thar representatives from area be appointed on City-County policy body for Model City; that it recommend to Mayor and Board of Aldermen that Stadium Parking expand up rather than out; that Commission Recommend to Board of Education that something be done about Capitol Avenue School - snakes and rats in basement. 11 18. MR. COLQUITT, 381 Atlanta Avenue, s. E., 627-6973: "Has business near Stadium; worried about expansion. 11 19. Mrs. \,i/eems , 123 Vanira Avenue, S. E., 627-4211; 672-4744: "Need information on $1500 grants, are people there eligible for these rehabilitation grants; wpuld it be fair to keep inspectors out - maybe need to know what is wrong; need Polic e pro tection (gambling in streets); high rents in area a pioblem. 11 Mr, Ezzard: 11 No s wimmi ng pool betweer, Memorial Avenue and Boy's Club at Lakewood; Pittman Park is small; swimming pool at Grant Park filled up when desegregated. Mr . Barnes of Highp oint Civic League; Officer Lyons of Police Department were introduced. Need traffic light at Atlanta Avenue and Martin Street. Mee ting was adjour ned at 10:30. Lijter meeting on Hous i ng and Model City in three ( 3) or four (4) weeks asked for. �;·ie.1:b ::: s 01 1:,n .:; C ;,,~,n.""n it " ::.e J.r_·t i ons Cor(1l.:i s .s ion Febr uary ,._ ~-9 ..,.C) J/, &.t l : 30 ? • .,. i n City II c.t l l . mem' c r s wc~ e p r ese nt :

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TLi:: Jo,cob .. ll o.Jv l'"J' .~c :1:.1c . u c. . vo ,rn~ c1C::.o :,tcd_. 1 \ l'E::;_)Ol't The . _ e '. ' U!'; so,:10 C:.is c ussion D. o ot". t t:-:.e rnc,-,_,~: i n.:r of t :10 t21·m n 1_):::-cstigious 11 IV , r::. s ev;._; r \:cc.. t£. . , :-1CJ t . .-~.i s l! 011. J. . :::: !":1 0 ,.1:-.1. ~1e: ~ . . s or.:.~:j r:10 st. co i1! ~>c T, e 11 -~, :"'-11G.. e "'f ic .:-·;.cio· s in z.ny "'JL';.r tic ul&.:;,· si tu..:~tion, n ot j::. cce--s::i.r ily ;: __ :·, cny , one £T~up; the tc ~Jj i s rc l ~t i ve anc the s el e cti on o:i. s uch Jc r son would dope~d upo. th0 contc ~t . T~ c c: ~ i rc&n ~~] oi ntcd t~c Co~mittc on CoLoitt~cs, wh ic h 11a~ e .ipo,.re :rcci to 2.s~( 2 e o::_:J.e to s rvc on the c o;-,,r:1itte:e.s r.;:1cl ,,.:: ~ n.:o :cec1 to :.. e ::_Jo1·t o:t. th -:) n c;:~:, meet~ n.; o:i. t:::-1e C mm ission. The co; ...1i tt2e con sist,ca. of tr.c 1o_lovi:::.~:

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4 l"c p orte d Jv J.1:.:.t 3 :~0 nad. been in t ou c~ with re ;~es 8 n ~ ~t i ves of t ~e 2 ~r eas r e? ~ese~·ted a t the Feb~u a ry 1 6 , ~eating a~k i .g fo r uss i stance in n e i g~bor~ocd stabil i..;c..tion. She 2.tte1 c.ed a r:!e€··0L.g i - Gilb::;rt i-Ic i 6 :,t::, o :i.1 : I.J ~1cl.r:y, :::-coru :1.ry 20, u h i. ch iias also ::1ttcnclcC:. t :/ _·.. <l.ez·man ;JcI·tw ic l1, o., 1ci c..n ir.ves~i 0 gc..w~or f_on1 t,l12 G . .:or~in. hc '--.. 1 ::.::it~.t,c Cvr.:rnis .s io11 , i;-1:10 G:·:.:14.G,i: c:C. ·v}1e re~ulat io~s rcg~rdi~g sal e o} re~ - estQte an~ t h e ri 3~s of {ca li ng 1'it:1 ot: er th.1a c., l ice·:sec'.. .1.·e· l c ::;:.G. tc a.gcn-t. J.e1;:.. Esto.-.:,e re:;:-,:r csenta uivcs p:.~escr.t c..ssu.r0d t.1c £1'::'Olll) tlrn.t :1ny one ;::10 l1,~c"".. lis t sd thcj.~ ?ro2erty lo~ s~le and wou l d li~c tor consiier t h e a~tter would be ;ernittc: to &o so. T~e ~r ou. w~s ~ssurcd t~~t t~erc a ~e no ur ~~n re n c~a-, etc., pl~ns for t he are~ ~nd ~h-t t. e ci t y services wil l bo n~in·t~ined ~ i thout ~nr r e g ~rd to t i e r a ci ~l c o~~ osition oft~ - nei g~bor hood . The ,erso~s pr so~t ( ~11 ~~ito1 zcemed to :ee~ t~at ?~~ic selling ,,o u -~ stop . I:1fo:r::10-l : 12..i.1::; i·: crc m~tclc · · or i :~cliviclurvls :ire~ nt -;:, o r:cct w:':. ·~;_.. _ ~e :~c ~- livin~ in the Gcne~~l ~rea, to 2l ~n to-et~e - r r fu J ~re ~.C -bi "-7] ..1~ i

i.~ "

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for ad.v ic e :fo1"' n, r:1cetir1;- o:.. :-1 :"' cl1 9. i'i:"s. Clcv.,-to.t o: t,:10 -~:: ~e1'icu.11 J. :~ic :: .

.s Service C'.o~:-.i::it,~cc, l1t~s j ~e11 rneeJG i l!f; 1-·· i t b. . v: ::c gj,_" O11p

l'·l1~:.; . Pasci~ll h~s seni so~e ~atcri~l to oe~bcrs of ~he G~Ou?, t ei::::- ;:;.ccd, ing, ci:1d ?lD-n.:; to attend -~he ?larch 9 1rneti:1.;;. iscusaed �- '"'_,. Cc,:.::.:i ·~ - . ' t.. ·-' . ·) . ,... -, - - ·. ,..._ - ...... . J...., _;,:: .J -.: .

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cnr,;e;-;,t, e ducation,

1 . 3.i)O ::' ' i., .::-.ci1 cor:~1:itte: ~ s:10ul-:'. :,.J.v.::. a ))re sticiou s chairman , a re s(;:a rc:1 person a.n0. a n,ember of ";.1is coi.:1J1. is siort '3.rr.·~u! :.i. its total i.t10t·.:Oe'!:'s:--.i p . Every cf fo ~t sj~~l be e:~is te1 c c: . ~a~~ -::o e n lis~ t~e help o= al l p er~incn- a gencies a l ready in 1. GV2U:LL c o:-.:..-iIT'i':I:; OI' "~~E CO~-::i:-iIS SIQl\1 on pers or..nel anci. func tion wh ose yn.::cp ose will ·'.)e t uofolc : fi r st, to recom.rrrenc to t~1c ch airr.1an p otential r.,2:,1::11::r s o i: t: e cO?i0ti -::-::ces t:o b e e stablisheci , aao. seco:i.d , to exp l a in t 11e ir iu t ies and see t h2.t t'.1ey are being c a .:-riecl out within t i1e frame,;-;o r~ of the Co::inission' s organizational f r ame.work . 2. 3. ~:O[SL,C 5. Lt..\·.' 1'...:-rLJ ;~~l.Jf:..L ::_::,j~"OI{C:2:·iEi,:T W c.,C.TIG"( 0. rc:c:~:.c:~'r:01, 7. o. 9. 10 . l.1. . 12 . i3. 2. .:J . I., . C.

2-U:uLIC ,!.CCC:-.::.-iCI:ATIO~iiS

Rl:.G:STR.ATIOI,: _:..,:_~;; VOTL<G l·ilii.i~ CIPAL s::::1:,·1cr:s "'. ·f2L": ARE .A.i.:D P'CBLIC ASS:i::S1'A~~CE SOCDi.L AX:D HEALTH SERVICi.::S COi:·h·J.i:·:ICf-i.Tim~ hITEii.': 1-!..ii:D EZ'f \ TEEi, T:ilE c o:-i1·H.Ji.1 I ""'ES VOLI;~-.;""TP~Y ASSOC I ·~TIOi.·s Ai.-.u OPGA.:.HZATIOi-JS : ( Bar, Heclical , Crmrc1.1cs , Lab or, p r o fessional g roups, c i v i c o rganizations , civil de fense , etc.) ~1..A'i'IOKS WITE &GS'i'It'G AGE)JCIES LE l.L A0D~TlGJ.:iAL RI:SOURCES: ru~ds ana Gran ts S?~..:..GRS I EUREAG - us..;.ng cor..;-nittee 1:1embers AD HOC Co:.: ,ITT:SE ~'i.1.e fur.ction of this c orn,1 i t tee will be in t~m are<>-s: ~rev ention ar:.d a levia tion of an er:,crgency si·i:uz.tion. Your s pccia:'.. c or,-:1:iitte - on com:,,ittees rcco:m. e n ds that the memb e::s·:1ip o f this c o;:-.,,1.:..t tGe be kept s r::,.a ll e.:1ou:;h to f .;.1-..ction immediately shoul an en,erzency arise in t he bene:ral �- 2- F eport o - Cc,·,~-:.·· t~ee o:i. Co:::-,rr:it t 2es ~11 , 1. t:-.. q -c i ·~ r.1.~:1~t 2:c :>~ a.u ~r.:2.ntcc~ ir1 C[..C11 specific c ase by a f t :12t sub - cor:c:.i ~'!:ce ,.-,~1:;s ..:: w.rea 0£ i11·-./ e.stiz~tiot~ h~s b cer1 tl-1e pa:.. ti cul.:ir ncig:·1 borl oo-· L1. ,.f',icll t':lc. n rcscnt m.c. rgci.1 cy arises . co1,:l7t~.n ity

-.12.10c ~

~espcctiully s·.ibr:,iU: cc. :

~-~~.,. . 1."i.. L. Felc:ir.~ar.

-~r.. ~·os~i )11 l·l a2.s

Arc:.1ois11op ·).:.ul V. Eall inan

-I::. Buzz ~y.::.,

Yr s . i.:;:iry S ·ephe:..1s

,;.c:.bb i Jacob ii . : .:Z ot:1sc1-.ild

Lr . - rv · n c: ::.al.er ) ~ o f f i c io

 :-~rs . Eliza Paschnll) ex

�~r . I _viug Kale r TO :


l;> iza Pusc:1ctl l

,':;}:e c ;...·;__ive Di r2ctor

1~ : Dan] ~t Ac count , BLd ge t, P ersc,ne l Po l i ~ie ~ ~ s r:.s<?essn~y ro ::- i:i1e Co:::n-..i:.~sio:1 ·i:o p as s a z-c :::mlu·::io21 a .0an:, u nc1 c'.0. sis-:;.1at i n g ·t h ose ·who r.,r· - 1 bo au'i:.horizcd c. -•3 · sn2t 2 1:.g t o s i qn ch2 ~(s . 'l'he :C}~ccu-"ivo Cot1.mi.t t t"=~c 1 2c·t .::1g up ?l t he recor,,r,,cnc~a t.io n of t he City C0::-..pt.~o.llor, r,::r . D.:.1vis , reco::-.1.mend "' t! a t t h e Se c r c·::a ry, :-'.i.rs . P.:..-;:. ... crson, an ·. tl10 Dir"~ctor i::>e au"cho-i zed to s ig·,i c _1eck s an::: cpi.. · n c1 ccorclance w.:.t. -t.h c rccor;nnead w.·::.ions t hai: -t:lw }:.oaks :t2 o f ti1e Cor:i~)t -oi _c r I s o f ficc . Por ·c:').G s.J.~<:.e o f c o nv:.....nience and to -.ernons t ·-a t e t r:c Cm,:~ i s sion vs in . -c:!:...c::t i n lack of disc.,_i~ninat.·· on o n t.· c ·, as .:.s o f s 2 : {,, _ ·,·eco:\-..:--:,31. d t ne Ca9ital .Area c~ ·i:.:.. ze;. s l:; So -:.1 thc r11 "";:i.n ~; ,1~1ose manv.qe. 2• is Mr s . Ce le s-c. c D.1p:;.:ee . f.ud.:re t . : vie~ of t he fact that it is n o t yet clear w.~the r the sta ff o f tl1e Co:-.r,n:ission will he el i,J.° ble :Eor cert c. in '::f-01XC b8n2.fits o f city CE'.:C-:,lcyces , and that r,::<2 hOj?e . t o o:!.:>ta in nome o ff i ce e c_-:· i _ men t on gii:t. o:c long terr:i lo,m ba s is, I r3 c 0rr1IT'.c .1d t :::at th.~ Cor.1r:.1 i osio n ac.opt. t.'1e at-i:ac.hed tentuti~,e bu ~9et wh:LcJ1 lists broac~ c at::.go ries only aud th at fin~l action on a 196 7 bu qe t be t aken a~ 1~e ncx ~ mcctiri.g . 3. PcrsoLnG l ol'cies: ~c h~ve oecured infornation abott per s onne ~olicics a nJ practices f~c~ ~h6 -·. S . Civil Servic0 Co~~ ission, t he Atla~~a 'r~an League, t.hc C0:.::;-,unity Co~ncil anc-:. the ~ o u thcrn Rcgi01 a l Cm .ncil . I r co,nme;id tl:a~ dcc(.sions alJout lcave 1 benefits 1 etc . , b8 CJ•" f ,_ r:,:- ,~l un·cil ne:<t r.-:o:r_ t::-L. to cd v e I-x . P ile:;:1cr time t.o a;:;icert.ain ii tnc Co:--·. .issio:i.1 at2~f . is ciigible for city bcne· ·its, a na tha t ~he ~olici~s adopted i a 1<arch be r et:ro&ctivG to the ti. ~o o:E er:,i_::>loy1~1ent.

rs . r:inr ic !Ii l 'I'hornas ha.:3 bco- 1. ~mploy,;d a s ...;ccret:;:u. ·17 f or a rr.o.:1th

to c.ivc us tine to worJ: o,:-.t th(_,sc p olicies i:i.r..d to foll ;;r.v ·1..~:i.e proccclu:;:: J of roce::.v .,;.nr.r a:::i;:) lica-t.ic; ..s ior th job o.c ::,:!CI:'·'? i~2.ry o : ,c2 th.aB~:1 ~.::.t',;;:-;:.:-,:: have been £ina-. iz e1...'L l:L::- :, . 'i:i: orc:as is a g_:-a(iu2..·::.2 of Morr is ~.2:-0·,.-m. Colleg3 Secretarial S cic.;;nc-r~, ..,ro:,ro.m e.:nc1 was rcco:·;.r,e:.1dcc~ · o us

J..;:.:- ;,'.iir.:,s Car .... ie CleHGmts, Di rG.::tor o :i:: Place:1ent: at ~·:orzis Drown Colleqi:~

�February 24, 1967 Tentative Budget (prepared on basis of consultation with Mr. Underwood, in Comptroller's office.) l. Personnel: Executive Director Other 2. Contractual 3. Office Supplies and Expenses 4. Equipment $12 ,500 . 5,000* 600 1,500* $2 5,00 0 Note:

There appears no way through city financing to spread the expense of equipment, etc., over more than a year. The $25,000 will be advanced in quarterly allotments and charges incurred must be paid currently, according to the Comptroller. If it is possible to obtain equipment through loan or gift, any money saved he~e should ·be added to personnel. �w, } V

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~ J OMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION \\.,!c\!!_. ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1966 1209 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 90303 MR. IRVING K. KALER, TELEPHONE 5U-U6., EXT. 433 Chairman T HE HONORABLE SAM MASSELL, JR. , Ex-Officio President, Boa.rd of Aldermen COMMISSION MEMBERS MR. T . M. ALEXANDER, SR. April 8, 1967 MR. R. BYRON ATTRIDGE Mns. SARA BAKER M ISS HELEN BULLARD MR. R. J. BUTLER MR . ROBERT D oses MR. HAMILTON DO UGL AS, JR, Mn. C. G. EzzARD MOST REVEREND PAUL J. HALLINAN A r chbishop of Atlanta MR, JOSEPH HAAS MR. AL KUETTNER DR. ROBERT E . LEE MR . ROLLAND MAXWELL MR . F. W.'PATTERSON Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia RABBI JACOB M. ROTHSCHILD MR . M . 0. "Buzz" RYAN MR. JACK SELLS MRS . MARY STEPHENS Dear Mayor Allen: THE REVEREND SAMUEL WILLIAMS MRS. ELIZA K. P ASCHALL, Executive Director Evidencing some of the concrete results of the program of the Connnunity Relations Commission, I believe you will be interested in the attached copy of correspondence from Mrs. Cochran of the NASH-WASHINGTON SERVICE CENTER. sincerely, Irving K. Kaler Chairman IKK:rjg Attachment �.. ,,..,.,~..... ... ~ ';/ ·.- ',-':'._t. ~), ~~ OMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1966 11103 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 30303 TELEPHONE 5U-4H3 EXT. 433 April 8 1 1967 Mrs. Sylvi a S. Cochran NASH•WASHlNGTON SERVICE CENTER 247 Ashby Street, N~ w. Atlanta , Georgia 30314 Dear Mrs . Cochx-an: We very much appreciate your kind letter of March 9 commenting upon the program of the Community Relations Commission of At lant. We o~e much to the foresight of M yor Allen in giving leadership to this program and I am. the~efore• sending hitn a copy of your fine letter . We re pleased that the efforts of our Executive Director. Mrs . Pasch 11, resulted in th re .. hiring of Mr. Murphy. W earnestly hope th t you will eont ct the Conmtssion at any time in the future if you consider th t we c n be of ssi t nc to the NASH-WASHINGTON SERVICE CENTER. Yours very ~ IKK:rjg cc; Chaim n Mayor Ivan Allen• Jr. / . tncer ly. ,, I ~ l t" �Li ~~ p,· ,, , ~ /lif!!l=== == = = == = =::=a!!!if - .~· -~i.:::rr::.'=tao=:111a • ""rn:u,:::,;,o,w.,,..,..,,,.,..=m>""°'•"" "'"== - ~ I


/ March 9, 1967 ,,.... t .' l. ., 1,: ' I Mr. Irving Kaler Human Relations Commission City Hall Atlanta, Georgia I .! i .I i· t I Dear Mr. Kaler: The Vine City Teen Council and r esidents of Vine City dee -l.y appreciate your granting the youtqs permission to appear before the Human Relations Commission. We feel that the re-hiring of the Recreation Director, Mr. Eddie Murphy, could never have been accomplished without your interest and involvement. Our very special t hanks to Yirs . El iza Paschall, who was so helpful in st eering us to the right contacts. .o!.' ). .Z.-L / · ,C &-c-/ z..-/-CZ~;rv Thank you a7a· ' A

- v -(dt /

,f'} / ' · 1 ' l , I I rMrsl Syl via S. Cochran / ~'J.AS1-r..-.WASHINGTON SERVICE CENTER 247 Ashby Street , N. W.. Atlanta, Georgia 30314 amr I• .t { �Vi W c/V,..wsh-,5 &£0»,e fn· v45e~ ~,..,~ ('-",-.,v~f esce,-.,t FULTON-DEKALB 2800 SPRINGDALE ROAD SOUTHWEST TELEPHONE 767-7407 February 27, 1967 Mrs . Eliza Paschall Executive Director Co mmunity Relations Commission City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mrs. Paschall: Thank you for your letter o f Febr uary 22, 1967 re ga rding a statement made by a Mrs. A. J. Dempsey before the new Community Relations Commission. Unfortunately I ha ve not had the pleasure of meeting the complainant; nor do I recall any inci dent referred too in her co mplaint . For your informa tion Hi ghview does not operate under Hill-Bu rto n funds . Original cons tructi on, however, was fina nced partly with funds secured under the Hill-Burton Ac t. Highview has no rules regarding admissi on of patients wh ich ex clude admission of negroes . Highview has fulfilled all requireme nts of the Department of Health, Education and We lfare, as set forth under Title VI and has so advertised in the community news media, by le tter to the county governments of Fu l ton and DeKalb, and ora l ly to all others interested . Neither the undersi gned nor any member of the Highview s taff has ever, with my knowledge, mad e any s ta teme nts to anyone whi ch would be contrary to the Highview board's expre ssed admission policies. Highview does not have on ha nd any requests for admission o f a ne gr o to the institution ; nor has Hi ghvi ew e ver r eceived an application for a dmission of a negro. (See e nclo su res) Respectfully request you di s semi nate this information to all perso ns or interested agencies not listed below. For the Board of Highview. v fa ~ ~~e1,,," HTW/as Encl: ( 2) Distr ibu tion: Haro T. Wa r d Administrator Mr . J. W. Stephens on (Pre s. of Board) Mr . Ja me s .Aldredge Mr. Brince Manning Mayor I van All en Yj RO (1 1 'r XERO -·-:: COP'I' ,1" - ' , XERO -~· }COPY r::•:,, �- --- .


Some Facts About Admission To ·--- -- --- --·-------- --·--------- Highview Nursing Home 2800 Springdale Raed S. W. At lanta, Georgia 30315 · Highview Nursing Home is a privately operated, non profit philanthropy, governed by a self-perpetuating board of directors. (It is not under the direction of county officers ) . Service is limited to bona-fide re s idents of Fulton County and, to a le sser degree , DeKa lb County. Application for admission is made direc t ly to the administrator's office at the home. It is not necessary to have the endorsement of recommendation of friends or public officials. Acceptance of a patient is determined entirely on the basis of eligibility, need and ava ilability of space. Application is made on forms provided by Highview, one of which is a me<lical report and diagnosis to be made by the applicant's physicia n. Medical examination and judgement is required in order to determihe whether Highview can pr operly serve the patient. Because this community doe s not ha~e adequate nursing home facilities, there is a considerable waiting list for a dmission to Highview, and acceptance is usually slow. Critical circums tances surrounding a patient are considered. Often it i s best a patient be placed in any nursi ng ho~e where space is availab le, pending a vacancy a t Highview; and thi~ wil l not lose the patient' s priority for Highview admiss ion. Ot h er f actors a ffec ti ng admis s ion: Some patie nts floors are restri c ted to WQme p , § Orne tQ men; and a va ca ncy on t he men ' s wa r g wi l l not prov i de a bed for a woman on the waiting li st . Some spa ce i ~ appropriate onl y for the care of amaulatory patients. About two-thirds of th e space at Highview is devo~s to patients whose financia l circumstances require as si s tanc e from public welfare sources ; and t his rati o is mai ntained in considering all applications. Also the r atio between DeKalb and Fulton r e sident s is maintained . The officers of Highview are concerned that the service s of t he Home be made available to the community in equitable fashi on . Our sole object is to serve those who need this ca re. However , our maximum capacity is only .a fraction of the total need, a nd it is impossib le to admit many who wish to enter here. Our most unhapp y task is to de ny those for whom we ca nnot find space. ./ / ·1 --J_, I', /7 , irfl.~,.t~· I L-Lf#-1!.4< 7 / 1/fA Harold T. Ward Administra tor XE RO COPY XE RO l cor,y -: r Yt' no r (•I' �l c....· 1.... ,1 __.L--1 - - - ~- ---- -- LJ AdO:) I 0<J 3X I J.dO:.J 1 Qtl3X HIGHVIEW HURSING HOME 2800 Springdale Road S . W. Atlanta) Qeor gia 30315 ADMISSION POLI CIES: Highview is intended to be a nursing ~ of limit ed means . f or infirm aged men and women Infirm is intended to mean that the person should have immediately avail ab le nursing care and medical attention of the degree u sually assoc iated with a nursing home, but not t o the degree which normally requires the s ervite of a genera l hospital or a chr onic-disease hospital; and a degree of infirmity which requires more than simp le custodial c are . Aged is inte nded to mean a person who is in the sixtieth year of life or older . This age shall not be consid ered a rule abso lute if the capacity of the h ome is not filled by persons of this minimum age . Limited Means is intended to mean persons who do not have avai lable (owned in their ~ r i g h t, or through kin who will a ccept fina ncia l respons ibility) financial resources suffic ient to pay f or the ir care in the usua l privately operated nursing h ome or home for the aged . A specific dollar-value on r esource s is intenti onally omitted . CLASSIFICATION : Patients• shal l be considered under three classifications- Class A she.11 be those patients who are entirely dependent upon public or private agencies or charities for t heir care and live lihood. Class B shall be those patients wh o have some fi nancial resources (se lf owned kin) , but who require assistance from public or private agencies for their care a nd livelihood.


Class C shall be those patients who have financial resour ces (self owned or fro; kin) sufficient to pay cost of care and livelihood at this home, but not sufficient to purchase care and livelihood at the usual private ly operated nursing home. Priority : First consideration will be given to Clas s~ patients. It is in the publ:i.c interes t that services also be extended to the other two group s, for it is wise to encourage persons to rely on their own resources. Under this premise, next priority will be given to Class Ji patients. Bu t it is not in tended to exclude all Class f patients in the exercise of the above two preference s. Exc lusions: This home is not prepared to care for persons with acute psychiatric complaints, or with infectious or contagious diseases, or with tuberculosis. Such patients will not be knowingly admi tted; and if the condition develops or becomes known after admiss ion, it is expected that L I ~ ,10 ._1..,J 0::1 . !)., �r -2- the patient will be promptly removed . The Medical Director (or the Administrat or, if the Medical Director cannot . readily act) shall have full power to judge and t oe.c t upon such matters . MEDICAL REPORT: Prior to admission, a wr itten medical report and opinion, by a licensed physician who is familier wit h and who h.:c1s personally examined the applicant, will be required. The Administrator or Medi cal Director may prescribe a form for such report, and may conduct s uch further inquiry as they deem justified. The requirement s as t o, medical examination and report are for the protection of all patients, including the applicctnt. Information availnble through the Department of Publ.'..c Welfare of Fulton and DeKalb Counties will be sought . Wri.tten commit ment to meet charges will be expected of patients or their kin or other sponsors where ver nppropri~te. Regulations of th e Georgia Department of Family and Children Services will be foll owed on Class A and Class ~ pa t ients . FINANCIAL REPORT,: RESIDENCE : Admission will be limited to reside nts of Fulton and DeKalb Counties, f or Class A and Class B patients ; and to boon-fide dependents cf resident s of these two Counties, for Cl2ss C patien t s. HTW:dc 1.0-3-1963 ' XE RO ---~ COPY _ ____ _ �11 ch 6, 1~7 s . Eliz chall, Executive Dir ct-or tion.s Ccmmiseion City mul, 68 Mitchell Stre t, S . W. Atl. ta, Georgi 30303 C unity R Dear Mrs. chall: Thi ia pl.3' to your reecnt l tter coucerning t 1c s for negr s brought to attention ot the Cam:ds ion by Mr • oft it f hane C • J. D p Uities and • �.,,,.r.: I : I .a _, ~.. ' , ·,:: !l ~ I • • •• •

I ' .: . ·.; :(: .. ' "H .. " .


EPARTME - o f CO N STRUCTION 301 CITY HALL ......... __ ..::-- -.......... ___--..,. - ..... A l anta 3 , Georgia RICHARD W. RESPESS ASST. CHIE F OF C ONSTR UCTION RAY A. N IX ON Ch ief of Constru c ti on ROBERT H. MORRISS March 3, 1967 ASST, CHIEF OF CONS TRUCTION s . Eliza - asc .all , cu ~ive Direc tor , Co~-= nity ela ~i on~ Commission, 12th ~loor , City Ha ll E:~ Po.sc all : This will answer the fi rst part of your letter of February 22nd rega _ding the condition of the sewer reported by Mrs . Nannie McCormick of 1 l:-3 Oakmont Drive, N. W. 1-it's . 1cCormick is a schoo 1 teacher and v."e have had some trouble COi.1tacting he ; however, our Mr . Ken Lanca s ter has contacted Mrs . ~1cCo_o·· ck concerning the sewer odor and inefficie ncy of sewers in the mldo D~ ive and Argyle Drive area of Lincoln Homes . We believe the silt d posits that have accumulated in these lines i s the trouble and we have instructed our construction super intendent to flush and drag t.ese lines . After the completion of this work, i f the sewers are stil operating inefficiently , we will initiate a program of s udy to determine what is necessary to allev iate the sanitary sewer pro l c~s in this area. In response to the statement by Mrs . McCormick concerning the drowning of a child in Proctor Creek last year, I would like to bring it to t he ir a ttention with your Community Relations Commission that t':ie property owners in this area are responsible for fencing the czeck in the ir back yard, as most of the property runs to the center of the creek and is the responsibility of the abutting property owncar it would be up to them for the safety of their children and for t .eir neighbors children in connection with the flooding of Proctor Creek in heavy rains that they fence their backyards to protect the children . This is not a responsibility nor a function of any govern:nental agency. 211.d Yours truly , / . k ·,v-· .. /,.>' _.,.,


cc: .i:·!3yor Allen / 1-'.£.i. . Sam Ma ssell Alder ~n Summers Ald~rman Millica,2- TL ANT A . .....; Ray A. Nixon, ,_.. ,,. ;; /

/..... ' CHIEF /OF CONSTRUCTION L Tl-IE DOGWOQD C ITY �I .. ' I , ~ebruary 27, 1967 Mrs . Eliza Paschall, Executive Director , Cormcunity Relations Coiililliosion, 12th Floor, City Ha ll Dear Mrs. Paschall: This is in answer to part of your letter of February 22, 1967 calling to our attention the unpaved block of Crumbley Street between Whitehall Terrace and Ira Str~et. For your information, the only way this street can be paved at present is for the o~mers of 51'7. of° the property frontage signing a petition requesting paving and agreeing to pay for same. Iara sure you are aware of this section being included in the Urban Rcnetral area, and I am sure that something will be done in this area within the next year or so. l n regard to the unsanitary conditions and compost pile at the rear of this area, we will refer this matter to the Sanitary Department 1 of which Mr~. S. W. Graydon is the Sanitary Engineer. Itoping this is the information which you desire, I am,

.. .

. ~ ~ ' .,.. ) ! "'~ .. . . '· >' Yours truly, RAN : hj cc :.;I·iayor /I van Allen , ·J r . Hon. $am Massell, Jr. Alde r~n Summers Alder~n Mil l i can Mr . S/· W . Graydon I . .Ji . :1 �CO UN?'l'Y BELATION COMMISSION CITY BALL ATLANTA, GEORGI BROARY24, 1967 • uchan Chi f Houatng Cod Mr .. J. Cit.y B 11 Atl nt , D In p cto~ rgi r Mr. Bue an, At bad p at priv ly owned loc tiona that tt pr re nt. tloned. • th t ta of the ukh d Batat • Apar aeking tur maint anc servi ce, Vi f 1 th ar not gettin th• i0 for th high rant we p y. e ue king for your help in getting rid of rat th tar bout 'to take ov r the ap r ents. Alao wen d repair rk 1 the jority of t.h ap nta, winctowa, airrors door, hole• in the wall, no til on kitchen floor or need r pairin9, wall cracking, ohild.ren need play rea, n d c • pleta driveway, do not w tour 9 rb ge cans i n t gr nd, and there ia b rglarising day and ni9ht. R preNnting the ara r s. T a Mcclenton 74-6244, an Mrs. Luen 11 Dunl p 434. 1401 ankh ad ighway, • ·w. >' !btJ, 1,- it Mr•. hirlay caretaker at Dul>O• the a an • of the Summ rhill area c r lained about the ifford enta at o d 70 Love street., aaid ha curs a th children an Real y co in the neighborhoOd, drink• w ter h atar• and junk d ulla win, bring old hem on property ne th a wn-up• ar• and nta. r• would like to hav h oved. Th y h lained t t A ency bu~ tb y n t done anything about 1. bed • n ~ k ov hi• n , but hia initial• are I. • d · h li•• at ts Lo • st. oubo.. n r la 525-6718. )) 'fh n 19 Mr•. •• tot •• t. Ia oerely yo ra, s (~ •• • iv �February 27 , 1967 Mrs . Eliza Pasch 11 Ex cutiv Di rector . Community Rel tions Commission City Hall Atlanta , Georgi 30303 Dear Eliz: re 11 v ry pleased th t you hev b cutiv Director of the Co unity 1 nd · lo forward to orking with you ing many thing in th ~ ry ne r futur . Pl er ured th t both the P rke nd R er tion Division re t your di po al nd ill do any and v rything hum nly po ible wi~hin th c p city of our nn 1 nd Budget to ell vi te th m ny d fici nci r er tion nd park f eilitiee throughout th dvant gd of our cormnunity . e E �Mrs . Eliz P ge 'I'\- o Pasch 11 which e ~ ill utilize in th o r tion of neighborhood pl y lot . EOA started off by fin ncing th creation of 7 of these lot and we hav no grown to pproxim tely 21 . We pl n to oper t 21 . · e pl n to operat them from June 1st through Labor Day and off r the children vari ty of eitivit s plus excursions with our new bu which will hold 30 youngsters or 20 adult . Our probl m are many but most of them could b olv d by money . certainly As a mber of the .Atlant Youth Council I m ple sed to ay nd to see th t the City dministrat'ion is le ning to rds thi gency as th coordinator of P rk nd Recreation ctivitie mong the priv te and public g ncie . Th re i dup1ic tion in so int ces nd c rt inly e should all coordin te our activity . I u e the rel purpose of thi l tt r i to in many inst nc e wil l b unable tom t your r qu or the requ ts of th communities that c 11 upon you, ho ver, thi i not to y that you houldn ' t cont ct u in ch int that e can be c rtein th t verytbing i bing don humanly possible . I i h you ry possibl succ: ss in your n looking forward to orking with you , I und rt king Cordi lly, J c c. D lius Gen r 1 Mn ger of P rk · nd R er JCDobjw CCI Hon . Iv n All n r Jr .; Mayor Hon . Ch rli L ft ich, Ch 1 Munici 1 P rk Co itt v/ n t1on nd �Februc:ry 1967 Mr . Charl e L. D vis Comptroller City of 1~t1 nta Atl nta , Georgi 30303 Dear Charles: Mrs . L. F . Manning of th Wom n ' Mi sion ey Union h . s contacted nd s ye her organi ation ould be illing to sell us th house t 55 M gnoli Avenue · hich happen to be next to our pl ylot t gnoli n Maple . Mrs . M nning ays that h r organization is roovin over to rly ay and they 1 th refore b willing to ell us this structur for littl less th n $10 , 000 . A you know, · c re f ryin to provide teroporary em r ency type r er tion in th slum r s n I s ;undering of th po sibility of r v nc€ -cq i ition of this house ince Urb n • ~n 1 m y ultim t ly n e i t . Pl e giv your thinkin your continu d rvic , I on tl'li and thanking you Cori lly , liue l Hang r of nd JCD1bjw COi H n. yor / . . ere tin or �Febru ry 27 , 1967 s . Eliz Pasch 11 eutive Director Co · ity Relations Co City Hall A l nt , Georgi D r s. P · ssion ch llt ebru ry 16 by th new Community del tion of youn opl fr tition nd pl for h lping r t 141 lnut Str t . 11 o o unda th �Mrs . Eliza Paschall l? ge Two Thank you very much for your le er our desir to be of service, I am nd ssuring you of Cordially, Jack c. D lius G ner l f. nager of Parks and R creation JCD:bjw cc . Bon . Ivan All n , Jr . / Hon . s M ssell , Jr . Hon . Charli Left ich Vin City Youth Council c/o • Ch rl s Bl ck, N sh W shington Mi Virginia Carmich 1 Mr . F . C. Ne ly AC tr �COMMUNITY RELATIOUS COMMISSION CITY HALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA February 21, 1967 Ir. Jack Delius Director Parks & Recreation City of Atlanta Atlanta , Georgia Dear Mr. Delius: At the public hearing held on February 16 by the new Community Relations Commission, a del egation of young people from the Vine City area presented a petition wit h 202 signatures and a strong plea for help in keeping in operation the Recreation Center at 141 Walnut Street, staffed by Mr. Eddi e Murphey, who I understand has been paid by EOA funds . I kno , the.t you are aware of the need in this area and of the urgeney of this request, and also that you are familiar with any resources beyond the immediate budget of your department. Is there any fay in which the Commission can be of help 1n obt ai ning &dditional help , for example , through the Federal Executive Board, which I understand is interested in youth programs in Atlanta? Also , I have heard from a representative of the Trinity Presbyterian Church, who was at the hearing and thinks a group of churches might be able to help with salary for a recreation worker. I have urged her (Mrs . F. Levering Neely) to contact you and work with your department to formulate any plane . Thie was one ot the most urgent needs brought to the Commission and I would like to be able to make some report abo·.i.t it at the Cotlllllission meeting on Friday, February 24, 1967 at 1:30 o' clock P • • Sincerely, )1 ;v- p~ (Mrs . ) Eliza Paschall Executive Director Community Relations Commission EP:sf oc: ~ayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Ron. Sam Mass 11, Jr. Alderman Charles Leftwich Vine City Youth Council o/o Mr. Charles Black, Nash Washington EOA Center Miss Virginia Carmichael Mrs. F.C. Neely �CO '1MU1UTY HELaTIOi·:S CO ·iliiISSIOl'i CITY HALL LTLA 'iT , G.~ORGIA .r. fui.y A. n.xon Chle f ~onstruction City fl'lll tl nta , Geor ria Dear ,r. ,:;_ on: pulJ~.ic ho rin ior. 0 tt th br n p 11 t d JOliitliU 1! ty . l ry l ·; . the _ ollowinl.! condition earlier ton ""db · tL~n, ns rer;ort- t y office: lcnn Gl o.tou , 103;, G ribaldi .:itraet , st t i tr t .e in th e-rly 1950 ' :~ ("I:irt) . utor fhich drains into tha conv.r~ition~ ,1th ,Jbera , b~t hu cotten nos ~isfactrenpon e h l1as h d hr1.s bt. notice.,, .. rom Dopert. ent that th ho1rnc ~t ould be r~- nd on 'ebr1ar . r. 17 h h d a cond nation JO ic • t te th·J.t thio ir"' a problair. , not j Jst in his lot, but in ot er~ ?n the araa . tle f el. t j t if J~ k,. tho repai ·a , the ,, • e thin,__ ill 't Llc ~ con i r·11(3 le al uction o.::J a 1 t re.,ort . When L.r . a k9d ~~ cout ct· I , hP oention the :e er lin, . I to loo1< ix.to the it ia.tion and ne report d th follow-in: " 'or your information, I at a th.chi11& h.n· tc .. e or nd·... dated Fobr 1 ry 14th fro r . R. f~ . L no·ntor of the City Jewer Department p rtainin~ to yo•r i uiry r a rding s wer proulc at 1035 GEribaldi ~tri t . " ' The co bin, tion ewer that runn tln:ou h thiP. property h1 been insp ct.., fro n • he in ida ::JLd found. to bi; in ood condition, indicating th1.t the cower lim~ is not th., cau<.1 of tho '3ettling of the ho u· at th, bov ncidr ... c . 1 " ,lr. Gl .aton' problem . on f tl or ur tnt oncr-i nt.d t tha �Page Two (cont . ) hearing , and I would like vory muc to make a report on it at the re~ular meetin~ of tho Coor.1ission on Friday , February 24 , 1967 , at 1:30 o' clock P. M. Yours very sincerely, sp _ (I r,, . ) Jliza Paschull J.clcutive Diroctor Co. mi t· aclation·~ C EP:s1/ cc: L, yo1· Ivan 11..,n, Jr . fion . dam ass 11 , Jr. lderJan Jae', .3· mer'} 1 ei"'Ll< G. ~v re "t ~· illiken Rocionc.1 Di rec tor , ·ID ~r . Glenn Gleiton is on �COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMI SSION City Hall February 22, 1967 ~r. Ray A. Nixon, Chief of Cons truction Community Improvement Progr am City Hail Atlant a , Georgia Dear Mr. Nixon: I have written to you about one of the matter s brought befo re the Comml.ll1-ity Rela tions Commi ssion at the February 16 meeting, Another matt er which as f ar as we can t ell should be r eferred to you i s th condition reported by Mrs . Nannie McCormick of 1843 Oalanont Dr., N. W. r. McCormick, who i s a public s chool t eacher , s t a t ed tha t the drainage in the area is so bad that it is often i .mpossible for r esidents to use their ba thtubs or washing machines and the odor from the sewer s becomes almost unbearable . Mrs . McCormick al so expressed the concern of the neighborhood over an open cree , where l ast summer a child drowned , and 1hieh i s a cons t ant s our 0 o of anxi ty to the parents in the area. They would welcome assi s t ance in l essening the danger. le have had also reque::;t from ~omeone who meeting but who telephoned t he fol l owing : as not able to a ttend the I would liko to see t he bl ock paved b tween Whit ehall Terrace nd Ira St reet on Crumbley St ree t. There ha been five generations in t his spot of land on Crumbley Street and the str0et has never ever been paved. I would like very much if we could get it pavod . I . ark at night and on the hot summer nights it io just terriblc--tho dust i s horriblo . I t' worse in th aumm r than in t he winter, but tho arune probleI:1 xist in the wint er , with the dus t ~nd all . In the oum:::i.er you can not sit on thv front porch because the dust drives you inside . The sanitary conditions ar also b in this are . In the tear of Cruobley Street there i s a regular co po3t pil with odds and nds And food . You can aee this scene on 11 three street . There have be n n w apartments built in this area , but th dwell ers do not care about t e look of the plao evidently. Thy foel if it look ood on the inside for e t the re t of the s t r et. Th ae place would be much cleaner i f t hey had a oaretak r. I understand you have to have a p rcont of re ident~ to complain bout this typ of condition, but aino th oe ap rtmente h v b~ n built, I do not st nd a chance in gettin anything done about this slum condition. My queation is, wh t can be done? �Page Two Sincerely, s1?. (Mr s. ) Eliza Pas chall Executive Director Communi ty Rel a tions Commission EP:mt cc: Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr. Hon . Sam Massel l, Jr. Mr . J a ck Summers Mr . G. Everett ill icen �COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION City Hall February 22, 1967 Mr . J. s . Buchanan, Chief Hous ing Code Inspector City Hall Atlanta , Georgi a Dear r . Buchanan: At t he public hearing held by t he new Comraunity Relations Commission of the city of Atla nta , it waa r eported tha t there are s·veral vncant houses on Markham Street which wer e vaca t ed as a result of code enforce~ent a nd a r e still s tanding vacant. Residents of the area s tated tha t the vacant houses cons titut e a threat to the health and peace of t he community and r eques t ed the a sis t ance of the Commission in having the buildings demolished . We will very much appreciate inf'ormation about the regula tions covering such ituations and particul ar informa tion about the s itua tion on Markham Stree t. Sincerely, <,p' ( rs . ) Eliza P ochall Executive Director Community Relations Commission EP:mt cc: Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr. Hon . Sam f•lass 11 , Jr. r. G. Everett Millicen �co ITY TIO S CO ISSIO City Rall b;ruary 22, 1967 r . H b Pi . re o- P c ay , ox 1278 tlant , G Grgia 111 M s. W. Do r · r . Piere t n"ted to l t you know th t I h ve b n i.n tou.eh Gil rt Rei hts r nd of the Lynd.bur t · r ! of th 1 bruary 16. , nd ov into u.r o fio 1l.l City ll, After that., • will b tt r 1t 11 to t �COMMUUITY RELATIONS COMMISSION City Hall February 22, 1967 Manager, Hillhaven Nursing Home 265 Boulevard Dr., No E. Atlanta , Georgi a 30312 Dear Sir: At the public hearing held by the new Community Rel a tions Commission of the city of Atlant a , the matter of admittance of Negroes to Nurs ing Homes in the ar ea was brought before the Commission. Mr s . A. J. Dempsey, 1495 ozley Dr., S . W., r eported t~ loning : Request for admi ssion f fil ~ng ~ tion in writing , going to the f acility, bei ng shown around courteously with the notation t hat I would be notified of an opening, as s oon as the next floor was made available the following week; aft er repeat ed re~uest s be t el ephone {not having heard from the Director as promi sed) I was informed tha t nobody seemed to have known anyt hi ng about the initia l applica tion fo rm made i n writing . e 1111 appreciat e information f r om you about t he number of Negroes who hav appli ed to t he Hillhaven Nursi ng Home , t he number who have been ad.mitt d , t he a verage t ime bet ueen bei ng pl aced on a lis t and bei ng admitted. Si ncer ely, (Mra .) Eliza Paschall Execut ive Di rect or Community Relat ions Commisaion EP :MT cc: ayor Iv n All an , Jr. Hon. Sam. Maseell , Jr. Dr. W. S. Jackson, Atlanta School of Social Work Mr. Wr enn, Equal Health Opportunity Offic r , H alth , Eduction , and Mrs. A. J . Dempa y Mr. Duan ck, Community Council lf r . �COM! UNI TY RELATIOUS co_ I SSI ON City Hall February 22, 1967 Manager , \'lesl ey foods Real th Center 1825 Cli ft on Road, N. E. Atlant a , Georgi a Dear Sir: At t he public heari ng hel d by t he new Communi t y Rel a tions Commi ssi on of t he eity of Atlanta , t he matter of admi t tance of Negroes t o Nuroi ng Homes i n t he area was brought before the Commi ssi on. Mrs . A. J. Dempsey , 1495 Mozley Dr., s. W., r epor t ed t he follo ting : I c alled t o iesley i ood 1h r e I undora t and ishop Harri s was admi tted bef ore hi s dea th . I did not pursu admi ssion a t Wes l ey Woods where t hey , too, indica t ed a long wai ting l i s t. We wi ll appreciate information from you about the number of Negroes who have applied t o the esley Woods Heal t h Center , the number who have been admitt ed , t he average t ime bet ~een bei ng placed on a list and being admitted . Sincerely , s.r_ (Mr . ) Eliza Pa chall xecutive Director Community Re l a tions Commi osion EP :mt cc: Mayor Iv n All en, Jr. Ron. Sam Masseli, Jr . Dr . W. s. Jackson , tlanta School of Social Wor r . Wrenn, ,qual Oppo~tunity Offic ~r , a lth, ducation, and W lfar Mrs . A. J. Dempsey r. Duane Beck , Co uni ty Council �COMI-IUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION City Hall February 22, 1967 Brigadier ~eneral illiam Rogers Woodward, Director Atlant a Metropolitan Area Civil D€fense Council 30 Courtland St., S. E. tlant a , Georgia Dear General Woodwa rd: At the public hearing held by tho new Community Relations Commission of the city of Atlant a , the matter of participa tion by legroes in the Metropolitan Atlant a civil defense program , both as Gtaff members and as volunteers , as brought b fore the Commission by Mr. Sterrs Johns on. e will appreciate informa tion as to th present positions held by fegroes on your s taff and on civil def en e policy bodies in the metropolitan Atlanta ar a . Sincerely, i ·f . (Ire .) Eliz P s oha ll Executive Director Community R l ations Commission EP : t cc : · ayor Ivan Allen , Jr. Hon. r; s el.l , .Jr . Mr. Sterra John on r . William Paga , (Chairman, Committee on Equal Employm nt Opport'1Ility , Fed ral Executive Board) �CO ORITI TIO CO IIS IO City Hall bru ry 22 , l 67 r . J a O. D li Dir ctor of Public R or tion Ci ty all Atl nt . , Geor 1 I v vrltt n to t the public hu«JC~&l..,. t d liz P cha.ll cutiv Di otor unity l ti.on Pt t C i or tio C.o ton �City bru ry 22 , .. ir: l 7 �TY RELATIO. CO ISSIO 1 City H ll ebruary 22, 1967 Dr. Jrunes F. Hackney , Commission r of He 1th 99 Butl r Str t , S. E. Atlanta , Georgia Dear Dr . Hackney : At the public heari ng h ld by tho n r Co'-""4,,IU.t,, city of Atlant , • Le i s Holm Sr. , who 1 in th ."home & buoine i prov un~anitary conaition &nd pr otic - in o Mhore he hao don repair and renovation wo~k. r . Hol 00 said ho would w lco to th appropriate otticialo. Holm • o'f th prop r proo dur into . ty to 81~ th p rtinent d t il ei t you adviaing u3 or r . Lewi to 1 llov to hnv thio condition looked p Sinoer ly, 11 Co o ion �COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION City Hall February 22, 1967 Brigadi er General William Rogers Woodward , Director Atlanta Metropolitan Area Ci vi l Defense Council 30 Courtland St., S. E. Atlanta , Geor gia Dear General Woodward : At the public hearing held by the new Community Relations Commission of the city of Atlanta , the matter of participation by Negroes in the Metropolitan Atlanta civil defense program, both as staff members and as volunteers, was brought bef ore the Commission by Mr . Sterrs Johnson. We will appreciate information as t o the present pos itions held by Negroes on your staff and on civil defense policy bodies in the metropolitan Atlanta area. Sincerely, 5/i P~l (Mrs~liza Paschall Executive Director Community Relations Commission EP : mt cc : Mayor Ivan Allen, J r . Hon. Sam Massell , Jr. Mr. St rrs Johnson Mr . William Page , (Chairman , Committee on Equal Employment Oppor tunity , Federal Executive Board ) �May.or Allen 1 7 �• 1 l 1 i ·> �hr . C. 0 . :~au rich Admini!Jtrn.tor, ~cono..., c 101 1·, riett Jt ..... eet , ·• o Atlanta , Gnor(!ia 30302 ')p ortunity, tl· nta , Inc . 1• Dear I1r . :rnrnerich: hel b/ t:.r- n , Ccrr.l!l' nity 10lution::; Co~ission of the City of Jl lant on . eb uary 16 , l rn . m nry Too ..bs , me:nbor of the Georgia Board of ."a.rdl~· und Childrenn Services , '1poke in favor of th adontion of the F on Jtn p Pl 11 caans of c.oating the basic neo of providin 5 food for ~1 {.ti.ble poroon , n to that extent de.ali~~ wit problor:1 of he lt 1.nd delinquency . · •rn . Toombs say3 that you have a complote file on~·" fe si~ility oft ic plan for Fulton County , ,hich .erv s the najo ortion of tlant , and ~fforts to implement it . At the ;:ub ic heurin 'o ·ill appreci t yo1.ir a vi inb ua bolt the plan and 1 tr. pre~or t r.tat .• ~. o tr" "'incerely , ,I' _) ' ·r lt- 1-f'L/ J (L- 1-(' I~ ( ,d. ) ")I (__J / l.f--- ·11~ Panchull ~x nJtivc ~i octor ,o '.l 1i t.v i la tion , Commission . P: P ..~ cc: ~ yor !van Hor. • .J r.1 ~ llcn , Jr . ssell , Jr . ~r . iollborn .llis .r" . HEnry Too bP �.br·urJ 20 , 1967 l.r • •• • .J • ..:ia.tt-rfi<:ld , DLect-:>r atlan a tioacin~ ~thority I urt BuilC!in ? Atlanta , Gcor ear 1r. i a 30303 tt rfie dt the !)Ubl ic het.rin,., luld by tlH . . e ly a point d ']ommU!lity ":o_ mi:..:~ion on Thur to the Coi.1mi. ,ion: y, br, ury l · tlrn following ~ u, rc.., , t 7 u. ti"' elations )Orte<l s r ~1 6 . . ilL rd ..-.itrect , part e. t 612 (Gr v l coivcd an y -t ... n vi::li tinJ to COllrt 0..1 c. Th f r nd J~ -ric, ... 1: • <;r,P~ ., . .·.. �