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M UN TY ELATIO S COM SSION ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1988 1f08 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 80308 Chairman THE HONORABLE SAM MASSELL, JR., Ea:-Ofjicio President, Boord of Aldermen TELEPHONE 5t!-H88 EXT. ~88 MR. IRVING K. KALER, April 13, 1967 COMMISSIOX MEMBERS ~IR. T. J\I. ALEXANDER, SR. MR. R. BYRON ATTRIDGE JIIRS. SARA B AKER TD: l\Jrss HELEN B ULLARD MR. R . J. FROM: Messers Collier Gladin, Colonel Malcolm Jones, Mr. Ray Ni xon, Mr. Les Persells, Mr. William Wofford Eliza K. Paschall, Executive Director ?{:.P RE: Public Meeting on all phases of Housing in Model Neighborhood Area BUTLER MR. ROBERT DOBBS l\JR. HAMILTON ' nouGLAS, MR. C. G. EZZARD MOS T HEYEREND PAUL J. JR. HALLINAN Arch/,i,il,o}J of Atlanta Ma. JOSF.P!I HAAS l'IIR. AL K UETTNER DR. ROR F.RT E . LEE MR. ROLi.A ND MAXWELL l\!a. F . W .' PATTERSON RADO! JACOB M. ROTl!SCH!LD MR. M. 0. "Duzz" RYAN MR. J AC'K SELLS Mas. MARY STEPHENS At the public hearing which t he Commiss ion held in the SummerhillPeoplest own and the ~echanicsville-Pittsburg areas, we were asked to help plan one meeting for the whole model neighborhood area where all the various questions about housing might be brought up and discussed and answered as they relate to each other. THE REVEREND SAMUEL WILLIAMS MRS. ELIZA For example, i f there is to be no lessening o f code enforcement during the year' s planning period, where will people b e relocated? Are there relocation re s ou rces within the area? Will the sched uling of improvements in streets, etc., be delayed until the year 1 s planning is done, or will that continue without regard to th e model planning? Etc., Etc. K . p ASCHALL, Executive Director It seemed to those present at the meetings that it would be helpful f or the residents to ha v e an opportun±y t o he ar t hese and simil a r questions. put t o the heads of the vari ou s dep.artme nt s concerned and for e v e ryb ody to hear everybody else's answers. The group has scheduled suc h a meetin g for Tue sday, April 25 1 B p .m. at St . Stephe n' s Church, Geo rgia Avenue & Ca pitol Avenu e . TH EY HA VE ASKED ME TD REQUEST EACH OF YOU TD COME 50 THAT YOU CAN GI VE ACC URAT E AND AUTHORITATI VE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROG RAMS ADMINISTERED EY YOUR DE PARTMENTS : Planning and Zoning; Model Neighborh oo d, Mr. Colli er Gladi n In s pe ction and Code Enforcement, Mr. William Wofford Con st r uc tio n , Mr . Ray Nixon Reloc a tion, Mr . Le s Persell s Housing Resources, Colonel Malcolm Jones cc: Mayo r Ivan Allen, Jr • .,,,,.,-Alderman Rodney Cook �