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~~ ,vh v arc t c o:-,·.~nu11i ·-,-r ~Ly Yi.2]) r 2s L:t.~ a·..:::..vc of t~1:: 2.~t~'-·.c~s ·i1i ;_) a[ :Jo~! 1 ·i.:~1c 1.,,:1~. 1..: ~ ~ir~c..: t :1e: , :(; 0rc ~a .. c. \:.:o __. ,_ :~I.:! :J r l..!;)' r cL ·c.: o (:.c··,10 ...: e t i1e rLC CCvsary tir.:.l..! 21.n~ d.el.. i c .::. t.ic n 'to t:·1cir 1 C. 0 ::~11it~C( ~ .:t :; ., C_Lcr:;y ~ -;i:_::.jlt~·.:.. t .


cnr,;e;-;,t, e ducation,

1 . 3.i)O ::' ' i., .::-.ci1 cor:~1:itte: ~ s:10ul-:'. :,.J.v.::. a ))re sticiou s chairman , a re s(;:a rc:1 person a.n0. a n,ember of ";.1is coi.:1J1. is siort '3.rr.·~u! :.i. its total i.t10t·.:Oe'!:'s:--.i p . Every cf fo ~t sj~~l be e:~is te1 c c: . ~a~~ -::o e n lis~ t~e help o= al l p er~incn- a gencies a l ready in 1. GV2U:LL c o:-.:..-iIT'i':I:; OI' "~~E CO~-::i:-iIS SIQl\1 on pers or..nel anci. func tion wh ose yn.::cp ose will ·'.)e t uofolc : fi r st, to recom.rrrenc to t~1c ch airr.1an p otential r.,2:,1::11::r s o i: t: e cO?i0ti -::-::ces t:o b e e stablisheci , aao. seco:i.d , to exp l a in t 11e ir iu t ies and see t h2.t t'.1ey are being c a .:-riecl out within t i1e frame,;-;o r~ of the Co::inission' s organizational f r ame.work . 2. 3. ~:O[SL,C 5. Lt..\·.' 1'...:-rLJ ;~~l.Jf:..L ::_::,j~"OI{C:2:·iEi,:T W c.,C.TIG"( 0. rc:c:~:.c:~'r:01, 7. o. 9. 10 . l.1. . 12 . i3. 2. .:J . I., . C.

2-U:uLIC ,!.CCC:-.::.-iCI:ATIO~iiS

Rl:.G:STR.ATIOI,: _:..,:_~;; VOTL<G l·ilii.i~ CIPAL s::::1:,·1cr:s "'. ·f2L": ARE .A.i.:D P'CBLIC ASS:i::S1'A~~CE SOCDi.L AX:D HEALTH SERVICi.::S COi:·h·J.i:·:ICf-i.Tim~ hITEii.': 1-!..ii:D EZ'f \ TEEi, T:ilE c o:-i1·H.Ji.1 I ""'ES VOLI;~-.;""TP~Y ASSOC I ·~TIOi.·s Ai.-.u OPGA.:.HZATIOi-JS : ( Bar, Heclical , Crmrc1.1cs , Lab or, p r o fessional g roups, c i v i c o rganizations , civil de fense , etc.) ~1..A'i'IOKS WITE &GS'i'It'G AGE)JCIES LE l.L A0D~TlGJ.:iAL RI:SOURCES: ru~ds ana Gran ts S?~..:..GRS I EUREAG - us..;.ng cor..;-nittee 1:1embers AD HOC Co:.: ,ITT:SE ~'i.1.e fur.ction of this c orn,1 i t tee will be in t~m are<>-s: ~rev ention ar:.d a levia tion of an er:,crgency si·i:uz.tion. Your s pccia:'.. c or,-:1:iitte - on com:,,ittees rcco:m. e n ds that the memb e::s·:1ip o f this c o;:-.,,1.:..t tGe be kept s r::,.a ll e.:1ou:;h to f .;.1-..ction immediately shoul an en,erzency arise in t he bene:ral �- 2- F eport o - Cc,·,~-:.·· t~ee o:i. Co:::-,rr:it t 2es ~11 , 1. t:-.. q -c i ·~ r.1.~:1~t 2:c :>~ a.u ~r.:2.ntcc~ ir1 C[..C11 specific c ase by a f t :12t sub - cor:c:.i ~'!:ce ,.-,~1:;s ..:: w.rea 0£ i11·-./ e.stiz~tiot~ h~s b cer1 tl-1e pa:.. ti cul.:ir ncig:·1 borl oo-· L1. ,.f',icll t':lc. n rcscnt m.c. rgci.1 cy arises . co1,:l7t~.n ity

-.12.10c ~

~espcctiully s·.ibr:,iU: cc. :

~-~~.,. . 1."i.. L. Felc:ir.~ar.

-~r.. ~·os~i )11 l·l a2.s

Arc:.1ois11op ·).:.ul V. Eall inan

-I::. Buzz ~y.::.,

Yr s . i.:;:iry S ·ephe:..1s

,;.c:.bb i Jacob ii . : .:Z ot:1sc1-.ild

Lr . - rv · n c: ::.al.er ) ~ o f f i c io

 :-~rs . Eliza Paschnll) ex