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.. ,,..,.,~..... ... ~ ';/ ·.- ',-':'._t. ~), ~~ OMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1966 11103 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 30303 TELEPHONE 5U-4H3 EXT. 433 April 8 1 1967 Mrs. Sylvi a S. Cochran NASH•WASHlNGTON SERVICE CENTER 247 Ashby Street, N~ w. Atlanta , Georgia 30314 Dear Mrs . Cochx-an: We very much appreciate your kind letter of March 9 commenting upon the program of the Community Relations Commission of At lant. We o~e much to the foresight of M yor Allen in giving leadership to this program and I am. the~efore• sending hitn a copy of your fine letter . We re pleased that the efforts of our Executive Director. Mrs . Pasch 11, resulted in th re .. hiring of Mr. Murphy. W earnestly hope th t you will eont ct the Conmtssion at any time in the future if you consider th t we c n be of ssi t nc to the NASH-WASHINGTON SERVICE CENTER. Yours very ~ IKK:rjg cc; Chaim n Mayor Ivan Allen• Jr. / . tncer ly. ,, I ~ l t" �