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11/2/67 H[GHLIGHTS OF PROPOSAL FOR DEVELOPMENT OF CENTRAL ATLANTA ACTION PROGRAM BACKGROUND: It has been agreed that a Central Atlanta Action Program is essential £or the following reasons:. 1. 2. 3. 4. CITY-C.A.P. TEAM: It has been agreed by the Mayor, Alderman Cook, .the Planning Department Director, and the Directors 0£ C.A.P., to pool manpower and financial resources in a team effort, with the following unique features: 1. 2. 3. CONSULTANTS: To determine practical goals £or CA For systematic approach to problem-solving A requirement £or getting further Federal Highway funds To determine systematic priority 0£ needs and program £or financing. Technical team 0£ City-C.A.P., under technical direction 0£ Don Ingram, of C.A.P. Continuous involvement 0£ CA Business Community Systematic review and involvement 0£ Mayor and Planning & Development Committee. It is proposed that top, nationally recognized experts be used to assist in three specialized fields: 1. 2. 3. Tran spor ta tio-n Economics Urban Design Specifically, we have had numerous work sessions with Alan M. Voorhees & Associates. Mr. Voorhees is an outstanding City Planner and Transportation expert --- highly regarded by the Bureau 0£ Public Roads, acceptable to the State Highway Department, and currently being considered to work with the Rapid Transit Authority. We £eel that it is most important that all elements 0£ transportation be tied together through a competent transportation expert. �--- - - -·· - - - • • · - - - - - - - - _ _ _ __ J _ _ _.. • · - · · - · · ·~ - - - - -~ · · · - · - - - - - - -- 2 CONSULTANTS: (Continued) Because his firm is working with MARTA, and because he has more information readily available, Phil Hammer, 0£ Hammer, Siler, Greene and Associates, looks like the most likely choice £or economic elements within our study. The Urban Design consultant is less : clear at this time, although we have inquired into ma ny di££erent possibilities. · TIMETABLE: SHORT RANGE PROGRAM: Development of this "Action Plan" would be done over an 18 - month period, hope f ully beginning on January 1, 19 68, and ending on June 30 , 1969 o A unique feature of this proposed approach is that it provides £or a quick determination 0£ · goals and objectives £or the Central Atlanta Area. Next, a short-range program will be developed £or the purpose of evaluating existing actions against the yardstick 0£ the above goals and objectives. This will synchronize Central Core planning with other programs already underway --i.eo, Rapid Transit planning. Out of this short-range program may come some specific interim projects on which we can be working while the more sophisticated, longrange planning proceeds. WHAT -THIS APPROACH WILL NOT DO: This is no instantaneous cure-all £or Central Atla nta illsq BUT IT REPRESENTS AN IMPORTANT BEGINNING OF A PROCESS. WHAT THIS APPROACH WILL DO : 1. It sets forth goals £or Central Atlanta. 2. It is a beginning toward problem-solving. 3o It p~ts City and Business Community together in a team effort. · - - - - - . . - �.. ,., _ ·- -- .. -_ . . .__~~-- - 3 WHAT TH[S APPROACH WILL DO: 4. It is a systematic approach toward tackling problems in a planned, logical sequence. s. It seeks to determine space requirements £or various £unctions needed in -Central Atlanta to serve a Metro Area of 2-Million in 1983 --- and 3-Million shortly after the turn 0£ the Century. 6. It sets up the necessary sop his tica ted planning system prerequisite to continued eligibility £or Federal funds. 7. It put goals, plans, and steps on paper so that public and private forces can work intelligently together toward building an exciting, efficient Central Atlanta to serve and build a GREAT CITY. (Continued) NOTE: THE ABOVE PROPOSAL IS NOT FINAL, BUT IS PRELIMINARY, AND FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY. ---··· �