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June 12, 1967 Mrs. Eliza K. Paschall Executive Director Community Relations Commission 1203 City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dea.r Mrs . Paschall: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 7, 1967. Th.e meeting you referred to on the morning of Jun 6th w a me ting call d for th h ads of the vaJ"iou op r ting departments of the City Government. It has never been our pr ctice to include th x cutive director of th variou gove,:nment agencies uch as Civil Def n e, Metropolitan Planning Commie ion, the Atlanta Youth Councii, etc. - t th m etings. How v r, they re not closed me ting _ , nd w · would b happy to _ v you ttend future meeting if you o desir • I am sur th.at Mr. Collier Gladin, h ad o! the Pl nning D rtm nt, wUl be happy to furnish you with ny nd . 11 inform tion submitt d to th d rtm nt bead at th m ting on June 6th. Sine r · 1y your , R. E rl Land t Admini tr tiv .Aa i tant REL:lp CC: Mr. Irving Kaler �