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OMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1968 1£03 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 30303 TELEPHONE Sfl!-4463 EXT. 433 June 2, 1967 Mr . D n E. Sw t Director of Gov mm nt 1 Liaison City of Atl City Hall Atlanta, Georgi 30303 D r Mr . S t: Thi 1 in r ard to your 1 t t r r garding the VISTA proj ct a it ppli to the propo d Model N ighborhood Progr in At nta, 11 tanca from Mr . c. G. Ez ard, Pr id nt , S rhill Civic League , and m-~fter of the Atlanta Coamunity lationa Coamiaaion. A copy is att c d . In vi of hi request and your lett r of May 24, ar in gr nt that this r u t hould be part of your coordinating progr • Eit r 1 tter from you or conf r nc with Mr. Ezs rd would b greatly ppreciated. Our lghborhood e tinge v convinc d us of th int ns interest oft citisens 1n having additional information about th Model City, d v will le your sugg tiona a to wher thee inquirl.. uld b forward for information. The r qua t for Perhaps it would be help ul if you could meet with the --auia ion and ~ p lfie outline• of where the C • ion can be of at u iatance in this progr • �Page Two Mr. . Dan E. Sweat June 2, 1967 It goes without saying that .s ince our aims are identic land p :rallel that there will be overlapping responsibilities. While we feel a deep obligation to fulfill our functions as outlined by the Mayor and the Bo rd of Aldermen,, I am sure you know we do not · nt to duplicate services. W look forward to hearing from you. -sincerely, ~ --


cc:,-/Mayol:' Iv n Allen~ .Jr. Mr. liza · .Pac 11 - 1, / ~ ler,. Chairman �