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~ / Vo1v.:rn.a:uNX'l'Y RELATIONS coM:tVJISSJ[ON ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1966 1103 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 30303 TELEPHONE 5t.t4J63 EXT. -'33 M!<. IRVING K. KALE~, Chairmen THE H->N0RAB LE SA~ MASSELL, JR., Ez:-OJ;i.eio Presidcr.t, Boa.rd of Aldermen CO:'tI:'IIISSION M!<. T. pg. 2 of 6 MEMBERS II!. ALEXANDER, S R. 23. MR. R. BYRON ATTRIDGE MRS. SARA BAKER Relation to other Economic Opportunit§ ·Programs MISS HO.EN B t:t.LARD How will the activities of the proposed project be coordinated with·the community action program? llR. R . J . BUTLER llR. Rosr..u DOBBS llR. HA:lf!LTON DO UGLAS, llR. C. G. EZZAP.D JR. l!0ST REVEREN D PAUL J. HALLP.<AN Arch~ :•h~;, of .4. tlant~ IIR. JOS EPH HAAB - l!P.. A L KUETTNER The purpose of the proposed Vista project is to provide a . --· re-li'a-blesource ·o-:f Tnf·o-ru1-at-ion on- 'tlie -various programs having ) R. RO BERT E . LEE ~[R. ROLLAND l\!AXWELL to do with the proposed Model Neighborhood Progra~ in Atlanta. .ra. F. w:PATTERSON There exists now much confusion and _ anxiety about the possibilitie: UBS! JACOB M. ROTH SCH ILD of the prograu and also interest inexploring the potentialities i!R. M. 0 . "Buzz" RYA::,;' i!R. JACK SELLS Citizens groups in the area have requ~sted use of Vista !.'<.q. MARY StEPHE::-;'S vohmteers to act as Information Aides, to serve the ci vie groups


which need to be kept current on developments so as to plan !Rs. ELIZA K . PASC H ALL, E.:ecutips Directcnintelligently and independently for their participation. ·- The Volunteers will work under the supervision of the Director of the Community Relations Comr.liss ion, assigned to ci vie organizations in the area and physically located in the area. This Commission has no professional staff or volunteers engaged in this work. The Volunteers will have opportunity through their contacts and work with local people to make suggestions about the developmen ts of the Model Neighborhood Program This request is to reassi g n two (2) of the Volunteers already working under EOA to this project, so much of the information requested would not be applicable • ., f· �