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COMM UNI TY RE LATI ONS COMMISSION 1 2 03 CIT Y HA LL ATLAN TA, GEORG I A MEMO RAND UM TO: COMM IS S I ON MEMB ER S FROM : ELI ZA K. PASC HALL Th e re g ul a r mo n t hly mee tin g f o r t he Commu nity Re l a tio n s Commission wi ll be he l d Fr i d ay, May 26 , 196 7 , a t 1:3 0 P . M. i n Committ ee Ro o m #2, Ci ty Ha ll. Enclosed for yo ur information are the fol l owin g : 1. Minutes April 5th, Me c hanics vi lle-Pitt s burg Nei g hbor hood Hear in g April 19th, Northwest Area Nei g hborhood He a rin g April 25th, Housing programs in the area inc l ud e d in proposed Model Ne i gh b o rhood Program . May 2. 4th, Perry Homes - Scotts Crossing Neighborhood Hearing Profiles on Neighborhoods: People s town . Pittsburg, Me chanicsv ille and 3. The Resolution of August 1, 1966, establ i shing the " Ad Hoc Committee" on Human Re l ations Co mmi tte e which preceded the Commission. 4. Leaflet on the Commission. 5. Editora l from The Atlanta J ourna l -- The New Commission" 6. Excerpt from lhe New York Times of Sunday, April 9, 1967 "City Moves to Avert Summer Unrest" �