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CI TY OF ATLANTA DEPARTME N T of .E!B-E46 COURTLAND ST., S. E . Atlanta, Georgia February 19, 1969 C. H . H IL DEBRAND, JR . Chief Honorabl e Ivan All en, J r . Mayor , City of At l anta City Ha 11 Atlanta , G org i a 30303 Dear ~ayo r All en : I am deep ly grateful for th conf i de ce and t rust dis pl ayed by naming me to t he honored position of C i ef of t he At l anta Fir Depa r b,ent to become effective Ap ril 1 , 1969 . I appreciate your support and pl e ge to yo u my u t iri ng efforts to\.'1ard a rea 1i sti c con ti nu i ng progressive program for this depa rtment ~'1°1 i ch wi 11 meet tie de, ands at <.l needs of t hese changirg t i mes . That my years of serv i ce are t.,e i 19 climaxed i n this lilanne r i s my 1i fe 1ong a1,1uit ion and the greatest cha 11 e ge of my life . Thank you for making t hi s opportunity poss i ble for me . S? Jrely, JroK?i~~ At l anta Fire Depa rtment PmJ : 11 a "HELP SAVE LIFE AND PROPERTY BY PREVENTING FIRES" �