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Community Rela tions Commi ss ion 12 03 City Ha ll Atlanta, Ge orgia Perry Home s , Scot ts Cr ossing are a 2 Neighb orhood Hea rin g 2 Thursday, May 4, 1967 at Wi l k es Chape l Church, 22 51 Perry Bou.levardo This meeti ng was arr a nged by and he l d at the request of the residen t s of the area. Mr. Dobbs and Mrs. Paschall exp l ained the establishment of the Commis s ion ; ask ed fo r he lpf ul suggestio ns as well as problems. 1. Mr s . Odessa Hil l. Need rec r eation a r ea; sewe r s inadeq uate for all water that runs down from J a ckson Parkwa y; area needs a Jr. Hi gh ; Archer going on d ouble session . 2. Mrs . Frankie Simpson , 1 721 Barrett Dr i ve 1 N. W. Children need r ecreation are a . 159 signatures . Copy of peti ti on to Mr. Deli us with Randall Stre et is be comi ng a c ar dump i n t he Bolt on Hills are a. 3. Mr s. Mary San f ord, Pre s ident, Te na nt s Assn., Perr y Horne s . 1 000 familie s in Pe rry Homes; 67% headed by working women ; teenagers nee d places to play and s upe r vi s ion ; hav e a sked various public age nc i e s for h e lp ; 4 000 ch i l dren - the Communi t y Center was not in t he ori gi nal p lans a nd it is l ocated in a danger ous and inconvenient place on (Proctor) Cree k , no bus s ervice t o it and hard fo r chi l dren to ge t t hereo Ne ed traffic l ight at Perry Boul evard and Ke rry Driv e; asked Mr . Pirkle at Transit Co. ab out bus s ervi ce f n ot much help o Basements at project could be used for recreation but no toilet facilities. , Commun ity Ce nter lea s ed - to YMCA , which sh ows preference �2 to those who join YMCA; Te na nts Assn. buys $200 worth of memberships but still many who can't join; women work mostly in domestic service , at $6.00 a day, plus carfare. Mr. Dobbs pointed out that this area is isolated from rest of the ci ty. Plans to add 1500 more public housing units, but no plans for additional school. 4. Mrs. Olivia Pullen, 2760 Marco Drive, N. W. Need Boys Club , YMCA , YWCA in t hat area . Mrs. Sanford said recreation dept . is developing a ball park and tennis courts at Gun Club Park, children can 't afford tennis rackets, ·would be better to let them play in the spac e. 5. Rev. Dav id Mid dlebrooks, 1857 Spring Avenue, N. W. 355-6338, Forest Grove. Area is olated, need extended bus service , particularly so young girls will not have to walk so far g oing home, some have been molested . Street paving needed - on Spring Av e nue, Francis Avenue; sewers there but not connected. 6. Mrs . Darthula Stanfield, 2535 Abner Pl a c e, N. W. 792-7441. Need sewers so bad you ucan't eat y our dinner." ( Mr . Dobbs said Proctor Creek smells so bad at times people can 7 t stay i n their house.) Several vacant lot s - need 11 no dumping" signs; old cars on Arn o and Hollywood, told needed permit to get them moved . New Finch School - beautiful but no auditorium or gym , no place for meetings such as PTA ( opened in Sept . 1966) . 7. Mrs . Frances Strickland, 2598 Abner Place . No place to play, vacant lots could be cleaned off. Bus comes fast �3 down street, dan gerous for ch ildren pla ying in street. She is sponsor for a little teenage club b u t " they have noth ing to do; nowhere to go.n 8. Mrs. Jes s ie Gas t on , 2330 Perry Boulevard 7 # 30 . Lot, need equipment for c hi ldren to play; mothers will take turns supervising. 9. Mrs. Glayds Palme r ; Mrs. Arie Shelman 2 1818 Hollywood Rd . N. W. Need police protection at nigh t; need play area; should close pool room at Hollywood Plaza on Sundays. 10. Mrs. Fra nces Gha ni , 2111 d l a riss a Drive, Apt. 621. Need better bus service 1 need shelters for children . to wait for bus, ha ve to sta y from school if weathe r is bad ; need ·police pa trol at night; play area for s ma lle r child re n ; creek od or is bad. 11. Mrs . Eddi e Lee Doz i e r , 2L~l7 Clari s sa Drive., N. W. Pr octor Creek has od or a nd m6s qui t oes ; ' 'wen t down to City Hall a bout sewe rs ", but nothi ng d one . Need r e c rea ti on area - F inch Sc hool grou nds locked a s soon as sch ool is out, would be good play are a for ch i ldren . 12. Mrs . Jeanet t e Trimble, 13 70 Drew Drive . Closest libr ary on J one ~ Aven ue , need library; 24 hr . police protection ; t raffic light on Kerry a nd Drew; s peed i ng on Pe rry Boul e vard ; could use basements f or r e c reat ion ; dangerous to ge t to Community Center - dark , on creek ; need t o enfor c e school a tte ndance l a ws; mor e day care cent ers. Rev . Williams said all Negro schools are ove rc r owded ; one way to deal with it is for "you peop le to rais e hel l about i t 7 u going to �4 have to sustain your protest; Board of Education needs to know you are not going to tolerate these condit ions; should fill up some of the empty seats in other schools.

Mrs. 13. we can't pay for bus service to other parts of town. Mrs. Minnie Maid son, 2314 Ab ner Place. Sewers inadequate since all apartments have been built; sanitary dept. comes out once or twice a week but t hat isn 1 t enough; open sewer at 2315 Abner Place, N. W., dangerous for children playing. 14. Mrs. O. Wheeler, 2436 Abner Place, N. W. ·complained of discrimination against couple of Moslem religion who answered public appea l for additional Negro adoptive parents; were denied child because of religion; appealed to local agencies and State Departmen t of Famili and Children Service, but no help. ~lso said dog catchers come and "take dogs out of your yard; take the dog sleeping on front ste ps." They said a Sinclair service station at corner of Covington Highway near Conyers charges deposit for bottles and then refuses to re turn deposit when bottle is returned; mentioned discrimi nation against blind; need for night police patrols; too great a tax burden on homesteaders. 15. Mrs. Trimble . Trouble with public housing is with managers, not head offi ce ; manager has last say; tenants are afraid to complain . Mrs . Pullen: 10 years in public housing; it is a good place; rules and regulations are given. 16. Mrs. Don Gates 2 1488 Kerry Drive.. Usually know of charges ahead of time. �5 17. Mrs . Carrie Smith, 54 Drew Drive . Need for recreation area. 18. Mrs. Reagan, Perry Homes . When teenager g oes to work rent goes up t oo much; child has no chanc e. to r ise. 19 . Mrs. Ruby Hawk . Charged for a new screen door without asking, one little. hole i n it; d iffere nt charges f or same things; when she moved she was charged for things that were there, but s he was told, when she asked if they would look again, they ndon 1 t check but one time"; Wha ~ are. plans for Summer activities for c hildren in Perry Homes ? 20. Rev . C. A. Samples, Westmoreland Drive . Reminded the group of the cour t c ase re Joseph i ne Williams, to be heard Tuesday in Superior Court . Said city could make Model Neigh- borhood of Rockdale urban renewal area, vacant land, demonstrate how to buil d homes, etc.; people need to be able to get ahead before the rent goes up. Need informati on on U.S. program that gives Cuban refugees $2000 loan for house, plus $25 a week while waiting for job. Robinson School built with no playground. 21. Mrs. RosaLee Miller 2 2416 Clarissa Drive 2 N. W. She is paying sewer tax but no sewers connected. �