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Communi ty Relntions Commission, 1203 Ci t y Hnll, Ptlnnt a Ga. 30303 NEIGHBORHOOD PROFI LE NO. VI II Name of Neighborhood - Peoplestown l)escriptiori of N~·ig.h borhood - ( Expressway)

E - Hill St W - Capitol l\ve. N - Ptla nta Ave S - Southern R~ Developmental Progr~ms - Demonstra tion Cities (portion ,of area) Zoni ng Classifications - 4F Private residential, zoned by apts., nnd commercial Conditions of streets - Fair, very narrow, some without sidewalks Condition of housing Deteriorating Rncial patterns - Negro area, white areas (few tra n.s itional areas) most segregated Political representation: City V!a rd - 1st Alde r men - Griggs, Dennis County - Fulton Commissioners - ft ldredge, Mitchell, B:cown State Legislative Di st. - 12 7 State Senate District - 36 Se nator - J a ck Stephens Representat i ve - Cox U. S. Congressional Dist. - 4th Bd. of Education , - Dr. Ed S. Cook Congressman - Blackburn Educational Services ttl a nta Publ i c School fr e a - 5 Superintendent - Dr. G. Y. Smith · Pub l i c schools in ar e a - No high school in are a - reside n ts attend predomina ntly the Negro schools throughout the city - Daniel St a nton Ele. Nearest high schools - Roosevelt, Ca rver. Uashington, Pr ice, Parks J r . Hi g h Voca t i ona l schools in area - Carver - Still predomina ntly v oc a tion but school board says is d eve lop i n g it i nto a communi ty h igh s chool. Nurseri e s - l eft bl a nk Pr i vat e s chools in a r e a - None Librar ies i n area - None Recreati o na l Serv ice s Parks i n Area - No ne Rec rea t i onal Centers in ~rea - None Parks ser v i ng ar ea ( not loc a ted i n g eographic area ) - Grant Park Re c rea t i ona l ce n ter s s e r v ing ar ea - no o ne par t i cula r ce n ter res ident s use c e n ters a l l o ver city Social \'ielfare Services in Area - Price Neighborhood Service Center Health Services in Prea - South Fu lton General characteristics of business in nrea - smnll grocery stores essentially Public services: Police servicePatrol, detective , juvenile and crime cars in area 24 hrs. daily Fire protection services - same as all residential areas Sc~edule for snnitnry collections - twice weekly Housing inspection schedule - monthly Publ i c trnnsportation - nothing through community - transportation through boundary streets only (over) �Neighborhood Pr ofile No. G Page 2 Civic, Political n_nd Religious Organizations: Peoplestown Civic Lea-gue Ur. Heney_ C. Phipps, Chairman located nt ~79 Haygood · Ave. _ S.E. Churches and Religious Organiz~tio~s: New Hampton Baptist · ... . ,; �