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- - - - - - -- - - - - -- ·there ~ ere approxi1n.atcly 150 pe)op e .."""""' ,..,~ Co""-.-"ssion ,.,._, be.,.• j "~'r 0 C 1.:,-1.l. ' - . (t Approximotaly lG persons t --- ·csent r,;,~ ..... ~.-:; ~ ;., '-" . . ~<;.'...L.-y ':'·1."' i "' 6-- -~ . . , __ ·oy. ,·'-._ ...,'-'_..,."-'--' ~,,_ 1-~ •.',"-'~ ' -- ·r ;e,,-:: ... -< rJ,.,. . '. 'fC! ,~ _ spoke of the I'- oole!ns in their com::,u.n tieso address' ruid specific ~robler1s re r corde '...~a . .,. . .

r-1n ,,r1

..-," . ~~- .1tl!:les ~ by ?(rs . Thorr:tis, sec eti;.T}l'" and are on record in the Com::1i ssion office .. i"ncilitic.:;, t~ . :::..cr Giir oet- The proble'1".S related indllde the need for rec, oatio lighting and resurfaci ng, pol i ce protection,. rubbis.. collection., co o nfo cJ2~nt a.11d low coot housing. SevercJl p- rrons <>poke of the problem e!lcou.ntered by U:. ir area being in the City of .Atlanta., yet in D kalb County. Hr .. Dou~lan., on behalf of the Co;ll!ll.,sion prol:lised our h lp in referring these co::iplainta to the proper city depart.!l~nt. Mrs. Ba!-:er sueE;ested thnt the telll.l ta ~e a gddcd tour of tl:e ar-so. . the civic leaders present offerred mll be worked out later~ -zhcnever to work up mi itinerary .. S ieral of' Plans for this our e can determine a ::mtu.:ill7 convenient tir.:e,. ¥.r. Ezzard spoke to the group asro? bled on t.ryinr; to esta l:!.sh good reln.tio "hips with the white ~ sidents rell"'.aining in the cor--.r.unity to onco'.lragc the., to rcr..nin.. told of the work t.be.t hnd been dooo in his own cor;,:,rmnity in this lineo .. . --/.2, • , ~ . , c , ( ~ This meeting chowotl that r!oSt of these proble!r.>$ arc tr.e rceult 0.1.. 14ck He 1-.,, ~A,":t. or comprehension on what_!! e.nd is not city respon~ibility and lac~ of know-hew as to -what city depart?r.ent to contact -whe:i-e or the need for city ucrvices erises. ·:e see here n ooed for our services in better infornrl.nb and clem-ing up this 1.:onf 1sion. �