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OMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1968 TELEPHONE 5!!-4463 EXT. 433 1203 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 30303 DY 11 , 197 r .• Herbert Jenki ns Chief of Police 165 Decatur Street , S . E~ Atlant ,. Georgia Der Chief J enkins : I hesit te even to repo t to you~ situation of which I m sure you are well aware . I do feel nn oblig3 t ion , ho· ver , to have it on the record th tat each Neighborhood Hearing which we have 1eld , there have been requests for incre sed police prot ction . The co™ion complaint is , when police i s needed , by the timo the call is put in and tho police arrives it is almost too late to do any good . Ther ere also gener 1 statements about the need for regul r patroling throu bout t h night . lam ware of the gre t shortage of personnel in the Police Dep rtment , but I felt sure that you ould w nt to have tbi report d to you . The res in which we h ve.hald meetings includes , Edg wood , Kirkw od , um erbill ; oplesto n ; Vine City , Li btning , eeh nicsville ., Pittsburgh , Dixie Hills , Bolton Bills , P rr Ho es , Scott C ossing , C nter Hill , Corey P rk , Grov rk , Bo en Ho s , Hunter 11111 , Almond Park , nd Simpson-Troy Str t. W ould be gl d to provide you with the namos of th individu 1 r sidents who presented these requests if this vould b of ny b"elp to you . inc roly , ( rs ,) Eliz K. xecutive Dir ctor KP : co ~ : yor Ivan All n / Mr . Irving K. Kaler , Ch ir ich rd r n , Ch ir Mr . n n of Polle sch 11 Co itt �