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- -1 I I OMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1966 1£03 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 30303 TELEPHONE 511-4,l63 EXT. 433 ay 9 , 1967 r . Sterrs Johnson For the past to years or s0 0 I have been familiar 1th r . Sterrs Johnson ' s efforts to obtain employment in the Civil Defense OJ;'ganization of Met ropol i t an Atl anta . When I orked as ecut ive Direct or of the Council on Human Relations of Greater Atlanta , r . Johnson asked for our assistance . Mr . Johnson ha ~ documen s from his Commanding Officers in the Army Reserves attesting to his training and experiences in Civil Defense , and recommending him highly for work in this area . Mr . Johnson states that upon his early reques t s bout e ployment hews not notified th t such ppl i c tions should b sub itted to th St te Merit System, he then took the Merit System ex min tion nd passed it . He th n preced d 1th the hel p of the Council office to cont ct , in turn t he Dep rtment of the N vy , Equ 1 Opportunit y tl nta , the Dep rt ent of Defense , the qu 1 Employment Opportunity Co ission and the city of Atl nt • He · s tol d in ach case th t the gency involved did not h v jurisdiction over this . Th Dep rtment of Defense ckno led that the Atl nt Metropolit n Civil Def nse Org niz tion r c iv s Fed r 1 on y , but dvis d him that e ployment is through the St te M rit yst m, which put hi b c here be st rtod . the St t M rit Sy t m r 1st r had xpir d nd it r . Johnson tot ke the ex in tion gin . ving und r consid r bl about this tter , llr . Johnson did not p s the ex ination th t ti but shortly th r ft r took it ag in nd did pass it . (Mr . Johnson point out th t th r ppears to be no N gro x min r t th t orit Syst m and th th kno of no way to find out if t he r ports o f th x in rs r ithout pr judic) In Febru ry upon the tablish ent of this Co 1ss1on, r . Johnson gin a k d for h lp in hi effort to oot in plo ent in th Civil Def n Org niz tion . Gen r 1 Wood rd ur d us th t ploye r 1 cted ithout r gard to rac ltbough w kno of no ro ploy s in th prof ion 1 or oftic st ff of th c ntral Civil Def Organi• zation . Th n Mr . Johnson r qu about hi th t hi po ition r ind d that thi e xamination and cc: Mr. Eugen t I inquir th ev r 1 No . 1 on the r any tia if so on th n Kr . Johnson . tt rson , Atl nta Constitution rit Syst told th t t I r, but I was 1 took th �