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OMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION ESTABLISHED BY THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, NOVEMBER, 1968 1209 CITY HALL, ATLANTA GEORGIA 90303 TELEPHONE 5U-4,f63 EXT. 433 MR. IRVING K. KALER, Chairman. THE HON ORABLE SAM MASSELL, JR., Ex-Officio President , Board of Aldermen. Ma y 5, 1967 COMMISSION MEMBERS MR. T. M. ALEXANDER, SR. MR. R. BYRON ATTRIDGE MRS. SARA B AKER MIS S HELEN BULLARD MR. R. J. BUTLER MR. ROBERT DOBBS MR. HAMILTON DOUGLAS, JR. MR. C. G. EZZARD MOS T REVEREND PAUL J . HALLINAN A r chbishop of Atlanta MR. J OSEPH HAAS MR. AL KUETTNER DR. ROBERT E . L EE MR. ROLLA ND M AXWELL MR. F . W .' PATTERSON Ma y o r Iva n Allen, Jr. Ci ty o f Atl a nta Ci ty Ha ll At l a n ta , Ge o rg i a RABBI JACOB M. ROTHSCHILD MR. M. 0. "Buzz" RYAN MR. JACK SELLS Dear Mayor Allen: MRS. MARY STEPHENS THE REVEREND SAMUEL WILLIAMS MRS . ELIZA K. PASCHALL, Executive Director Mr . I rvi n g K. Ka l er , c h a i r ma n o f the Communi ty Rel at ions Comm i ss ion has asked me t o write on be h a l f o f t h e Commission t o accept th e resoluti o n c o ncerning the "H ebrew Benevol ent Congregatio n Award ", and t o express a p preciation f o r t he op p o rt unity t o act on b ehal f o f t he ci ty . Th e chairman will name a c ommi ttee t o wo rk o ut pla n s f o r i mplement i ng the res olu t ion , and I a m s u re th o se p ers on s wil l be i n t ou ch wit h you as s o on as t h ey are named . S in cerel y , ~M(!}~/~-K. ~~l Exec u tive Director EKP/mt cc: Mr. I rv i ng K. Ka l er �