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T o: Colli er Gladin, George_Aldridge, Pierce Mahony, Don Swea t · (· From: Subj ect : D.'\ T E Eri c , Bob c_;" 1 /r ~ -/ ,6/4~ Southern Railway' s Planned Ex pans ion of Storage Faciliti:?s in the Pittsburgh Neighborhood DISPOSITI O N Di s tribu te [ .J Hold L..J FIi o [J Info. 011/ y 0 Nove mber 18, I969 On Tuesday, N ovembe r 4 , St·an Martin of the Porks & Recreation Department informed Eric that Southern Roi lway was plonning to acquire a portion of Pittman· Park in_ord~r to expand their storage faciliti es which ore now located ju st to the e ost of Mc Dan ie l S1·reet·. Previous to this da te, repre se ntatives of Southern Railway met with Mr . Charl es Leftvv ich to ex plai n th e ir expansion plans. They told Mr. Leftwich that they wa nted to acquire a pproximate ly 4 . 2 acres of t·he nort·hern section of Pittman Park for th e stora ge of railroad ca rs. In return th ey will purch ase o pprox imo tely -4 . 8 ocres to the southeast of t·he park and give it to the Parks De partme nt a nd buil d new fa c il ities for any fa ciliti es whi ch th ey acquire . In oddil'ion to th e par k, Southern Ro ilway a lso pla ns to exp0nd southwesterly into the Pittsburgh Ne ighborh ood a nd wi ll a cqu ire 50 stru cture s betwee n McDani e l Stree t and Pittman Park. On Wednesday, Novembe r 5, th e day after Stem Martin informed Eric , Re ina ld Dersc h of the Parks Deportment brought o map c f th e park and showed Eric and Bob Southe rn Roi lway 1s plans w.ith regard to the park (but not Southern 1s comp le te plons). At this t ime , Er ic telephoned J im Wright to in for m him of what the Planning Deportme nt hod learned, Eric req uested that a meet ing be he ld as soon as possib le with representatives of Southe rn Rai lway, Mode l Cities, Parks and Recreal'ion Deportment, Housi ng Authori ty and th e Planning Deportment. Th is meeting wos set by the Parks Department for the fo l low lng Monday. On tv'1ondo 1 , November 10, a meeting wos he ld in the conferer,ce room of the City Hal I Annex to discuss Southern Railway's plans . Peop le attending the meeting included: Howard Grigsby - Housing Authority Lou Orosz & Jim Wright ... Mode l Cities Jimmy Mimms, Virginia Carmichael, Betty Yarborough, Molly Waggoner Recreation Staff , A. P. Brindley, Reinald Dersch - Porks Staff Stan Martin - Parks & Recreation Department EXHIBIT NO . 1 �t/,emorondum November 18, 1969 Page Two Horace Wo rd - City Attorney 1s Office Bob Heiget - Planni ng Department C. Richard McQuee n - (attorney from Gren ne, Buckl ey, DeRi e nx & Jones) representing Southern Railway J. R. Oglesby - Southern Ra il way At this meeting Reinald Dersch of l·he Parks and Recreation Department discussed the Roilway's plan, the effect on Pittmon Park, and some solut'ions t-o this problem. The lend that Southern Roi lwoy ..wishes to give the Parks Department in rel·urn fo r wha!· they purchase includes a porl'ion of the brick yard eas t of t-he presen t Park and the block bounded by De levon Street, Fortress Avenue, Fletcher Street and West Avenue. ih is bl"'ock c;onl·ains 30 structures (residentiol). The greotest concern of the Porks and Recreation Department is that the po.rk proposed by Southern Railway would be long ond fairly narrow. The bloc k with 30 structures is quii"e iso lated from the majority of Pittsbu rgh resid ents and th erefore, the resulting pork would not well serve the residents. These problems were discussed and t-h en the Recreation Staff members le ft. Mr. Mc Queen, represent in g the Roi Iway, then presented Southern Roi lway•s entire plan to th e remai_ning membe rs. The tota l plan extends from /vkDaniel Stree t on the west to Fortre ss Stree t on th e easl'. Fifty structure s would be acquired west of th e park cmd thirty structures would be acquired for the new Pittman Park, for a totol of 80 structures (oll resident ial). Approximate ly ten stru ctures have a lready been acquired west of th e park qn sca ttered sites. Lou Orosz told Mr. McQ ueen what Model Cities is trying to accomp li sh and stressed th e importonce of c itizen involvem e nt. Mr . McQueen stated that Sou thern Railwoy needs thi s storage yard immediately. They do not wi sh to ge t involved with court sui ts nor are they fond of mee ting w ith the cil'izens. Bob Helget stated that maps ·.-vould be needed by the Planning Deportment c:md Model Ci ties showing th e planned acquis iti on so that the full impa ct of the proposed cou Id be studied . The above mentioned mops were rece ived on Thursday, November 14. We are now proceeding to pu t 1'11is information on Mode l Cities mops. Model Cities end the Planni ng De partment will obtain information on the condition of structures involved, number of families to be local'ed, and oth er pertinent information . �Memora ndum November 18 1 1969 Poge Three On Monday, No bembe r 17, Johnny Johnson is meeting with the le ga l representat ive s of Sou the rn Ra i !way to get firsthand inform::i tion. At th is time no additional meetings are schedu led. �