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., r_T T ~"- "" ·· ' " 11~ , -- r:0 · tl?~ 1, ,~-J " p', ~"IT ,-,-r-r-"r--"' _ ,A ,...(~ " '~ ,. 7 _;- Atteni'anae ; r'rs. r-o ea i. nut'ne11 ,, r. r.riZZ1:am Cox .. Pr . Joe m?itZey , ' 1r. Cf1.Zvin Craio. , ' 'rs. ~t . I,. r!eems , r,-'z, , flo b e1•t Do7,urnn _i -•r . ,v 1'B. I,ezn>~ Petel'S ; r:. ! :' r!;. B~ · wr1:qht .. ~1rs . .rda~!r>icrht atti~ · Ansley _, r-1'!'. ,To11.n ·-· Hoo d. The 1, o(.!.r>d of D1:reotor.~ met on t 'J,,.g abo ve 1~ate 1,,ith t1.le 0 11.airman. ~'~a oon ! 1ett3rs p11~si 2i.rir; i'l'i a ~al 'l sessi on -f; (l tn.lh .:111 t •'LP- ;11. n. P. aativities a'!'e as fo r !970 . Aq4nay rnvoo•i~ati on al9 o Reni o~ Citi;~ens of At 'l a.ntrr. anr? saiary fori Day Ca1:>t? f.mnlolfeeR . The ohairn~n D0aoon PetePR asked that t~e aaen da b e anvro v ed. ~ ~- Johnny Johng on t he ~xeautivs Dire ctor o f At lanta ·~a4l Cities d?:sausa~ d t iie 1'.1• 1;; P. for l9'10 11.e 971,m;Jer us t '!1.e oZe.aPenae and l"e 'lo aation si:!;e f or the s i:r: ( P.) ,'~ode 7,. Ci ti es areas. rfe Mere also given a Zi et 1..Jit 11 ·the rJornnonet vr-lo!'1:tieR 1:1 it1~ a 1Jrog ram pattern for p1:.,oqre rrn. He ,:1 tater'I that a~t1: v1:-t1:e'3 that 1,,eren ' t aaaomp1,iaher fn Z9 GD 1Ji ZZ 1·.r:wa to 'Je ao mnZeter-1 1:n l9?0 . ,,,.,,,_,.n-1 ,,,ere not 1:nd.iaated on th e r; r1:o:r-ity ZiFJt. ' 4 r . John!3on spok.e about t~e So uthern PaiZroaJ ~½ieh ~as purahas s~ ~omes & anartment in the .Pi tts'bu.rgh area anil. ?1.0, q aomp l et a Zt1 ove'11'l.oo1(ec1 t11.e .'J.od~ l. Ci tie'3 ci tiaens ~ the HDP p Zan fo'!' t11 irr in t:-i e T'i. tt~burg'"- community. He also spoke o_f' t he .:1anr,er o_f tti~ ~'0Dan1: et cro.tJqinq :, he sai<1 the

riesidents of F!or.leZ Citi €s ,,; i'l Z not rec(n: v e an1-1 a~aistance from ·

Southern ~ai lPoa2 suah as moving aost. and othe~ t~in1e that the~ woul.d 7zaVG Y'eaeivn .from "4o del Cities. Re aZRo statea t¾at 0e nee~ Zeaal adviqe on Emient Domain to see u~ePe hle stan2 in this matter. .'. i V

]eaa on '?e ter9 Peque s tee? that al 'l _si r: (6) Neiqh.1)or>'l-r. ooc1.s un:i,te

be 1dnt1 • 1oil.e l Ci ties in vo1:cinrr cUt:iarmroval of Southern 'Q(tl Zwa,,1 in r.iul's 71.as e o.f tand 1:n r1: tts7, ~rnh _.Pop rai lPoad e~1Jans1.:on. EXHIBIT NO . 2 -- �He said that we need to oaZZ ait the PQside~te of Pittsburg~ and ~1eahani asvi Zle toqe the r to a tand. up for thei!' r-irih ts because t 'h e r'odet Cities office reeeived nonotifiaation about 1i1hat lJaB happening in theiP area. The report from the Housing , by Representative John Hood. the Executive Board. Relocation committee was presented It was approved for aation by (See attached reDo~t) f. /11:rao. Bunnie J aokson from EOA die cussed t71e training propo.-s a'l fl'om nodeZ. Cities r1aas Convention:1 Ina, .: is th~ de tegatr1 agency .foP this proaram. o. E. 0. A motion lJaa made & se oondecJ. & approved that a letter be sent to atZ agenoies f unded by ~~aez Cities requesting the qualifiaations of their e.mpZoyeee & the numb el" of ztesicl.ents an their st a.ff. It was motioned t seaonded & approved that thlo (2) oitiaens 3 Dokson J a ~!P . Scott attend a Hou.sing conferenae · i.n fi1ashington on necember 8. Nr. Deaoon LetJi s Peters, Chairman �