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q {v ·( rf.c, { ;' ll[r!J U/ 1v . y Officl;tl:; compl ained tlwl !h·y li ad llo t k ~!rncd of Southe rn':; g c}:pansion ~:ct ivilin,; until JO cl ays at:o, a'. lhoutli nl 1-2;;:; t one c city ofiic:i:d--J\ ld<.: nn:, n Char;ic e Left\'.'ieh · - J;new of l ilc1a f r som e ti me. n is OFFI Cl.-'l LS said Soul11crn had ~t discus eel wit h L ft wic:h the p:is:dbil ity of wo l'i:ing a trade in n whi ch tile city wou!<l s1•::1 p the ?r ·pi[ tm ,i n P a r k acre;ige for ,. Sou ll wrn-oil'll'·d land at n11o l11 u ·s loca ti on. ·Offici c1 ts of lhe railw~y h:1d not imm ediate rcnc lion to the l\l odd Ci tic:; boa rd reques t tha~ .s C'xpansion of th'.! South Yat d lie .s dclavcd. e I. · spoke!;man for Southern ~c General Mrinnger IL H. ?\!00rc 1·· ( sai d there wou; d be no re- c> t sponse by the railr0zid t1 nlil ll Moore returns from an out-t1f- 1 town trip 'l'lwrsday . According to ci ty orficiu1s, the Sout h Ya;cl e:..pansio:1 is lv provide sic1il'~'.s for slr;ra:;e of the huge · rci !way ears whi::h d l· I arc used lo tr<111s fcr newly manufactured au lomobilt·;; , Sou:hern po.·,sc-.,sc;: illc po\'.'c r of emim·ut Jon11l n whicli m-:-ans Uwt, !'kc tltr. cily or olha gov- r ernmclil :,, it can i,cqL:ire prnp- n crtics it w,,nts through condcm11at iou. The coi,rx rn of 1\in(kl C:it\~s offitids · ,ll'i ~0:.. from tit ~ f;i c:-t the cxprn1~ivn is ccrli!'ri t:~ within the city's 3,C0O u: rc ~.;u,! ~11 Cities .irca al a ti t, 1.:: wkn n major p,;:llic pruu,.n1 to iin-provc th ::t :trca h u;dc r v,:n·, I EXHIBIT N0.3 �