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..... . CIT'( OF ATLANTA DEPART MENT OF LAW. 2614 FIRST N A TIONAL BANK SUILOING AT L ANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Mr •. Jack c. Delius General l!,an.~ger Department of Parks City Urill Annex Atl nt _• G orgia Mr . vOllie Be Gladin , of Planning Dapartmen t City Hall Atlanta , G orgia Mr .. Johnny c. John on , Mod l Cities Program 673 Capitol At ntJJ. , iredtor · / ! ~·w . ~ / Geol.T~ Geotl

t n ~ Re: Pittman Park T11e writ r , after eonferring with es rs . James B. Pilcher and Hor ce T. W rd* ha cane to th conclu ion that the u~a to which property in Pittman Park is fiQW being put is~ s~-,, rior governmental la.mi use and , therefore , cannot be the subject of emin~nt donw.in by a r ilroad , ev-n though that r ilroad is authorized to ~xercise that pow r of emin nt domain ., Also, I hav ccme to the conclusion th~ t the land wh.ich the Southern Railway Company wanta w s acquired t;n such a manner that any dill ... continuation of. its u e s p rka property would 1ot creata a reverter EXHI B I T NO. 4 �Mr o Jack C. Delius , Mr Q Collier B. Gladin , and Mr Q Johnny c. Johnson P€.lge 2 ~OVelilber 11, 1969 to the gr~ntor.s of the prope rty . Therfore , I am of Atlanta ~1ish dose , p~ovidad City of Atl nta of the t ntative opinion that should the City to di~po e of the propert y in que~tion , i .. may that the chart r ~nd related ordinances of t he are followed in thie reapece . The primary purpose of this l tt~r is to r~qu st that you three g~ntl3'm~n ait dawn and att:ampt to bring about a unified position. of ~he City of Atlanta with reepeet to this matter . Once you have made soma sort of a resolution, if you would kindly appriae th~ writQr of what that ia, we sh 11 then procQ d with your wishes. For purposes of I legal economy' , Mes~ra Pilcher and ward and myself fee l thac we would batter serve a unified position rather ~~n ettch of us going off on a separate cour e at t..~e behest of several clients. With my kindest rega rd to you 11, I am , Very truly your • 1:;;;,,, 'IJ ~- V V t F~ Choyce TFC:cc �