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MEl\10RANDlJlli To: DISPOSITION Collier Gladin, George_Aldridge, Pierce Mahony, Dan Sweat From : Eric, Bob ·<'/'""'{J// ~ I G . Subject: I II Sollthern Railway's Planned Expansion of Storage Faciliti -?s in the 1 Pittsburgh Neighborhood · O,\TE Distribute [] Hold 0 0 0 Filo _Info. Only November 18, 1969 On Tuesd_(;!y,..,~November 4, Stan Martin of the Parks & Recreation Department informed Eric that Southern Railway was planning to acquire a portion of Pittman Park in_order to expand their storage facilities which are now located just to the east of McDaniel Srreet. -I Previous to this date, representatives of Southern Railway met with Mr. Charles Leftwich to explain their expansion plans. They told Mr. Leftwich that they wanted to acquire approximately 4.2 acres of l·he northern section of Pittman Pc1rk for the storage of railroad cars. In return they will purchase approximately 4.8 acres to the southeast of t·he park and give it to the Parks Department and build new facilities for any facilities which -they acquire. In addition to the park, Southern Railwo)' also plans to exptmd southwesterly into the Pittsburgh Neighborhood and will acquire 50 structures between McDaniel Street and Pittman Park. I On Wednesday, November 5, the day after Ston Martin informed Eric, Reinold Dersch of the Parks Departh1ent brought a map of the park and showed Eric and Bob Southern Railway's plans with regard to the park (but not Southern's complete plons). At this tim_e , Eric te!ephoned Jim Wright to inform him of what the Planning Department had learned. Eric requested that a meeting be held as soon as possible with representatives of Southern Railway, Model Cities, Parks and Recreation Department, Housing Authority and the Planning Deportment. This meeting was set by the Parks Deportment for the fol lowing Monday. On Mondo1 , November 10, a tneeting was held in the confercr,ce room of ~1e City Hal I Annex to discuss Southern Railway's plans. People attending the meeting included: Howard Grigsby ., Housing Authority Lou Orosz & Jim Wright - Model Cities Jimmy Mimms, Virginia Carmichael, Betty Yarborough, Molly Waggoner , Recreation Stoff A. P. Brindley, Reinald Dersch - Parks Staff Stan Martin - Parks & Recreation Deportment I ';<1\11 \ I I t.U ' ,.· · ' '. , I 1 \ �Memorandum November 18, 1969 Page Two Hora ce Word - City Attorney's Office Bob He lget - Planning Department C. Richard McQueen - (attorney from Grenne, Buckl ey, DeRie nx & Jones) re presenting Southern Ra ilway J . R. Oglesby - Sout·hern Railwoy At this meeting Reinold Dersch of the Parks and Re creation De partment discussed the Roi !way's plan, the e ffect on Pittman Pork, and some solutions to th is problem. The lond that Southern Railway wishe s to give the Parks De partment in rel·urn for what they purchase incl udes a porl·ion of t·he bri ck yord east of the present Perk and the block bounded by De levoti Street , Fortress Ave nue , Fle tcher Street and West Avenue . Th is bfock coni·a ins 30 structu res (resi dentiol). The greate st concern of the Parks and Recreation De partme nt is that the pork proposed by Southe rn Railway would be long ond fai rly narrow. ihe block w ith 30 structures is qu ite isolated from the majority o f Pittsburgh res idents and th ere fore, the resulting park wou ld not well serve the residents. These probl ems we re discussed and then the Re crea tion Sta ff membe rs left. Mr. McQuee n, re presen ting the Ra ilway , then presented Southern Ra ilway 's enHre p lan to th e remal ning membe rs . The tota l pi on ex tends from M cDanie l Stree t on th e west to Fortress Street on the eas1·. Fifty structures woul d be acq uired west o f the park and thirty structures wou ld be acquired for the new Pittman Park, for a tota l of 80 structures (a ll res ide nti a l) . Approx imate ly te n struc tures have olre ady bee n a cquired west of th e park q n scattered si tes . Lou O rosz to ld Mr. McQueen wh at Mode l Cit ies is try ing to accomplish and stressed th e importonce of c it ize n .invo lvement . Mr. McQ1.1ee n sta ted that Southern Roilwoy needs th is storage yard immedia te ly . They do not wi sh to get invo lved with court su its nor ore the y fond of meeting with the c it ize ns. Bob Helget stated 1'11ot maps wou ld be needed by the Pl an ning Deportment and Mode l Ci ties showing the planned acq uisition ~o th at the fu l l impact of the proposed cou Id be studied. The above me nt ioned maps were rece ived on Thursday, November 14. We are now proceeding to put th is information o n Mode l Cities mops . Mode l Cities and the Planning Depari'ment wil l obta in information on the condi tion of structures involved, number of fami li es to be located, and other pert inent information. �f../1emorandum November 18, 1969 Page Three •I j ~ f:' Ii .,. ' . ' On Monday, Nobember 17, Johnny Johnson is meeting ~ith the legal representatives of Southern Railway to get firsthand inforrrotion ! At this time no additional meetings are scheduled. j ~ - I • I I f I ) . I. 'i I . ,....

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