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MIN UTE S - - ----- - MOD.EL NEIGHBORHOOD EXECU'rIVE BOARD Tuesday , J u ly 1 , 1969 10:00 a.m. The monthly mee ting o f the Mode l Neighborhood Executive Board w_as held on Tuesday , J u ly 1, 1 9 69 a t 10:00 a.m . in Committee Room #2, City Hall. 'rhe following membe r s wer e p r e sent: Mayor Ivan All e n, Jr . , Chairman Mrs. Mattie An s l ey · Mr. Claren ce Colema n Mr. Joh n Hood Alderman E. Gregory Gr i ggs Alderman G . Eve r ett Mil l ic an Mr. Walter Mi tche ll Deacon Lewi s Peters Mr . J. D. Newber ry Dr. c. Mi l e s Smith Mrs. Martha Weems Mr . Bill Wainwright Mr. Jo e Wh ite ly Absent : Mr . Sam Ca l dwell Other City o f fic i als, r epresentatives f rom n eighborho o d o r ganizat ionB, and tlle pr e ss were al s o present . The Chairman, .Mayor Ivan Allen, J.r . , called the meeting to order . He t hen e nt e rtained a motion for the ado p t ion of the June 10 Minutes. It was so moved a.nd unanimousl y appr o ved without correction. REPOR~r OF THE MASS CONVEN"rION STEERING COMMITTEE Deacon Peters distributed copies of the Minutes of the Model Cities Mass Convention which met on June 15 and he stated that he was very impressed with the participation of the residents since the program moved into imple:rnentation. Mr. Wainwright moved that the Minutes of the June 15 mef~tinq be a.ccepted by the Board. The motion was seconded and! unanimously approved . �2 REPORT FROM· S PECIAL :EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE Iv.tr. Coleman read and distributed copie s o f t h e r e solut i on p r e pared by the Special Employment Committ e e. The re solut i on est ablish ed g u idelines fo r t h e Mode l Ci t i e s Progr am and contracting a gen c ies to fol l o w in the i r emp l oyme n t p r actices . The resolu tion s p e ll ed out a progr a m t h at · a ssur es Mod e l Cities jobs wi ll go to Mode l Neighborhood res i dent s. Mr. Mi ll ican sta ted t hat he f elt the req uirements l i sted i n the resol u tion wo uld tie t he hands of the c ont r ac ting agencies in fil·l in g posit i o ns. He specifically que stioned t he proposal that Model Ci tie s r e s ide nts b e give a base "re sid ent p r efe r ence" of 10 points or ten per cent and that all firms o r ag·e nc.ies contracting to d o proj e cts in t he Mo de l Cities area b e b ound by policies set by the Board. Mr . Millican s tated that he had prepared another resolution t hat was a l i ttle les s strict in its requirements and that he h a d confer r e d with the City Attorney on its Inerits. Mr . Coleman then moved that the Boar d adopt a nd appr o ve his resolution and r efer: i t to the City Attorney for lega l i n t erpretation . Mrs. Ansley seconde d t h e mot ion. Mr . Whitley brought out the fact that Mr. Millican had ·the righ t to read his resolution to the Board as a mi nor ity r e por t . Mr. Mi l l i can sa i d that h e preferred not to read his resolut i on a s a mino r ity r epo r t. Afte r further discussion o n whether t o a p prove the reso lut ion or t o j ust a c cept i t as i nforma tion, Mr. Coleman reword ed his moti on. He mo v ed t hat t he Board refer the reso l u tio n to the C ity Attorney f or a ruling ; i f i t is a legal document t hat it becomes a po licy o f t h e Boar d, if not , t hat i t be r eferr ed b ack to the Board. 'l'h e mot i on was s econded by Mr. Ho o d and approved by the Board. Mr. Cole man t h e n s ub mit t e d a r e s o l ut i on that called f or the c r e ation o f a new po s itio n on t he Mode l Ci t ie s Staf f of Resident Employment Opportunity Coord i nat or, whose r e spons i b i lity shall b e t o impleme n t the employment pol icies of the Board and assure compliance of the a genc i e s o r o r g anizatio ns contracted b y t h e program. Copies o f t h e reso l u t i on wer e distr i buted to al l Board members . Mr . Mill ican mo ved that t he resolutio n be refe rred to the Per son n el Comm i t tee for their revi ew . The motion was secon ded and approve d . Mr. Coleman a sked that the c omm i ttee report at the next meeting . REPORT FROM THE REVIEW COMMITTEE Co pies of the recommendations from the Review Committe-e.~ wer,e d istributed t o a l l Board members. Mrs~ Weems moved that the recommendations be a c cepted. ·r he motion wa s secon.de d . Mr. Hood a s k e d that a br i ef discription be given of a l l pl'.'ojects that were a p proved by the Committee. Mr. Johnson proce eded to give a discription of t he projects as they were l isted i:n the recomme 1ndation. A discussion was opene d by Mr. Whitl e y conce rning Project SS-049N ,, Project Expand, which gives Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. $140,000 to set-up and staff a Neighborhood Service Center in G.rant Park and Adair Parle r.tr. Whitely stated that a majority of the �3 residents of Grant Park did not want an EOA Service Center in the area . Deacon Peters said that only a small segment of the r e sidents did not want the EOA Center and that the othe rs fel t that the re was a real need for the center . Mr.Newberr y , speak i ng for Ada ir Park., said that he feels that the p rojec t was needed by t he people and should not be deleted Mr. Whitley then moved that Project Expand be deleted from t he Program. The motion fa i l ed due to the lack of a second. Dr . Smit h then moved to a pprove the four projects listed to be carried out by EOA. The motion was seconded and approved by the Board. The four . projects are: SS-028N, Neighborhood Consumer Program ; SS-049N, Project Expand ; TR-OOlC , Specialized Passenger Van Service; EM-024N, Resident Emergency 1\s~'- istance Fund to Job Applicants. It was moved and seconded and unanimously approved that Proj e ct . SS-009C, Crisis Oriente d Counseling, be approved. Mr. Wairri:-rright moved that Project SS-033N, Multi-Day c a.re Services, be approved. Mr. Mitchell . seconded the motion. Mr. Coleman then asked for a report on the status of the Southside Day Ca re Association. Mr. Shimkus reported that the Model Cities Program was very much interested in relating to the Southside Day Care As sociation in a funding position, and that a proposal had been recei v e d from their staff which was being review for funding in next yea r' s program. Mr. Coleman asked if it were still possible to fund a part of the Southsid e fa cility this year. Mr. Shimkus answered y es . Mr. Coleman then asked that the Review Committee rev i e w the Southside proposal and report on it at the next meeting . A v o te was then taken on the mot ion t o appr ove the Multi-Day Care Services t o be implemented by the Senior Citizens Services of Metr opol itan Atlanta. It was unamiously approved . It was then moved and s econded and unanimously appr ove d that Pro ject SS-O llC , Homemaker Services; Project SS-026N ~ Legal Educat ion and Project SS- 27N Model Home Managemen:t, be app:x~oved . It was moved and seconded that the two projects t o be implemented by Model Neighborhood, Inc., be approved . Deacon Peters said that the Steering Committee met to discuss Model Neighborhood , Inc., and recommends that Mode l Neighborhood, Inc., not be appro ved t o r -e cei ve the $35,000 in Model Cities f unds. The Mayor then stated fo r the record that he does not think Mr. Moody is qua lified to car.ry out the projects. He said that he questioned the validity of Mr . Moody's ability to carry out the pro jects because of his past employment record with the cit y. For these reasons, the Mayor feels that he cannot endorse the pro j ect s' implementation by Model Neighborhood Inc. Dr. Smith sai.d that since Mr. Moody has obtained technical people to assist him, that he strongly endorses the projects. Alderman.Griggs said that he was reluctant to t rust the Board of Model Neighborhood, Inc. with that amount of money because of tht~ir in·abil ity to get together. M:': . Mitchel l said Ju~ was r.elllctant because of the Mayor 's statement and suggested that the Boai:.·d post.ponia: action on the projects until the next meeting. Dr. Smith asked foJC �4 a r oll c al l vote s o that the peop le will know how the Boar d feels. Further discu ssion followed ·w ith other Board meroJ)ers expressing their views . Mr. Hood then offered a subst: i.tu.b~ motion to the original mo tion tha t Model Neighborho od , Inc ., projects be t abled until the next regular meeting in or der to aive them time to reorgan.i.ze and restructure their progra.n, . Mrs. Weems seco nded the motio n. The motion carried with 8 voting for approval and 3 o pposing . .Mr. Wai. n.w:c ight stated that some one should g ive MNI d irection as to what the Board expects. Mr . Millican s uggested that MNI prepare a written s t atement showing what. they are go:i..nq to do with the mo ne y. JvJr. Newber r y said that he would like to know who the expert s are on the MJ.'fI staff. The Mayor .said that the Reveiw Committee would meet to d iscuss the pro jects with the Board o f Directors of MNI. A discussion the n followed on the expansion of the Re vi e w Committe e to include the entire board. !V'ir. Mitchell moved t hat t he personnE-11 of the Review Committee be the same as the personnel o f: the Executive Board. The motion was seconded. Mr. Johnson cautione d the Board that the Rev i ew Committee should be prepared to meet weekly or bi-weekly. Dr . Smi th brought out the fact tha.t a quo rum wil l be necessary b efore any official action can b e taken . Mr. Hood then offered a. substitute motion that the Review Commi t tee be expan ded by two members and that they be community residents. Deacon Peters seconded the mot ion . After a discussion on the me ri t s of expanding the Reveiw Committee by two members or expanding it to i ncludrc. the entire board, Mr . Hood withdrew his motion and a vote was take n on the previous motion. The mot ion wa s carried with onP (l)op r.,os ing. Mr. Griggs moved that the balance of the proj e ct s recommended by the Review Committee b e approved. The motion was seconded and approved by the Board. The other projects are! EM-019N, Staffing Cent.rai Faci lity and Mechanism of Serv ice; EM- 0 2 3N , Direc t Me dical Maintenance; EM-015N, Re sident Work Attitude Chanqe ; EM-00lC, Mode l Cities Mass Convent.ion, Inc.; RC-003N, Purchase Vacant La n d for. Block Parks a nd Playlots, RC-005N, Mobile Re creatio n Cen ters. 01J) BUSINESS Mr. White ly said tha t because of the meeting be ing held a week early , he was not prepar ed to g ive hi.s report on relocation; but he would give in in the August me e t i n g . DIREC'.!'OR I S REPOR'I' Mr. James L . Wright, J.i:., Director of Physical Developmen t q ave a re~rt on the r eloca.t i on a ct ivity out s i de of th.e Urban Ren ·~wa l j!\n:ia. . The meet i ng was a d j o urned at 1 2 :20 p . m. A P PROVED :: APPR0\17::D: I ,. h ... '·~ ·-.u .. ,•dl ;"( - - - ~ ~ . J i ... . -, ~~- -' · r ~ • · ·-· _ _ _ _ _ , ..... ~- - - - -- · ,'Johnn.y-.... c. Sohn. son, Di r e ctor �