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~ ~ITY OF ATLANTA CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING COLLIER B. GLADIN, Dir ector July 9, 1969 Mr. Johnny Johnson, Director ~ I Cl tias Progrorn 673 Capitol Avenue, S. W. Atlanta, Gaorgia . Dear Johnny: This lotter Is In res;x:me to your verbol request bock In the &pting for mora po.rtici;>atbn by tha Plcnning Oop•.:utm&nt staff in tha A.'ooel Citios physical pfanntng effort. Ho-waver, to meet our 1969 prQgrcm , we must have in writing exactly what tasks you wish m t~ P3rt0rnl, whot mon»ower you think It will require,. ond whoo the work must be accom;:,Hshed . 'Nlth-:,ut such Information, it will be very difficult for us to respond any further than we a lready hove. As you kn'lW, tho !)hyslcol plcmnfng efforts should mesh closely within the proposed 1970 Nefohborhooc.l Davelopment Program activities ond your own 1970 action year program development. Since Neighborhood C.velopment Program deadline, ore a~oaching with bewildering a ~ , every day that paaes maket the time factor more critical. We wlah .to- do all we can to help but our other commitments must ~ met also. So It 11 ~ tiol .thot we n;ceive a concrete expression of your needs tight' away. At we have 10id before, we will do everything WO can to alJt the physical plannlng efforts In Model Cities in ochi ving the maximum benefit for that area ond the entire city. There Is, however, one limltatlon which �/1,,\r. Johnny Johnson July 9, 1969 - 2- we have e.mpressecl before . The deparhnent will bo unable to accept total resporuibility in the a rao of c;tizens• involvement. The respomibility of obtaining citize n review and C!pprovol mv:it coni-inua to rest with your agency which wos ~toffed for this purpose during at feoot the 1969 planning year. Other than this single li mita tion we am willin9 to do everything w con to wpport th$ WlodeJ Cities Pr-:igram . Sincerely yours, Co!lte r S. G l<X!in Planning Director ·caG/1,b ccr Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Mr. Rodney Cook Mr. Gregory Griggs Mr. EVGrott l'v1iliicon --~ · -' ·~ �