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WR IGHT J ACKSON BROWN WILLIAMS STEPHENS & BOND , Inc . . . . a professional public relations counseling and service firm afford ing corporate, institutional and governmental clients the unique advantages o'f a multidiscipline appr oa ch to modern interpretive and communic a tion needs. The firm's principals and f ounder s are young , black, informed, and intense . Their combined ta l ents , train ing and more than thirty years total experienc e create of them a synectic group; i ndividuals, ea c h out st anding in his respective expertise, applying maximum insight a nd creativi ty to the s olution o f problems and the pursuit of opportunitie s presented the firm's clients. Today's or gan ization, whether engaged in private enterprise, educ ation, or pol itic al administration , bo th affects a nd is affected by many publics. Delineating these publics, interpreting them accurately and formulat ing relevant , effective r esp onses to their diverse interests is the province of the professional. And it's here that WRIGHT JAC KSON BROWN WILLIAMS STEPHENS & BOND excels in three vital elements essential to any successful public relations pr ogram. First, a profound understanding. Through research, ideation and the ability to respond empathically to t h e client's need and the public's demand equally, the firm brings an e x traordinary degree of perceptivity to bear on each assignment. '·, \ �Se c ond , knowle dgeable p lanning . ( At t h i s p oint t h e di sparate ba ckgr ounds o f the principals coalesce into th e f i r m's for t e. Ou t of l ega l, entrepreneurial, politica l, soc i al , public and corpor a t e exper i ence come reliable counsel and s ub stantia l des ign f or act i on . Imagina t i ve pl ans that a r e at the same t i me pr a ctical, bol d and congru ent with t he client's intent can be st be f ormul a t e d by working in concert with his own staff. Thi rd, pr e c i se exe cution . Knowi ng wh at to do i sn't enough . Modern public re l a tions r equ i res a tho rou gh knowl e dge o f who c an do i t , a nd how . In this r ega r d , WlUGHT. J ACKSON BROWN WILLIA."1S STEPHENS & BOND offe r s e ach c l i en t a compl et e s e rvice . The firm main ta i ns clo s e rela tionshi ps wi t h other o r gan iza tio ns wh i c h fu rn ish suc h imp ort ant suppo r tive s erv i ce s as a dv ertising , creat i ve wri ting and grap h i c des i gn , bu s i ne s s and educational research , and relati on s wit h gov e rnmenta l a genci e s . Ach iev i n g well-defined goals is t he resul t of an a gr es siv e , compre-_ h ens ive pro gram. Toward th is end, the f irm inv it es inquires conc ern- ing : Co rp orat e public relations couns e l a nd s e rvi c e Educ at i onal and non-pro f it insti t utio na l publ ic r elations Governmental re lation s Pub lic relations fo r pol itical or ga n i zat ions and c amp a igns Personal , co rp orate or i nsti t ut ional publicity pro gr ams \ �- 3 .- Internal and employee commun icat i ons Sensitivity tr!:lining a nd counse l i ng on race relations Communication technique s for t he bl ack community Counseling f or the small busines s \ Coordination of meet i ngs, conventions, and related activities (tours, socials, etc.) News conferences and medi a tou r s Preparation of bookle t s, b r ochure s, press kits and related materials WAYMON SCOTT WRIGHT Trained in psycho l ogy, public r e lations and journalism at Morehous e Co llege, University of I owa and Syra cus e University Di r ector of Public Re lations , Voorhees Co llege Ass i sta nt Director of Pub lic .Re l at ion s , Atla nta Fa lcons Staff Rep r e sentativ e , Pub lic Re lations Depar tmen t , The Coca-Col a Compa ny I Member , Pub lic Relations Society o f Ame rica Member , National As soc iation of _Market Deve l oper s Member , At l anta Press Club Member, Board of Di rector s, Atlant a J un i or Chamber of Commerce President, Boa rd of Direc t or s , Ra l ph C. Rob i nson Boys Club Member , Board o f Directors , Me t r o Atla nta Boys Club Outstanding Young Men o f Americ a ~ 1968 Outstanding Pers ona lities o f t he South, 1969 SAMUEL WARREN JACKSON Trained in economi cs, bus iness adminis tration, ba nking and public relations at Talledega Col lege, LaS a l le University and A.i~erican Institute of Bank ing Dean of Men , Morris Co llege �. .· - 4 - . ·! Member, Morris College Public Relations Committee Administrative Assistant, Special Services, C&S Na'tion~l Bank .I I I' Accounting Staff, General Electric Credit Corporation , Member, Atlanta Junior Chamber of Commerce Member, Young Men on the Go BENJAMIN DANIEL BROWN Trained in social sciences and law at Clark College Howard University School of Law Community Services Director, Atlanta Urban League Coordinator, Community Relations, National Alliance of Businessmen Instructor, Business Law, Clark Colle ge Member, Georgia House of Representat i ves Member, Board of Directors, Grady Homes Boys and Girls Clubs Member, Board of Directors, Day Care Association of Atlanta Member, Board of Directors, All-Citizens Registration Committee Member, Board of Directors, Active Vote r s League Member , Atlanta Junior Chamber of Commerce Member, Young Men on the Go CHARLES CLARENCE WILLI AMS Trained in political science, speech and dr ama, law at Florida A&M Un iversity and North Carol i na College School of Law Execut ive Campaign Assistant, Un i ted St a te s Senatorial Candidate. Famil y Re loca t ion Adviso r, Depa r tment of Ur ban Renewal and Economic • ...Devel opment, Roches t e r, New Yor k •• •r, Cu s t omer Relations Con s ultant, P.F. Co llier Comp a ny Pr oject on Inter-Group Relations, Official \ �- 5 - National Association of Housing and Renewal, Official Member, . Atlanta Junior Chamber of Commerce Member, Young Men on the Go CHARLES RICHARD STEPHENS \ Tra ined in psychology, education counseling and guidance and administration a t Mor ehous e College, Atlanta Un iver sity and Springfield College As sis tant General Executive, Butle r Street Y.M.C.A. Public Information Specialist, U.S. Army Repor ter a nd Newsroom Ass i s tant, WS B Rad io, At lanta Member,. Na tional Publ i c Rel a tions Counc i l Member , At lanta Junior Chamber of Commerce Member , Ma ss Media Committe e, Geor gia Presbytery-Unit ed Presbyterian Church in t he U.S. A. Member, Good Government Atla nta Member , Better Schools Atlanta Member , Board o f Directors , Bedford-P i ne Boy s Club Member , National Ass ociation of Y. M. C. A. Direc to rs HORACE JU LIAN BOND Trained in English and research at Morehou s e College and Met r opol itan Appl i ed Research Cen ter , New Yor k Managing Editor , Atlanta Inquirer Member, Georgia House of Representativ es Research Associate, Voter Education Project , Southern Regional Council �1·'.,, 6 - Member, Board of Directors, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation I' Member, National ·Advisory Committee, Small Business Administration Member, Young Men on the Go Works published in LIFE, Ramparts, Negro Digest and other local and \ national publications .- "' ,,, �