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DEPARTMENT .OF LAW 2614 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Atlanta, Georgia 30303 ROBERTS. WIGGINS MARTIN MCFARLAND EDWIN L. STERNE RALPH C . JENKINS JOHN E, DOUGHERTY CHARLES M. LOKEY THOMAS F. CHOYCE JAMES B. PILCHER February 11, 196~ HENRY L. -BOWOEN CITY ATTORNEY FERRIN Y. MATHEWS A SS ISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ASSOCI A TE CITY ATTORNEYS ROBERT A. HARRIS HENRY M. MURFF CL.AIMS ATTORNEYS JAMEs e. HENDERSON Executive Board of the Mode 1 Neighborhood Program S PECIAL ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORNEY City of Atlanta City Hall Atl_a nta, Georgia 30303 Gentlemen: You have requested an opinion on the "legality of the Mass Convention requiring unanimous approval at the Mass Convention meeting before the delegate is allowed to be slated as a neighborhood representative." Committees and Boards upon which neighborhoods have representatives i n t he Mas s Convention are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Credentials Committee Pr ogram Comnittee Bounda r ies Comnittee Or ga niza tion Committee Nominat i ng Committee Reso lutions Committ ee Constitution and By-Laws Committee Steering Committee Executive Board Neighborhood Program The neighborhood membership of the firs -t seven connnittees listed are elected in neighborhood caucus. No approval is required by the Mass Convention. The Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee and the neighborhood representative for the Executive Board of the Model Neighborhood �Executive Board of the Model Neighborhood ·P rogram Page 2 February 11, 1969 Program are elected by their respective neighborhood caucuses subject to approval by a majority of qualified members of the Mass Convention present and voting. If approval is not granted, then that neighborhood shall re-caucus for the purpose of another election and for resubmission to the Mass Convention of another person for the position to be filledo j Yours very truly, ,...--'\ /··· · i .,~ // 'i. .. ,r ~, ~\'--/ 1 1· Lr J-/'\. .,,-._ ...--. >L .-,.. -J. - -.. \ .. ' ' . . ... ' , .....1 h . ,aames' B. Pilcher · . ( A~SOCo City Attorney . . . .... -' JBP:at I - /

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