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A~~ISTANT SCCRET ARi ES \'lt'iY°li·~ G t- lW llP.

.,\O Dt.. L ( tT ! E:; Pf.?OV KAf,:i

Date: Octo'b,or 15, 1969 iO: Mr. J, D, B rnma n, Assis t a nt !secr eta ry for Ur b an S ystems ond E nv ironme nt Departmen t of Tr&n spo rt a tion - Room 8 01 Mr. Robert ,\ Podcste, Ass i s ta nt Secret a r y E cono mic Deve l opme nt Ad mi n istration Dep.irt me n t o f Commerce • Room 78008 S to p 330 Stop 206 Mt. D wight In k A ss istant Direc tor for E xecuti ve Mnn agerac nt Bu r (;aU of t h e Budget - Rt"Jm 900 1, No rth E O B Mr. L ew i s Bv tl e r Assis t a nt Secret a r y fo r P l a nnin g an d E va!u ;ition De part ment of H e i;; lth, Education 2nd Welfare ·. Ro om 5039 St op 20 Mr. Arno l d \\'cbc r Ass ist::1nt Sccret a ~y fo r Msnp,;,w c r Department o f La bo r. Room 31 12 Sto p 36 7 Stop 205 Mr. Frllnk Carlucci Acting Dire c:t. o r, CAF Office o f Ec ono mic O pportu nity 1 2 00 - 19t h Strcet, N. W. - Room 548 Stop 27 7 Subje ct for Conc urre nce : Mr, Chri stophe r DcMu th Staff Ass i s t ant to the Pr es iden t Exe cu tive Offic e Buildin g - Room 1 96 Sto p 28 CDA Letter #10 ( Introduction ) Concurre nce or comment req ueste d to reac h me by: Concurrence or comments : Floyd H. Hyde Assistant Secretary for Model Cities and Governmental R e lations Return to: Room 8100, HUD Building - Stop 98 �