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CITY OF ATLANTA Personnel Eva I uati on Report JAMES B. CULP For promotion to _ _..,.p.--;L...,A ...IN.,...,N;-,;E...R,..._,I..-I,._----- Name of employee to be rated (MAYORS OFFICE) Section 1. I - Performance on present job Attendance Unsatisfactory Needs to improve 2 T a rdy o r a b se nt more than others . lro T a rdy or a bse nc no more tha n most. Nee ds to improve lo Seldom tardy or absent. Satisfactory Above min i mum standards. Needs to improve II 0 Well a bove minimum sta nda rds. Among the ve ry bes t. Very good Satis factory Superior IIO 0 Somew ha t s lower th a n others . Low volume of wo rk. Rap id, productive worker. Well a bove the average in production. Among rhe very best produc ers. Consider the amount of s upervision tha t i s required. Does he do what he says he will do? Reliability Needs to improve Unsatisfac tory Satisfactory Superior Very good 10 0 R equires c lo se s upe rvis i on . Nee d s con sta nt s upe r· v i s i on. L ess tha n average s upe rvis ion re quire d. Little s up e r vi s ion req uire d. Un satisfactory Satisfactory Needs to improve Io T a kes s o me int e res t in the wo rk. More tha n a verage intere st in wo rk. Supe rior Very good Is Appears to have no i nte res t i n wo rk. II - No s u p e rvision required. C onsider the a ttitude with whic h he a pproache s his work , the interest and enthusiasm s hown. Attitude toward work Section Superior Consider speed and general efficiency of his work. Quantity of work Unsatisfactot,- 5. Almost neve r t a rdy or a bs e nt. Very good 8 2 Bar~l y meets minimum sta nda rds. B e low minimum scanda rds. R equires clo se check. 4. Superior Consider neatness, accuracy and general quality of his work . How much follow-up is needed. Quality of work Unsa tisfactory 3. Very good I 0 Frequencly tardy or ab sent wi thouc good cause. 2. Satisfactory II 0 High inte res t in th e work. Abs o rbe d in th e work. Promotional Potential - In this rating section keep in mind the demands of the position to which the man would be promoted. An employee may be above average to outstanding in his present position but lack potential for promotion. 1. Initiative Consider h is a bility to ac t on hi s own res ponsihility m the a b sen ce of instructions. Can h e start need e d work a nd can h e react to deviations from routine? Needs to improve Unsatisfactory I2 0 Relie s on oth e rs coo much. Mus t be pu s h e d .. 2. Aptitude and obi I it y to learn Judgment R e quires coo much ins tructio n. L ea rns s low l y. Need s to improve Satisfactory Very a l ert. Has introduc e d b e tte r me t hods. Ve ry good s 5 L e arn s qu i c kl y wi th minimum ins cruccio n. 1 9 Unusua lly qu i ck co l ea rn. Supe rior II 0 Among rh e ve ry bes r in l ea rning a bility. V e ry g ood Satisfactory Is 0 Poo r sen se of va lues . Jump s to conclu s io ns . Personal Qualities Need s to i mprove ~I I ~o_ __ _ Judg me nt d e p e nda ble in mos t case s. Supe rior II 0 Unus ua lly sound judgm e nt. Does th e correc t thing a lm os t a l ways. C on side r e mot i ona l sta bility, t empe rament , p e rso na l appe ara n ce, a nd ha bits. Unsatisfactory Uns t a b l e. II 0 Does h e h ave th e a bility to think a nd ac t calmly , logica lly , and rapidl y und e r a ll conditions . Un satis fa c tory 4. I9 As s umes l ea d e rs h ip w he n need e d. Superior Conside r how quickly h e l earns n ew work, r e t ain s what h e h as l earned , a nd the ease with which h e follows in s truction. I2 0 Ve ry s lo w co l ea rn. Very good Is Will ac t indepe nde ntly in most ca s es .. Nee ds to improve Un s atisfactory 3. Sa tis factory Sati s fac tory Is 12 Some p e rs o n a l wea knes ses o f s ignifica nce. Very g ood We ll a djus t e d , s t a bl e, ma k es good impre s s ion. Unu s u a ll y w e ll a dju s ted a nd s t a bl e. Superior I IO We ll l ike d ; ma k e s o u t s ta nding impress io n. �5. Supervisory ability Consider ability to get others to cooperate and produce; ability to plan and assign ; and to train and lead. Unsatisfactory Needs to improve 0 We a k in s om e a re as . Needs to improve Il 0 10 Experience Show s reason a bl e poc e nci a l. Unusu a lly compecenc. Highly compe te nc in a ll area s. Satisfactory Vety good I 2 Limice d e duc a tion a nd tra ining. Poorl y tra ined. Superior Consider general educational level, special schooling or course work, and self training he has done. Training and education Unsatisfactory 7. Very good 5 Generally we ak. 6. Satisfactory Superior 10 More tha n a de qu a ce schooling Unu s u a ll y we ll tra in e d. Among th e bes c qu a lifie d. Consider the length, variety, quality and appropriateness of the man's work experience. Unsatisfactory Needs to improve Satisfactory I2 0 10 Nee d s more ex pe ri e nc e in s om e a re as . La ck s expe ri e nc e . Superior Very good More ch a n a dequ a t e ex pe ri e nc e. V e ry e xp e ri e nc e d in mo s t a reas . Among rh e mo s t e x peri e nced. Based on the factors which you have evaluated above and on others not necessarily coveted by this form , give your estimate of the individuals chances for success in the position for which he has applied. l=:J D D Unlikely Fair Good D D Very Good Excellent Do you recommend that this employee be promoted to the position he seeks? ( ) Highly recommend ( ) R ec omm e nd with C onfide nce Remarks: Signature of Rater - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Title - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Da t e _______________ F O R M 6 • T · 28 R E V . 10/ 65 ( ) Recommend ( ) Do not recommend. �