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CITY OF 1nGL8WOOD CBLIFOrn,a C I V I C CENTER 105 E AST QUE E N ST REET / IN GLEWOOD CA LI FORNIA 9 0301 October 29, 1969 Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr. Director of Governmental Liaison City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Dan: In view of our inability to influence the format of the meeting of Intergovernmental or Federal Aid Coordinators set for November 30 in San Diego and the prospect of a talk session November 13 in Washington, I feel that it is urgent that a proposal be formulated that can be discussed with the NLC/USCM staff on November 13 and presented for discussion and adoption November 30. I have attached a proposal. I would like to call you in a f ew days to hear your reaction or discuss any alternate package you may have already formulated. I feel some frustration that our initial efforts have apparently become bogged down within the NLC/USCM staff, but I also conclude that the potential of a mechanism f or us to speak as one voice to the FEDS, or NLC/USCM, may be worthy of some additional effort. Larry R. Coons Assistant to the Ci ty Administrator LRC :ma Encl. �