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t --,, • J - ' C:. ...... .· I Form !Approved Budg~t Bureau No. 63-R-1211 ' .· · Attachment 3a U. s. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Budget Justification ,, This form is to be attached to each budget for a capital project, activity and to the Program Administration Budget .........---· I I NAME OF CDA 1. I Atlanta City Demonstration Agency 2. I .. BRIEF DESCRIP'.rIVE TITLE OF CAPITAL PROJECT OR ACTIVITY I Model Cities Resident Organ i z a tion I 3, NAME• ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF OPERATING ENTITY Model Cities Mass Convention, Inc~ I 1: , 673 Capitol Avenue S.W. Atlanta, Ga. AMOUNT OR VALUE 4. · DESCRIP'.rIOJ.IT OF ITEM* AND BASIS FOR VALUATION** 2. Public Information 3. Travel -- $50.00 per month x 12 OF ITEM I I I ii I $10,000.00 600.00 1 5. '\· I 1 · Consumable supplies -- Office supplies @$200.00 per month. 2,400.00 Rental, Lease, or purchase of equipment - off ic furniture. 2,300.00 I. I 6. Mass Convention Development Assistance to Neighborhood Advisory Councils-6 @$1,000 $6 , 00 Matching funds . for gr\mt from OEO , : · 3 , 60 . .• :, · Teleph one s, Ut~ l i t i es and jan itor ial services@ $200 p er month. 2 , 40 (Jus tificatio n fo r supp l eme nt al f unds Only ) - Other Costs: . L 'I 1:

$14, 0 00,00 For persairel costs use Personnel justification form .

I>escribe the item in sufficient detail ~o insure that it is adequately identified

indicate the basis for determining or computing its va.lue. For example , office r.pace rental for two professionals: 150 square feet at $2.00 per square foot, i.ncluding utilities and janitorial services. Ellld I �