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V(' l) '~L GJ.'P[ 1~3 T fi 'i IJ,,lJ 1·c l'l"lOGl·{Af: Tile 1-J, ,d.P.l CH,j0s 'I'r.cJ.inin _: Progr am - Thr-: fir st of :its kind in the country

is , Lf"n ( l Cl) scs:d.

l,r i )Jl c n1 1:·si" to be conduct e d in sc ,n:i.n:ir fo_rm undP. r th() dircc tion l:r llnb1c1·si Ly o f Ten nessee at Cb.:iLto.noo L:.:i . Th e m:.1jor objc,cl.ivP. of the Mode l Ci.ties Tr;)fn::n ~~ l'rc1:_1;r:1in is the en:1b l em8nt of the fifty mr:imb r~ rs of t :1 c C.D.A. i.~0:1~'G or- 11:;__r ect1"rs b-0 -f -L111,Jtion c1s a cohes ive arlminlstrat ive body ,1h:i.l~ s imnlt=meous ly · c1:c , 11r·1,::;i: :.:; t h e dtt.ci.i.n.,1.ent'. nr r':)t ~ntion of indiviciu.1.l .i.dentity w~th t ho se va rious spo rw0rin r,; :~rL;u r--c Fh0m :i.t is the board mc;1'.1bers I r e sponsi.hlity to repr1:;scnt. This objed:ive can best be ach i.. eved by en.J.b line :,h e participants to: 1. acquire knowJ.erl Ge of the actual structur e of thA Model Cities organization and the objectives of the progr am . 2. ·deve lop an aw3.reness of the decision-makini::; proces s in tr:-rms of s e l e ct i r.G acc eptable alternativ ~s to recogni zed problems confronti~c the CDA Board. 3. Establish.i.ng and . maint,ainin g an orga nizationc1l esprit I de corps' which on one hand wil l enable each CDA H.oard. par t i cipant t o mafot3.in his id entity and . t ies wit9i.n _his own spher e of the community , and yet permit hj~'ll to Inr'.lke decisi:ms b ased on a tot-3. l committ me nt to an Jv erall achievement of the organizatiana l goals o · Th i.s s eries of s eminars uti liz in_, c onsult::i.nts , applyin1:; dynamic a;1d inno 1i:1.ti.v~ ed ctcati on'l l techniqu~s , and jnvolving expertise from as many perti :-1':=nt s nJ rc r.:; 3.s a r e availab l e is, like th e Mode l Cj_ t,ies Program i t se l f , a de;--:onstr 3.ti0n rroj ect. !lec.1.use thP. re i s l ittl,~ nat ·l on;:i. l experie nce in train iri;:; prograns Sllch as the onr:; d esc!"ibed, the emphasis in th e Chattanooca progr,:11,1 wi l l be on experi.r:,ent ati:rn anrl i:'1.:10vati,, n. As mie ht be expected of an expe rimenta l undert.1kin~ , it :vill be subjcc ~ to reiular ob servati on, monitorine, and evaluation of its effectiveness in terr.;s of the goals it seeks to fulfill. It should be understood that this �{2) co:1 ti :n:nu[, ev:tlu-:itivc p' oces" is o. tcsLin;; proc:<'ss or thP. tr;i:i.,dn _~ pr0:.:;r·1m and it.s shfr, a~ 1,e ll

i .c;

of th0 p:1rti.r.ip,1. n~s . 'fl1c: l':i.rsL :.;cs s i on or. the program will lllf':'ct Saturchy, J\uc11st 9, 19(.9, ~t the camp1s- 0r ll.T.C. rts • • ~ n.1.ne c onsccut,1.v c ,;;,. , tur,:.1.i ;_ws. w:i.11 the followin 1~ n:he sessi,Jn:::\ 'm the follo','l' i nG A suJ~estnd strucLure and cont e nt of e~ch se ss i on is found :in Appendices I thru X. s t,1·t1c t\ire the E·.J.ch consult:i.nt, however, may modiry or re- seminar to achieve the objectives as outlined. F11nd:Ln 6 .f0r th i.s t.rainini proi;ram has been secured under thP. · provisions of Ti.t.lP. 1 of the B:i_::her Education Act from the Department of He;iltn, Eduea tion .inrl '.·!9 1f,1 r? ; Ins t.i. Lu l;ional monies of U. T .c.; and funds from the 1fodel Cities Phnnir![; '}rant. The cxpectat.i.on is th at t.he e ~~pe rience and inf.'ormation derived fro;,1 the pro ~ram will c 0nt.ribute siz;nific.:i.ntly to the effectiveness of the C.D. A. B02 ::--d as a de cis i ve administrative body. It is hoped, · also , that from this .ModP.l Citi e s Training Pro ~ram th e re will emer;:;e a ,body of knowledge and experi ence which will be of value not only in Chatta nooga, but. in other cities ·, as v:e ll. �(J) t.lic- .:it,n:t.." .:ind HiJli.n:~ness of the C.D.A. Doard to disc har;;c e ffccL:i.v ely its res ~,0n s:i.bil i ty as chi.8 f ar.lriiin:i.Rt.ra t. i.ve body of th<: Ch-1t k rno 0,;a Model Citie s Progran. As adrninistrator:s who are. responsibJ.e for the pl;:i.nnin;:; and jm;_;l~rirmt:i.tion of th e L;it1l Model Ci. ti.es Pro,:;ram, CDA Board · rneinbe:rs must be sufficientl:-{ eci1J:i.pped · ( 1) ~d.th the necess,'.lr,Y ski lls, tools, and informati.on r c J..citP.d to all aspects of the l~d~l Cities Program; ( 2) with 3n understanding of the Mod el CitieR Pro~r a m and its rebt. ions li:i.p to city i;overnment ;ind other agencies in the urban are --both privc1te and pubhc; and (3 ) with methodoke;y anr.l dynamics of decision-mak inr:;. To this enrl, thP. Mod e l Cities Tra inj_n~ and Orienta ti:m Seminar Proc;ra.~ is d8si_:;ned.: 1. To insure th a t the C.D.A. Board members will be a1-1are of - their roles in the Model CiL:i.es Proir a m. 2. To provide C.D. A. Board mPmbe r s wi t-,h si.1fficient and relevant information c oncerni nc th~ Mod el Ci.ties conc ept a nd m~thort . 3. To insure tha t C.D.A. Board members a re fami liar with the ~:odcl Citi,;,s structure , bo t h na tiona lly and loca l ly o L. To provide C.D.A. Board members witA pertinent data concerning the Hud ~ui?eli ne s as related to the Model Cities Program. 5. To provide G.D.~. Board mP.~bers with r e l evant informaL ion concernine s peci fi c problAms rind program areas t o b e dealt with in the :fod el Neighborhood area. Furtr1P.r, this · proc;ram is de sir;ned to foster competency and sound judgement on the part. of the Board member.s by provirHng them with training cxcercises ar.d experiences i n problem-solv ing _and d ec ision-makin~. No Board wi th a members hip so v~ried as that of the C.D.Ao Board ~an effectively discharge its duties and �t.he inLcnt of t hi s pr o 1;ram Lo provide structured experiences for the fifty partici- r'.::l.t:in,; CDA Boal'd mE'n:be rs- - memhe rs with va r:i. P-d backcrounds, w5.de r a ng e s · of e xperiences, di.ff erent lev e ls or· edllcational attainme nt, anri diverse interc sts --wh ich ·t1ill P 1nble the iJo.Jrcl to function as a colwsive nnit with mutual interests and c or.,r:i.o n t~rnls; on P dedicated. to . salving the problems of the Model Nei~hborhood and its r0. op l e e �'.vlii lr t.he1'f' is 11,:i st.:ip('tir-l or othr-r Corm of' comr, 0 nsaLion for ~ tt, cnd jn~ thc:.;e l r :1in; i\~ ~rn tl •:iric-rnt:i.t,i ., n sctnin:1rs , U1r.rc i : =, ovailablc -for all members [':inon ci':11 as :..ds k1nr.c jn \.11 0. f' orm wlri 18 ,U.cnd itt :'; L} 1e0 r or r :1y 1~cnts or r .e iinb1ir seme nLs for all f'Xpcnses iw~1 1rrPd ·- c, 10 sessi.,1rn:i. , If you spencJ · or ne0 d any m.-rni..es for ci1ilr:l-c-:1.r t.r:111s rort.-1 t.i,, n, f :1od , or los e money Cor be.ing. off your j o b, you n.1ay qua lify for fjn =i.nc:i al assj_st-,nr.0 . As a memb er of the C.D.A. Board y ou are r e nde rir. 3 to the ci tizcns or Lllis comnnmi ty a V;) lu.:i. hle s e rv i ce; thus you should not be pena lize d f:ir..1.ncially in connP.c tion with your services on the C.D .A. Board. A simple voucher will be provid ed at each s ession. Simply list the expenses ir.c urr~d by Y·"ll. a nd bring, send, or mail to the Mode l Cities· Office at ll.il8 Mccallie Avenue . �If (0 Cl'f'J :3·;- t.! i '/\l/'l' 1 C 1 1'f\Tf 1)t! •\N D T~CIWJCJ\L /\SSTS'i'llf.JGii.:

1nrl thC:' as:~11 r t, inn which c,ntrihuLcG rnosL Lo jJ,s · uniciue chri.r::1ct0r is th0 uc1i.cf

l.!~:..t ;11.1 .xi 1:w,11 hrr10ril·, c.1n be rlr.rived nn1;y ,,lien thrr P. :ls m;:i_;d.rnum p1.rticipaU.0n in pl·rnnin,~, rolicy fn.rnnVinn, :.nrl i.mplemental.ion by those v1l1ose li.vcs a:vj fut1iros ,d 11 b e


r· r Pctr.d I,~, t.lJP· pro;;ro.m. One of t.hc b-,sic el8m0ntc.; ot' an honest invit:ition for citizen particip-1.ti.::>n is th0. orfer 0·f t0.ch1Yic:1l astdRtance to the citiz e ns; the failure to provide s uch ~:.3s :l s L:t:-:c c ,-101,l i r~nrler th r: concept or genu1ne nei 2:hborhood involvement mea n i n;; l-=ss, since ther0. c~n he no partner~l1ir, ~r inv olvement, wh~n one of the parties l ack s the t? chn ic1l ~xpertis e to make informed judgements. In City Dein:-ins t,ration Asency Letter No. 3, October JO, 1967, the :!:lep3.rtment of :{ousi n_; an ci Urban D~velopme nt established performance standards for citiz en p~rt ic i pat i0n in the Mod~l Cities Program . Amon~ the major points contained in these standard s is that of technical assistance: ••••• The structure must ha ve the technical capacity for n,3.kin 0 kno1,,ledGeahle decisions~ ••• Some form of professional tech nical asEistnnc·e in a m;:inner agre e d to by neiehborhood resid e nts shall be provided." ) .... - �I (7) ,",1) ~) ~'.L CJT1 r,:.s C:lf'lr :U.'l .l 'l'Y Dl~l/l~Lij l'Nfi:N T ADIUi·JIS'l'iL'\'T'JON 130!\itD UflJ". NThTJ UN S,•~['JJNI\R. 1. An Ovrrview of Mode l Citi0s A. · Ilistory of Hodel Cities Proera m, ~J:iti.nnal and Local B. Phil6sopl)y of Moclcl Cities !'roGram C. llud guidelines ,1 ncl pcrfor 11:.:ince st0ndards D. The D~r1 ·nstr;1 t,ion CiLies .cind i"lctropolitan Develo pment Act of Aur,ust 16 1. Bo3.rd Decision Ha kine - Theory and Pr,ictice A~ Value a nd fact in decision making B H.esprinsibility, Res ponsivene s s, and Autl;ority 0 C. Au gust 23 1. A. Role . of loc~l Go vern ment B. Role of CDA Board D. 1. "The Hidden Agenda" Organiz a tion of the Nodel City' Program in Chatt;} r.ooga ·c. August JO 1966, as amended Role of nthPr agenctes Role of citi ze ns The Model Cities Planning Year A. Plan submission r equ ir ement.a B. Role of Model Citi8s sta ff Co 1/.ole of CD/\ Board Do Role of Citiz ~n part i eiration structure ~- Problem ana l ysis Fo Goals ci.nd obj ectives G. Priorities Ho Bud get in~ �( H) J.. i:,,1Jc l City 1'l:u111j n~ G0nccyt.s ,md Approaches B. Proc0.rl11r.:i.l l.'lann:in:_'; C. Fxe cu tory l'l .1 nni"ri[: 11. P lnn n:i.n s .'mr.l rPv:i. ew in the pr ') r,ess of c )n: posite d0c:i.sion-ma kin e 3c-;:itcmber 13 1. T!Je I'-'!i:H:lcl Citfos Five Year fimrncinl Plan A. The "Uem'. mstr;:i Li ·,n 11 concr-pt B. What is rneri.nt ~JY the s t nt ement: "The pro[:;r&rn f,h01Jld 1r.ake a substantial imp1 ct on L he _:h~rsical, P.conornic, and s ocial problems in the Viodel Nei~h bo.rhood /\rea." C ThP role of D. The role .•f the CDA Bo:,rd ~. Technic a l assist~nce arr~r.ir~ents F. Pos: ible st:r;-uct 1:rir.g ar:ranger.cn ts 0 Se ~t ember 20 1. the Model Cititts staff R')le nf Boa rd, St;:iPf, Citizens ~articipaLion Street ·re, and Te chnic-31 '\ssi.stance in Model CHies Se t·tei nber 27 I • 1. .q,. 1'\ r ..- as in which ::i Esist.:Jnce riay be called B. K; nds ':->.f a['SistP.nce av;:i ih ble c. Mechanics of r e:L nburs ement of te~hn ic:a l assis t2nt s D. R.c>as m f o r r rovision of assist'Jnce 0 Tr1e Firc- t YPar Acti ..,n Pro,::;ram A. l·'roe;ram De velo_p]llenL B. Prrigr-'.lm rfa n::t ~€' ment c. Progn.01 fvionitorinG D. i'ro 1:ra m 'Sva l1iaU. .- :i n �(?) C. It(-'] a t-,i 'llship r,f each ;_ ,rogram to Morl e l Ci tj_es .0.., .~.Tlie me r. h.'.:l ni cs of f8r:l rc: ra 1 ,::irograms - plo nnin 'i, progri1rnmin~, fundinc, iniplcrnent.:iti·m 1. l'robJ.em .Solvin:; and Group Interaction A. Hr.spect for the or;inion of others D. Se>nsitivi ty t,o the needs anr:l lim:i.tati0ns o.f otters c. S<?Lting eroup 6 oals c1nd making orderly progre ::.-s D. Democratic participation '!;' ~r.e,liency arid Compromise '• �(:ICl) The CD,\ ~i0aril, cornpri~,::,cl of 50 people of varied ba cl:r;r0uncls, abil·j tiPS anci :ii~t C' ··c,~~t.n, n•nst. t,c brou.:;tit. L,o funct:ion e rfcct.jvely after a scdc-s of tr.n \·1e 0.kly ori0nt.ation mr.etings. as a 1:nH, durinc; and This trainine r,:::·o;;ram wi).l . be ch.:ir:i.c_tcrhcd , in tern;.s of format, by strict ad}1erence to time schedules and by fJexibility in tr.e (in or,:l cr to :1.::i.kP. the best use of limited ti1ne ) f ) r :'it:°lati on and :implerncntG.tion of the format. The board will b e divided during ~art of the traininG sr.ssion to permit model neighborhood are representatives-half the b oard -- to rPceive special orientation dea ling with the broad area o°f citiz e n p2.r:i tc:i.rati on; thP. othe t 1:;roup, non-MNA repre sentatives, will also receivR 3rnup tra ining d11rin~ thls pe rjod.

cct. i.n~;s will be hP ld each Sa tt:rc1:iy, August 9 throu 6 h October 11,

on The tentative pr ograrn da y for t he. ten meetin[S will proc eed th=: c w-,,,·us o.f UTC. accord jn: t 0 t h~ followin~ sche dule . 8:J0-9:L5 Bo.J.rd mf"!el ,s togGther'with Spe cial Area Consultant. 9:L5-lO:JO i'-i 11L'\ representaU ve mr.et toge t her with Consulta nt rota tin;; . 9: L5-lO: JO Non-E:{A me;:ibers mee t together . 10:30-10 :LS Coffee Break . 10: L5-ll: 15/ °803.rd meets tot;ether Simulation exercis e presented. 11:15-12: JO Sma D. group discus s ion. The fo rma t may be f.;ooiffod after the first two n;eetin .::;s to permi t a gre.:::. ter ·dezree of flexibility in the utilization of the consultant s a nd ::>tr.er technic;:,.l o.s::: istanceo For each S.J.tt:rday ' s seminars a special are cor.sult=1.nt ~;ill h e r e ta ine cl and he ui 11 be at l ·Jb er Ly to aria.pt the format t o J-;j s r.E'cis s i.n~~ !'-11:' ~·rill be in char::;e of tha t day I s pro Gram. �(J J.) pro,~rarn, a

bta:i.kci ., ct.iv.tty Gche dulc 1vi 11 br: wrjttr:-n f or tr:c rlJ.y c:.ncl s1.11-J'ri:i.tted to

bo.'.l.rd !:;01111':~rs .'.l. t. lo,::i.s t. a week in arlvancc for their c oncurrci:c:e o �(12) EV/\LU/\.TION An es, ent.bl clc11:ent of the or:i.0ntation pro 0 rarn i.s the process by · 1-:l:frh :i.t. j_[.; cv:tlt1~ted 0 Apart from the obvious 1.Jener.its •J I: such an evJ.luative i-=rt)c~ss t o tl:8 .r-rog r :un itself and to. its participo.nts, is th~it Gu.ch a i='l' )cess will driubt,l.0ss be a dck·rn-inin 0 factor in th0 .fc.J.sibility of thA 11s"' of sur.!i 3 prot;1'<1lll cls 0.•-1!-iPre. Arsas tn bo cvciluatPd :i.re: (1 ) attitnclinal change s amone ' the rar ticip~~ts ; (2) r0tention and scope of factual materials presented ; and (J ) procress in the arc~s of d~cision-making and problem- solvinG• It, is f8lt that cv.il113.tions .sh-,uld tc1.ke place at_ the beginning of the pro~ra!1, a t, the t~rmina tion of the pro::;rn.m and as often durinc the pro~ram as is felt necessary. �