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(l) Al '1 -~~ ~1DIX I 8: JO-S1: .15 CD/1 ;Jo1r:.l me -•l:,s Special Are a ConsuHant. 9:L15-ll) : J0 Vil'JA ::irid Cnnsultc1nt. 9: L5-10: JO Non-t·:IJA rnembers · and ConsuJ.tanto Sach e: roup u:i.11 0.lect le.:ide:r to act as chair;nan and member to ;:crve as r e cor i:kr and/or fcp,YrLcro Sessions will be !:,aped , both HW\ ,1.nri Non-rZ·:A

_:1·oups ·d ll he rli.scus sion seminar s

1. th t1-1 0-f0ld purpose: To enablr. part tcipants to partic:i.pa te in some: dee Lsi0n 1::ak:i.n; or proc?f>s in terms 2. wj orcanizati on- ·:>.10.cti,)n o: chairman and recnr rter. To discuss t.he implica ti.on of the consultant I s morn:~n~ present:itinn ·in terms of the 11 50 11 and what eff8ct the croup could have on the Grea ter C}ic1U a noo:;a- 11 Thi.nk Tank" for what conld take place t.hrou;h 1975. · 10:J0-10:~5 Coffee Dreak. l0: L.::-11:15 .Simul:.il:,i :m ".:;;.;:crcisc basect on weekly format-Leo, a pic:torici.l . rep rese:nt,:d;i-)n of a philiso phy expressing opposition to th-3 need for a ~'.od:; l Cities Pro:·;ro.m i.ri Chattanooca o This will alss, be structl1red to s erve as a catal;;st for a sensitivity exercise. 1::.:15-12 :30 F'ive s ma ll discussion broups will be formed-leaders and recorders will be elP.cted by each group. Tapes provided fo r some --Vi deo Tapes of othe rs. Discussion will proceed on the basis of attcmptin::; to formu l ate 3.n acc e;:-ta~le decis t0n C'Jncernin;; the nature of the pictorial pres e ntation. .1 :ember shi;;-, wi ll rc r.1ain the same for first five session-then r ar. d0r:1 s e l e ction o: :ive n e ,v croups o Iloarr:l m~r.ibcrn will re :orm as- CDA Board duri;--i,; last 20 mi:,ut c~ of t h~ proJram o Brief report fro m each group chairman or record er. '


�(2 ) I. L)f rc1·j :)Ll srcnt i11 olrl:,.:t:in:int; the co11scn0u s o.f the .'.lC'. l~cpt,tbl,~ t.o the :_;roup. 11 )0" in tcn.1::; of.' d cc isi:m(s) �(J) APl ';.i;NDI X JI CD!\ Doard and Cc111sultan~,. 8:JL)-9:.':; 9:)1S:-l'.J:J0 tJi ;A i3 oarcl ancl ConsuJ.ta nt. 9: 1_:~-' -10 :J0 Non-NtL\ Doani .cind Consultant. T1-10 _;rou~)S me e L independent-~,, ele ct chairmcm a nd recorder s , disc uss H:C'ir un:iq11e role as individuals in the total ctedision-makint_; structuri: ,v of th i::- CDA Bna1·d. cr i tique or Hep-'Jrts of chairmen of the tuo ~rou ps, Discussion and the reports in terms of total interaction of the participants. 10:J0-10 :L5 Coffee Dreak. 10:L5-ll:15 Sj_intilatbn Exercise. Role l'l;:iyjn 1_; --~rnrc1se designed to enhance the authoritorive structlcre of an or~anizatinn in terms of decision-making. ll:;15-12:J0 Five Reports--CDA. Boa rd structures a model for interactbn based on principles acceptable to the total Boardo · �8: J0-9: /15 CD/\ Doard meets Special Consult.:tnt. 9: !,5-l'.1: JO i'iJ.JA and Consult.ant. 9:LiS-l·J:J0 ~:on-l'-,NI\ me mbers. ElFcti•m of cliairm:in .:incl recorckr. Discussion seminar·s for Loth 2roups~ . . Two-fold purpose: 1. To participate in decision making process by clcctin.; .chair:nan. 2. To disc11ss an issue as unique to the 1;roups,ioe.; the l•l}JA mer.ibe rs and the effort of non-participation in decision-:n.aking in the Chattnnoo 0a City Goverrunent--the Non-MNA membGrs anr:1 the d (: sirability of bcin:.:; in a position to effect a decisi0n with the city goverruni:; nt. l0:JO-lO:)i5 Cof.fco Brea ko 10: L5-ll: 15 S:i.mulation Exercise. Role playin[; by selectccl r;r ciup. "i iilit::?.nt Citiz ens"--a confrontation between a' group of citiz e ns ;ind ' . i n~trl r->qua t P. police protection or n.n inadequa t") schoQl cur :-- .i.c 11lu..'n. Problem based on -Zcono:, ics--I-fow to cope wi"t.h sec11rine enployment. 11:15-12:JO Five discussion groups--ele ct leader and r e corder. Disc uss acceptable solution to the problPm pres e nted. ques tion pe r i od. wi ll b e mad e Simula tors ava ilable for Report of the r e c ord ers to the full CDA Board . An at tempt to obtain a cons e nsus of opinion as to the be tter solut ion. Vi deo Ta pe Re c orde r to r ecord the de ci s i on- making proce ss. mi nu t e s for self-eva l ua t ion of problemo Use l a s t 15 Use �('.:S ) /1YPENDIX IV Au:_;us L J() 8:J0-9:L ~ CDA GoarJ.mects Spec ial Area Consulta nt. ?: L5-:i.0:30 n~J.\. .:i.nd Consult:int. 9: L5-10: JO }\111-l\en:bcrs NHA. Each r,i~0up 0lP.cts chairrna n and record12r co:.c e r:1in G e:ich groups I o Sessions ta pedo Serni_nar discussi -Jn uni.queness in terms of the consultant 's presenta:.iono Two-fold purpose: 1. To strcn ghtcn total participation of all memb8rs of the group. 2. To disc 1-<s s t:1e decision-making process as related to Nl":A and Non-Nl'"IJ\ o l0:J0-10:L5 Coffee Break. 10:L5-11:15 Sbu l atLon Sxerci se . 35 r.m pictorial presenta tion of a ,_ "Cit-izr=m 1 s Participation S t,ructure" wh ich does not reflect the r;oals of the 1-lodel Cj t-,y Program. Problem of making acc~ptah l8 decision by the sroup is prcs~nted to the CDA Board. 11: 15-12: JO . Sma 11 grjup discussi :m of sinula tion exercise--5 l eaders and recorde rs are ele cted. 1. Discussion will proceed on the ba sis of: How could the structure of the board be c hanged to make the board more effective? 2. What alternatives are available to th e group in t eTiils of maktr.e an acceptable decision as posed by the problem. Brief repor t fr om Chair~an--Remainder of time spent by CDA Board ma.kL~g a dec ision based on da ta presented in problem. �(6) APJ 'ENDIX V Scptc:;ll.iPl' 6 S:J0-9:)_Jr. CD;\ !Jo:wd m0cLs Spcci:,l Consultant. ~) :!1)-10: JO }lNJ\ and Consultant. 9: l,S'-10: JO Non-MJ'li\ and Consultant. - Each group · electr·leader and recorder. Each group will decide the·most seriol1s problem confront:Ln~ the CDA Board in terms of the consultant's cU ~cussion. 10: J0-10: )15 Coffee Drcak. 10: 16-11: 15 Simubtion ·Exercise 11 Con.D ictir1e Priorities" a pictorial representa tion of priorjties beinG established with adequate participation of thP. area ciUzenry. ll:15-12:JO Small group seminars. group establish priorities. Elect chairmen and record8rs. CD/\ group meets. Zach Chairmen report briefly. CDA attempts to estahlish priorities acceptable to total Board. �('I) i\Fl'~ NDIX VI Sept.crnb cr 13 8:J0-9://; C:DA J10.1rcl meet::; S;;8c :i'11 Area Consultant. 9: ){;-Jo: JO MNA :rnr:l c,~nsult-1 .nt. 9: L~-1 1"' :JO l'fon-MN1\ and Con:rnltant. Two-fold pnrrosc: 1. D:lch grou p elect chairma n and recorder. 2., Each group discus3 the role of the total CDA Board and 11 Subtantive I:npost" with specific reference to (a) physical problerns; (b) ec -:momic problems; (c) social problems. (Use Video if available) 10:JJ-10:L5 Coffe e Dreak. 10: !.;5-11: 15 Simulation F.xercise--Hypothet ical Problem prrnented to CCA parti::i.p:1nts. Short skit developed for purposes of drama tizinz a spe cific

-r'-1bl,,r;i arisinc within tb i=

 !fodel Area.

11 :15-12:JO Small 3roup disc ussion of pr obl em ~ nd. solutions. rr.cets as unit. 3rief reports fro~ r ecord~rs. CDA Board An Analysis of the proble ~ by to t~ l group and an .acceptanc~ or reject~on of the five solutions --a c onsensus of the group is formed in terms of articulating a decision 'oy the tot3l group. (taped) �(fl ) AP l "~ImIX: VII ,S:J(l- 0 CD,\ Doard rr.i--ets Special Area Consu ltant.


9:l,S-JJ:JO Nt-"·/\ and Consult::i.nt. 9: lt-JO: JO Nim,..}17',1.f\. anrl Consult-1.nt. Two- :·o·Jd !' ;1rpose; 1. Elccti.on of chairm=rn and record er. - 2. Group disc11s sinn jmplcmcnt the discuss:ion of the CDA to the '.:.hr"'e s;-,ccific ar eas as seen by the two groups- -city Government, nei;;hborhood, nnd Model City Staff. l0:J0-10:L5 Coffee Dreak. 10:IJ5-ll :15 Simulation Bxercisc~

<~erci se-pi dorial will present .a problem (5 ) which will involve .a high

de~rcc of rolarizntion of three aroas of interest groups--goverru, ental officials, nej.-:;hborhooct organization, and Hod el · City Sta ff. 11:15-12: J O Sma ll group (5) discus s ion with lea der a nd r ecord er. An analysis of th'? problem(s) ancl altr,rmitives available to the to tal CDA group as seen by the s ma ll gr 0up. Report of five chairme n: An ana lysis by the CD!\ group as a comm i tt ee of the whole:--What is acceptable i..n terms of a decision to the pictorial problem. �(9) S0.;.:,tenl.'c r 27 8: JCl-9: )( CD!\ l30.:1 rd mecl,s Special /1.rca Consultanto 9 : 1:5-10: 30 JWa\ anc1 . Cons u 1t.:1nt. 9: /J.5-10:30 n:in:..t!Ef\. and Cons nli;,anto ~:-ic~ ;roup meets: 1. To elect chnirnmn and recorde r. 2. To discusf specific ques tions arising out o.f th~ co nsultant .ts present,,. t i on with an emphasis on th~ uniqueness of int er actions as ar~i'l ic.::ihle to each croup. 10:J0-10:L5 Coffee Break. 10:)15-11:15 Simulation Exercise~ · i'ictor:i ~l presentation of problems which set the sta ge for prob l0.m- solvin.::; in th~ are a of tech nical assistanceo 11:15-1?.:JO Fiv e e roups rltscuss ann formnlate ·action pro~ram based on t ecbnic.;il assis tance . t o CDA Boarrl. CDA Board ll)eets as a group. Five chairmen re port Discussion of concl1Jsio n by tota l Board . �(10 ) 1\ PP !~NDIX IX Oct.0b0.r Ii n:3(1- S' : // CD,\ Bciard meets Spccia l Arca Consu1 Lant. 9: lt-10 : JO tiNf\ Boarrl niemb Prs and Cons11 1 t :rn t.. 9:/.5 -10 :JO Non - MN.~ Bo.J.ril m0.rnbe rs and Consultant. -1. 2. Slec-t Je3.r:l 0r.~a nd r ecord er. lrnplC'mcnt.ntion of clisc us si0n by consulta nt, with emphas is on r0le1tinnsh ip

nicl c oord in 3. tion.

10 :J0-10:~5 Coffee Dreak. 10: L5-ll: 15 S i.1n111.:t t i on Acti.vity o Pictor i.al presen t G.t ion of a hy potr;etica l case of thr in-• bili t y of a boarJ to make a decj_sion bec.J. use of an inadeqt.:a te c ,11-rd; r.,1tin:1 anrl informa tion structure within the total organization. ( a nother a~;ency (i.P.s) within the Model Neighb orhood Area ) 11:15-12:JO Sma ll discuss_ion groups. di scussion :;roups. Ele ct chair ma n and r ecor der. Tape Purpose _of group is to :~naJ..;ysts the problem pre sented in the sir-iul3.terl experience an d attempt, to select a lt ernate soJ.1;.tions in tN; 1.s o.f a value d eterminent . Comparison of solutions by group presentation. A sohition or" a ·b etter -solution by the CDA. Board. · �(11) APPENDIX X 8:JC>-9 :li~: CDf\ 9:l15-10 :Ji1 2. Bl):ll'd (tnd Cn11s11ll,ant. J·!on-!'r~•lp r::, ,111°1 Cnnsult.ani.. Contj1111.·.lt:i.on of Consul tan l,'s theme in terms of: (1) Sensitivity to ncedG of all membrrs of the CDA Boarrl . (2) i\n ex1111:in.1t·Lon o f the group 's responsibility in s e ttin3 cr o.;p fi01ls anrl makini progress. 10:J0-10:L5 Cnffc e Br~~k. 10:l:5-11 :l;'. Sjmul"ltinn :T.xercis c . Selected croup portrayine; a 6 roup of r epr8- sen bt-~ve youn;: peop1€' of the Model Neighborhood Area Thmne of sir.rul::i.tion ~:-: r_, rcise is a rlir~ct confron t d ,i0n b2t1-reen one se;:;ment o~ the r-ItrA anr:l the C'..)A B,,ar <~. Impli.cati,..,:i.s for authorH'lri rm decision-riakin.; .1r.d p.1rticipa tory deci.si•Jn-m,:1. Jci.n:;; are pictoriA-lly portrayed tb the group. 11: 15-12 :30 Small 6 rciup disc 1tssion. Slection of 6 roup l eaner and r ecorde ro ." n J.n:ilysis of th8 ty I') cs or ctecision-ma ki.ng as portr3.yed witi1 an atte::i,,:Jt to $tri1ct.ure a mnre ae c eptab l0 procc2:=, . for arrivlnG at a dccisiono f_;rot:p rP~ort, to the cnA. group by chairmen. T.'lpe o CD.t.. The CDA, · q.ctin6 as a unit, is prF?ssured to. for mulate de finitivP. .:;oals for the c;roup with ne eative stirru l a t ion bdnc c011st," lntly p!'ovided by '::'Xtcrnal force --Consultant 0r member of the ?·:nd e l CiLies Teqm. body. RPaction of group in terms of cohesiveness as a decisi0n-rna k i n; Video t ape. �