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MODEL CITIES TRAINING PROGRAM University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tennessee .·.- . .... . ..... The Model Cities Training Program, one of the first of it."s kind in the country, i~. a ten session course to be conducted in seminar form under the direction of the University of Tennes·s ee at Chattanooga. Th e ma jor objective o f the Model Citie s Training Program is the enablement of the fifty members of the CoDoA. Board of Directors to function as a cohesive policy-making body while simult an e ously encoura ging the a t t ainme nt or ret e ntion of individual identity with those various sponsoring groups whom it is the board me mbe rs' r es p o n s ibility _to 're p resent. This obj e ctive c a n b es t b e a chie v e d by e n ab l ing t h e p articipa n ts t o: (1) acq uir e knowledge of the . actu~l structure of the Model Cities o r g a nizat~on and the obj ectives of the p r ogr a m; (2 ) d e v e lop an awaren ess of the d e cision- mak ing process in t e rms of se l e cting a cce ptabl e al tern a tives to r e cognize d problems confronting the CDA Board; and, (3) est a bli s hing and ma int ain i ng an o rga n i z a tiona l es p r it' d e cor ps' which on one h and will e n a ble each CDA Bo ard p art icipa nt to ma intain hi s i d entity a nd ties within h is own sphere o f the commu nity , and y e t p e r mit him to ma k e d e cis ions b ased o n a tota l c o mmit tme nt to an ove ra ll achieve me nt o f the o rgani z ation a l g oa l s o �l I (2) This series of seminars utilizing consultants, applying dynamic and innovative educational techniques, and involving expertise from as many pertinent sources as are available is, like the Model Cities--Program itself, a demonstration project •.. Because there is iittle national experience in training programs such as the one .described, the emphasis in the Chattanooga program will -be on experimentation and innovation. As might be e x pected of an experimental undertaking, it will be subject to regular observation, monitoring, and evaluation of its effectiveness in terms of the goals it seeks to fulfill. It should be understood that this continuous evaluative process is a testing process of the training program and its staff, as ~elL ~s of the participants. The first session of the program will meet Saturday, August 9, 1969, at th~ campus of UoToCo as will the following nine sessions on the following nine consecutive Saturd ay s. A suggested structure and content of each session is found in Appendic es I thru Xo Each consultant, however, may modify or restructure the seminar to achieve the objectives as outlinedo Funding for this training program has been secured under the provi sion s of Title 1 of the Higher Education Act from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Institution al monies of U T0C o; and funds from the Model Cities Planning Grant o 0 �l (3) The expectation is that the experience and information derived from the program will contribute signific~ntly to the effectiveness of the CDA Board as a decisive administrative bodyo It is hoped, also, _thi;lt from this Model Cities Training Program_ there will emerge a body of knowledge and exp~rience which will be of . value not only in Chattanooga, but in other cities as wello �(4) OBJECTIVES The succe-ss of the Model Cities Program to a large degree depend~ upon the~a~i~!ty and willingness of the CDA Board to discharge effectively its responsibility as chief policy-makirig . body of the Chattanoog·u. Model Cities Programo As administrators who are responsible for the planning and implementation of the total Model Cities Program, CDA Board members must be sufficiently equipped (1) with the necessary skills, tools, and information related to all aspects of the Model Cities Program; · (2) with an understanding of the Model cities Program and its relationship to city government and other agencies in the urban are--both private and public; and (3) with me thodology and dyna~i cs of d e cis ionmaking. To this end, t~e Mode l citie s Training· and Orientation Se minar Pr o gram i s d es i g n e d: . 1. To. insure that . the CDA Boa rd me mbers will be aware of the ir role s · in the Mode l Cities Program 2o To p r ovide CDA Bo ard me mbe rs with s u f fi cie nt and re l e vant informa tion c o nc erning the Mode l cities concept a nd me t h od . 3o To ins u r e th a t CDA Board me mb ers are familiar wi th the Mode l Cities st r u ctu re, both n a t ion a lly and l oca l ly. �(5) 4o To provide CDA Board members with pertinent data concerning the HUD guidelines as related to the Model Cities Programu So To provide CDA Board members with relevant information concerning speciti6 problems and program areas to be dealt wi.th in the Model Neighborhood area o Further, this program is designed to foster competency and sound judgment on the part of the Board members by providing them with training exercises and experiences in problem-solving and decision - makingo No Board with a ·membership so varied as that of the CDA Board can effectively discharge its duties and responsibilities unless its members develop a oneness of mind and purpose. It is the intent of this program to provid·e s~ructured experiences for the fifty participating CDA Board members--members with varied backgrounds, wide ranges of e x periences, diffeient levels 6f educational attainment, and diverse interests--which will enable ·the Board to .function as a cohesive unit ·w ith mutual interests and common goals; one dedicated to solving the problems of the Model Neighborhood and its people. �