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PROPOSA f'O R 'l 'HE EVALUATION OF THE ATLANTA MODEL CI 1'IE S P ROGRAi."1 �.ATLANTA MODEL CITIES EVALUATION PLAN The plan f or evaluation o f t h e Model Cities p rogram wa s ·d e v eloped by t he Mode l Citie s P lan s and Eva.lua t ion s ta ff . The ob jecti ve o f th e plan i s to p r o v ide q u a n i tat i v e a.n a qua l i tat ive analysi s o f t h e program bot h f o r fi~ t u r e Mode l Ci t ie~:1 p l a n n i ng and as a d emon s trat i o n 0 £ this typ - of urba n impr o v eme nt ;,rogr a.rn . It i s v i t a l tha t we be aware of e xactly wha t ou r e ffo r t s a r e accompli sh i ng .in o r der t o lay e f f ecti ve plan s ¥o r f ut u r e upgr ~d i ng o f o ur c i ty. Residents 1i l l p lay a ma jor ro l e · n d e t e rmin i ng 1-1hat the mea su:cE> fl of p r ogram s uc ces s should be , i n inte r v i ewing , in mo ni t or i ng p r o jec t s, a n d i ~ as se ss i n g the e ff e c tiveness of p r o jects and t he ov erall p rogr am. The evaluat i on p l an h as t wo ma jor i nter.relate d compon e nts: A Residen t Se rvi c e In forma tion System a nd a Re s e arch Ana ly s is System. The Re~' ident Serv ice Information Sys tem (RSIS ) i s a computerized

net.hod of monitor ing services p r ovidE .!d t o r e sident

p rogrr-1.m . b y the Model Ci t i e s The Resea rch Anal ysis System wi l l pr ,.r i de a q ua l ita t i v e an alysis of t he progran based on t h e opinio ns a nd at titudes o f r e s iden ts . The RS I S is desi~J ned t o accomplish t h e foll owing: (1) Maintain records 0f al l services re n d~red to re s i de nts fo r statistical analysi s. (2) Provide s ervice agencies with stat i stica.1. report s t o rel iev e them of menial cl e rical work. (3) Provide random samples of participants in various pro jects f or survey in the Research Analysis System. (4·) Prepare profi le reports on char.acte~cistics on residents served by age, geographic location, occupation, race, etc. �-2- (5) Provide agencies with lists of residents in need of their services. (6·) Provide benefit unit reports for costjbenefi t analysis. (7) Prepare correlation reports to show influence on residents or families involved in combina t ions of projects. (8) Provide interface wi th a geographic ma pping program which will show areas of progra.111 weakness. (9 ) Provide information to research framework analysts to aid in the prepar a tion of their reports. (10) Provide various reports on reque st to service agencies, city depar tments, or the federal government. (11 , Prov ide baseline data estimates (e . g. unemployment rates, crime rates, bir t h rates). (12) Provide projections of numbers of people who will be involved in projec ts in future y ea rs. (13) Encourage i n tera gency cooperation and sh a ring of common data . The Research Analysis System is d esigned to accomplish the following: (1) Ga t h e r and asse ss opinions of part icipants about the qual i ty of Model Cit i ~s projects. (2) Secure follow-up data on project participants. (3) Gather data concerning control groups within and outside the Model Neighborhood. �-3- (4) Conduct attitud~ surveys concerning basic outlooks toward life of a sample of Mode l Neighborhood Area re sidents. (5) Assess attitudes and perception s o f insti tutional personnel employed to serve the Model Neighborhood residents . (6) Collect base-line data and formulate appropriate standards for future program planning . (7) Sel e ct and tra i n interviewers. (8) Develop appropriate attitude and opinion questionnaires. (9) Supe r vi s e the activities of resident obse rve r s who will furnish chronlc l e s on sign ificant change s that take place in the Model Neighborhood . �r " Opinion Surveys ttitude Survey s p Re search Analysis System '"""l Institut ion al Studies Random Re sident Samples Service tllllli~-------_,....,..,,_....,.,__,_ _ _-IInformation System Statistical Report s Residen t ServiceOb!3ervers · Needed . Report!:' ServiceRe n dered Reports Reside nt Profi le Repo rt s Quanti tativ e AJ. alysi s Qualitative Analysis Model Cities Program Evaluation Special Request Re p o rt s A9 ency Statistical Reports �