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MODEL CITIE S EXECU.1-I'VE BOARD REVI EW COM.MJ:ni'I'BE Ju.L.y 1 5, 19 6 9 M I N U T E S ·rhe Model Citie s Exec ut i ve Bo a r d Rev i e•,1 Com_m i t. t ee met Tuesday~ ,Jul y 15 , at 1 0 : 00 a . m. i n City Hal l, Committee Ro o m #2 . The followinq me mbers \'7e r e p r esent: Mayo r I v a n All en , ,J r. , Chairman Mattie An sley Mr • Jo1 n Hood Alderman Ever ett Milli can 1.liX .. ~'7 al t er fvj,i t: c ·he l l Mr. J. D . Newberr7 Dr . C , Miles Smit,h Mr. Bi l l C . Wainwri9ht lfu: s . Mrs. Jllla r thci WP.ems 'I'he Chairman , Mayor Iva.n Al len, Jr . presided over the meeting. 'I'he f o l lowing proj ects wer e d i s.-:ussed a nd app·coved: Amou nt Pr 9..i_ect Numbers $11 9, 0 00 HR - 005N Urban East Housing Consul ta 1.ts HE-019N At l anta Assoc i a tion o f Mental Retardation 9,00 0 HE- 0.llN Planned P1.rer t 'l:10::x:!, 5,000 Inc . It '.tvas mo ved a.nd second ed that action on. the fo l o wing projects be withheld u ntil fuxi":1"l:... r investiga tion can be made. The Chairman appointed Dr . C . Mi les Smith to hi:.~ad a c ommit ~ee to look into t he Hea l t h Component a n d to r~port at the next me et ing. Mr. Hood a nd Mr . :t-Iewbe rry were appoint ed "-o the ,.,orrnnittee. The proje c ts invo l ved are: HE =0 02N HE-00 9N HE-014N HE-007N Better Health , Inc. 113,000 100,000 5 , 00 0 4,000 �2 Mr. Wainw.;· :iyht moved that t he two ( 2) deletions :ceconi.mended by the staff b-2. appr oved . ,lrs . We e n's :,::e condEd the motion. 'rhe deletions w~re : HE-008.N He a.:L th Scr. e ening HE-·018N Mm1tal Health Plann.e::: $ 45,000 20,000 A discussion. was open.ed concer ning Project E~rpand . After a brief di scussio, Mrs. Ansley moved to temporarily delete Project Expand so the balance of the EOA projects c a n be sent back to the Board of Aldermen . The mot.:i.on was secon ded and app roved. The meeting wa s adjourned. APPROVED: l ___,f/, r---, r-~ -c:,-=-"~:::;;_.c.-.-J-~ ~ c ~or


Cit ies Prog ro May· r Iva.n Allen, Jr . , Chairman Mode l Ci tie s Exec u tive Board �