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OF¥1C E OF Cl 'Y CLERK Cl TY HA.LL ATLMiTA , GLOHG I A _--..----·--··---- A RESOLUTION BY ALDERMEN G. EVERETT MILLICAN AND E. GREGORY GRIGGS WHEREAS, on August 12, 1969, the Executive Board of the Model Neighborhood Prc:gram of the City of Atlanta, at a regularly called meeting did reconnnend the approval by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of a contrnct to be entered into by and between the City of Atlanta and Georgia State College, acting through its Urban Life Center division, for the design and implementation of a Research Analysis System to be used for the purpose of measuring the quality of the Model Cities Program, the maximum cost of the system to be $144,000.00; l\Tf"'\T,T .1.,v ,..., , r-J'1TJD nVPf"'\TIT." ii.L.1.-J.1.U-1.L v.L'-.....,, TIP LJW Tm ..1-.1. TlT:"ll""r'\T TTr.1"' L'-i.:.uJV.uv.1...:.u..1 ,_ __ uy .£.-1- L,1.1.~ "I.K- - - - - - J.'iO.YVJ... - - - -1 ct1.1U -n, - - - - _, J.)VaLu - r. UJ.. Aldermen of the City of Atlanta that the Mayor of the City of Atlanta is hereby authorized to execute the contract for and in behalf of the City of Atlanta and the City Attorney is hereby directed to approve the said contract as to form wherein Georgia State College, acting through its Urban Life Center division, will conduct research to provide data on opinions of participants about the quality of projects; follow-up data on project participants; data on control groups within and outside the Model Neighborhood; and attitude surveys of a sample of Model Neighborhood Area residen t s. ! I 1. ·A true copy, ~ ADOPTED By Board of Aldermen August 18, 1969 APPROVED Au gust 20, 1969 �