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Cl TY !iii.LL AT.LAKTA, Ci~Oi{GIA -- -- A RE SOLUTION BY ALDERMEN G. EVERETT MILLICAN AND E. GREGORY GRIGGS WHEREAS, on July 7, 1969, the Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta adopted a certain Resolution nuthorizing the City of Atlanta to enter into a contract with Emory Community Legal Service; and WHEREAS, it appears that the proper contracting party in this instance is Emory University, acti.ng through Emory Community Legal Service: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta that the Mayor of the City of Atlanta be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said contract on behalf of the City of Atlanta with Emory University for the same purposes set forth in the Resolution above referenced. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to the extent that the Resolution first above referenced is not inconsistent with this Resolution, the same is ratified and reaffirmed. A true copy, w r ~ ADOPTED By Board of Aldermen August 18, 1969 APPROVED August 20, 1969 �