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FFlCI~ ( F Cl n CU.HI\ CITY 11,;LL ATl..Af\TA, GE HGIA REso-::.,vrr ON BY FINANCE COMMITTEE AND BUDGET COMMISSION WHEREAS , a cer t a in resolution was adopted by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta on May 19, 1969, and approved by the Mayoi on May 20, 1969, authorizing t h e Mayor to exe cure a grant agreement f or a comprehens ive City 0emonstration Program under Title I of th e Demonstration Cit ies and Me tropolitan Act of 1966; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA that toe 1969 (Model Ne i ghborhood) Budget be and is hereby amended as fol lows : Add to Anticipation~ MN-7630, U. S. Grant $7,175,000.00 Add to Appropriations_ HN-25- 62-SOOA, Auto Allowance . $ 4 ,608.00 MN-25-62-500-lA, Travel 6,088 .00 MN-25-62-5 71B, Reserve for Appropriation Projects and Activities 6,680,070.00 MN-25-62-713A, Utilities 8,304.00 MN-25-62-7 61A, Printing and Reproduction 4,000.00 MN- 25-6 2-770A, Offi ce Supplies and Expense 9,600.00 HN-25-62-780A, Cons ltants and Con tract Services 69,600.00 NN-25-62-785A, Spar,e Alt er a tions, Additions and Other Spac e Costs 6,78L:.• oo MN-25- 62-7 98A , Sp ecial Projects - evGluation lfO ,000. 00 ~lli-25- 62-SlOA, Renta l Lease or P~rchase of Equipment 9,484 . 00 MN-25-62- 830A, Sa l ar ies 314,333.00 MN-25-62- 840A , Empl oyee Benefits 22,129.00 $7,175,000.00 The purpose of this reso lution i s to anticip ate and appropriate funds from a U.S. Gran t f or th2 first year's implement a tion of Atlanta ' s Hodel Neighborhood Program in the amount of $7,175, 000 . 00 . APPROVED: /4. , -, ~~--~ ,- - - ~ J ( ---. , ,··c,, . .,. / ~ / ,,· ' ,,<, I ' . . ... , : . / ···. ' . / /.. 1--- > _,,>7 {.f/ ) / Mayor Finance Committee ·=L -'"J:JJ_:,:.~,(~~ Board of Aldermen AIJOPTl·:D by Board of Alden en July 7, 1969. Al' l' " ll VED July 10, 19(i9 . - - - - - ·- ~ ff .. �