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Fl<'ICJ<: OF Cl TY CU.HI\ CITY H,; LL ATJ ...AI\TA, GE HGJA A RESOLUT ION BY ALDERMEN G. EiJERETT MILL I CAN AND E. GREGORY GRIGGS WHEREAS , on June 25, 1969, the Executive Board of the Model Ne ighb or hood Progr am of the City of Atl ant a: at a regularly c alled meeting, d id recommend t he approva l by tl-e Mayor and Board of Aldermen of a c ontrac t to be erite red i nt o by and between th-2 City of Atlanta and the Atlanta Ur ban League , a copy of such proposed agreement being a tt ached hereto , ma rke d "Exhibit A" and made a part of t h i s r es ol ution. NOW , THEREFORE, BE I T RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the . City of Atlanta tha t the Mayor of the City of Atla nt a is h e reby author i zed to ex ecute the said contract for and i n b eha lf of t he City of Atl a nta wher ein certain services to effect a n at ti t udinal change in residents will be rendered as per description i n " Exhib it A11 • ADOP TED by B0ar d of ,llde rme n Jul y 7, 1 969 . APPIWVED Jul y 9, 1 969 . �