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OFFICE OF CITY CLEHI' CITY l!i\LL ATLA!\TA , GE RGI A A RESOLUTION BY ALDERMEN G. EVERETT MILLICAN AND E. GREGORY GRIGGS WHEREAS, on June 25, 1969, the Executive Board of the Model Neighborhood Prograra of the City of Atlanta, at a regularly called meeting, did reconnnend the approval by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of a contract to be entered into by and between the City of Atlanta and Child Service and Family Counseling Center, a copy of such proposed agreement being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part of this resolutiono NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta that the :Mayor of the City of Atlanta is hereby authorized to executP. t h e s~id c.ontr2~t for in beha l f of the City of Atlanta wherein c e rta in services involving suppor tive counseling to families will be rendered as per descriptions in "Exhibit A". ADOPTED by Board of ,~lde r men July 7, 19G9 . APPROVED July 9 , 1969. L �