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CITY OF ATLANTA COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY HALL • 68 MITCH ELL STREET, S. W. • ATLANTA , GEORG IA 30303 • IVAN ALL EN. JR Mayo r, C,t1 0 1 Atianta 522 -4463 GEOR ·L Oa· • , PLA NNING AND DEVEL OPMENT COMMI TTEE BOARD OF ALDERMEN RODNEY M Cha,rman COOK. E GREGORY GRIGGS. Vice Cha,rman ROBER T S. DENNIS E A. GILLIAM CHARL ES H LEFTWICH J BEN MOOR E JACK SUMMERS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAlv\ STAFF REPORT TECHNIC AL ADVISORY BOARD EXECUTIVE COMM/ TT [£ R EARL LANDERS Adrr.-n Asst to the '11ayor, Ctiauman WYONT B BEAN P 11nnmg f,-.g nee.· Subject: Government of the City of Atlanta, Georgia (A Survey Report 1965) by Public Administration Service, Chicago, tllinois Dafe: FebnsQry 21, t966 HENRY L BOWDEN C- t1 Attcrney CHARLES L DAVIS Comprrolfer WILLIAM S HOWLAND Exe ut,.,e O·re, (!.,r. CA CUR RAY A NIXON Chef c,/ C nr;tru-:t n M B. SATTERFIELD Exe::. Dr At,anta Housing A 1!t')..Jr.ry 1 WILLIAM R WOFFORD Background J,,,':.pe, tvr Jf Building OTHER MEMBERS DUANE W BECK E"ec O,r Cc;rnmun,tv In August 1964, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen adopted C, unc f I At'JntJ GLENN E BENNETT £ ,ecu 1 ,1e D rf' t r A R M P C KARL A BEVINS Tr 1fl- and approved the submission of an application to the Urban Renewal Engmeer JACK C DELIUS Par"s Gen~r:Jf Man:,p,er DR J F HACKNEY O,r Pub NPiJ th. F ultun [('> Administration of the Department of Housing and Urban Development C H HILDEBRAND f,re Ct::ef PAUl 8 IVEY Land Agent JOHN H JACOBS D ,,., ti r ,,f L•br.11 P• for grant funds under Title HERBERT T JENKINS P e Ct.,el to assist in financing the preparation of the Community Improvement I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, ALAN F KIEPPER Fu/ n ,!.Jr iy ', 11nJger DR JOHN W LEf<;Ot, Supf ,I :>(h Program. A contract between the federal govetnment and the City c:; PAUi W MILLER r;, t ,,,.,, in 4 F C JP B EMORY C PARRISH Ass·r $t<1te H.•r1 P ann ,,g [ng neer fHOMAS H ROBERTS of Atlanta for the grant funds was approved and executed by the P1c1nnmg Dir , A R M P DR T O VIN<;ON D 1r Pub HeJfth Dt~Ka 1b C 1 PAULL WEIR Water Works Gen Mgr Mayor and Board of Aldermen in December 1964. Several studies are required by virtue of the application and subsequent contract. The enclosed study on governmental administration is one of these required studies. ATLANTA'S MUNICIPAL RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM L ALOR ~CE > �Community Improvement Program Staff Report Page 2 Commensurate with the approval of the above appl ic:ation, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta adopted II A Pol ic:y Statement on Community Development" which was to serve as an obiective framework for the preparation and development of Atlanta's Community Improvement Program. Section IV of this policy statement enumerated several objectives pertaining to governmental and related activities, namely: 1. 11 To more clearly define the functions and obiectives of the various agencies and governments involved in the urban development process; and, to determine the most effective forms of organization needed to attain these objectives." 2. "To encourage closer cooperation between the agencies and governments engaged in redevelopment activities in this region, including the encouragement of patterns of continuous liaison and the free exchange of information. 11 3. "To seek adoption within the City government of improved administrative procedures yielding greater efficiency." In May 1965, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta retained under contract Public Administration Service, a non-profit corporation of Chicago, Illinois, to undertake a broad-scale inventory and evaluation of its system of government. Their examination was also to include recommendations for governmental Improvement. Public Administration Service �Page 3 . Community Improvement Program Staff Report has proven itself well qualified for this undertaking in that it has achieved international acclaim for its excellence in the field of governmental organization and management studies. Their report entitled 11 Government of the City of Atlanta, Georgia (A S1.:i'vey Report 1965)," is now complete. It is e1 comtn.1ctive report aimed at the broad 0·1erd I fonctions of C:~y govcrnmen·~o The report includes a review of m'Jnagf::,nent prn.:tices., cdmirii~,·rathre procedures, personnel and budge1i!1d pol k.ies, pbnnit~fh e i'c, A proj.a~tcd population to double our current ;;b.:e by 1985 cmd a co~.1me1"1s11rn~e in.c;·eose in demand for municipal services provided the atmosphere in whid-. inis report was undertaken. Action In the moni·hs immediately ahead the findings, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shou ld receive the objec·t ive attention, careful scrutiny and evaluation of the ci tizc,1s of Ailantl.l and their elected representatives. The future development of the Clty of Atlanta ond the role its government should ploy may well be gove rned by the outcome, �