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FEB 7 1969 2/4/69

RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Mr . J . C. Johnson, Director Atlanta Model Cities Program, has reque sted the Atlanta Housing Author ity to enter into a lease agree.~ent for certain propsrties within Project GA. R-10, Rawson~Nashington Project (ident i f ied on attached map); and Wl-IEREAS, the property is to be used for the locat i on of the Model Cities Offices, which is a civic and social endeavor serving the needs of people in the Urban Renewal Areas immediately ad jacent; NCX-1, THEREFGRE, BE IT· RE.SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF co:-!:-ITSSI ONERS OF THE H01JSD;G AUTHORI TY OF THE CITY OF ATIJJ·JTA , GEOrl.GI A, t h.at the Executive Di. re ctor, aft er co:·..currence by the Renewal Assista.-rice Administration and the Board of Aldermen of the Cit y of At lanta, is authorized to execute a Lease Agreeme nt under th~ prevailing provisions of the UR Handbook. �