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Model Neighborhood Inc 700 McDan iel S-treet S .w Atlanta, Georgim 30310 Model Cities Executive Board Chairman and Members Of The Board .Not the last meeting of the Model Cities Executive Board, I spoke as an individual, and as the Chairman of Model Neighborhood Inc. Boaird Of Direc·tors. I expressed from some notes, M.Nolo hardshi ps and conflicts with Model Cities Administration, and the selected Mass Convention Representation M.Nolo $ till feel the inadeq~aq~ of proper represent~tion from thi ~ percentage of people. The Board of Directors of M.N.E. still have the distrust of Model Cities as for as the Corporation plans are concernedi. M.N .I. have a plan for program that is based on the community needs _, am d desires o l 1t is a ly coincedent that ai ba-d- since M.N.I. planswere shared with the C.D.A. a lot of its proposal is bein g organized by the C.D.A. All of a sudden there is a Health Co-Op ,~ Housing Co-Op, a Chamber Of Commerce, a Multi-Pu upose Corp . and other c.D.A. organi z ed Non-Profit Corporation. The skel - e ton program was concieved by Model Neighborhood Inc . Hardly any of the Mode l Cit i e s g r ants a re funded to community based organi z ations. The Model Cities Program i s suppo s ed to plan with the community , f or the commun ity, but the planning di s just the op p·osite .. As we s a id in t he la st meeting he r e , we shou ld not have t o c omplain t , we s houl d -:-o't have t o aipply to Wash i ngton, we ahoul d be ab le to get what we wan t f r om 67 3 Ca pitol Avenue s·.w / A Civic Le aigue an d M.N. 1 . sta r ted a Public Re l ation Communicat i on in the cl e arance a r eas o f Model Cities . Before we cou ld set the f oundati on Model Cities sta ff duplic ated , and b l unde r e d o M.N. I. circul a t e d a News Weekly, Model Citi e s duplic a t e d, a nd b lunde r e d. stead of assisting M.N.I, Whats happPning? In- , Model Citie s i s takingo For the lack of funds M.N.I. can not ~f ford to publi s h a news weekly, �page two properly as it should,qr for the need. The Machine supplied information plus points of interests and humor. Model Cities should not be dividing the community organizations and the residents. The only community_ organization that we know of that . is in~ eluded in the plans is Model Neighborhood Inc. It had to force itself in. There are other C.O' s thait are long time organizations, p1:ofi t and nonprofit, but ~luded from Model Cities plans. Now for myself. Based on the statement and information I presented to : the board at its last meeting, other confirmed information is available. I a,gain ask ·.thait my recommendation be accepted and acted upon, especially the refunding of $153098 ~pent for expenses for resident participation. According to a letter and zeroxed copies recieved from the Mechanicsville Vice-Chairma9n, she and Lewis Peters are the sole committee to decide and approve funds for the 18,000 residents in Mechanicsvilleo I was told a committee f r om the Neighborhood Advisory Council meets and plan the things for gett i ng funds to pay for resident participation. The zeroxed copie $ on l y have Mr s . Nixo~Peters , and Mrs Clayton s ignatures . This is im proper It really me ans that Mechanicsville and one or t wo mo r e communities do not have a counc il. I charge t h at t he Mas s Conven t ion do no t, haive no t nor wil l n ot a t tra ct enough pe ople from the effe cte d C . D oA~ a,r e a to aictual l y s peak for the resi dents, prope r ty owner s , bu s inesses or the land its e lf. It su r e ly ha $ not been au tho rized t o spe ak fo r me and my familyo My family i s large r then any c ommittee they got . Anothe r thing the se par t ic ipants of t h e Mais,s Convention are on e ve ry progr am in our crommunity. How can the othe r res idents participate o The Exe cutive Boa r d c an le ga li ze a policy, to prevent this and maJke it possible for other progr es sive people to get involvedo �