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., ~I....A.NTA F ebrua ry 13, 1969 OFFICE O F M ODEL C I TIES PRO GRAM 673 Capitol Avenue, S .W. Atla nta, Ga. 303 15 404-524 -8876 I v an Alle n Jr .. Mayo r J. C. Johnson, Director Mayo r I van Al l e n , Jr . Board o f Aldermen c/o City Cl erk, J immy Little 68 Mi t c he l l S tree t , S.W. Atlanta, Geo rgia 3 0303 . \. /··-·· ,, ·, ·-··· ..,....-,· ..... Dear Mayor Allen: At the Ex e cutive Boa rd Commi t tee meeting on Tuesday, F e b.r.ua-r y ·13~ it was brought out tha t the present Mo del Ci ties Exe cutive Board, as i t was ori g inally c o nstituted, was c reated t o serv e for one year and that it is now encumbered u pon the Al d ermanic Board t o decide the c ommittee' s future positio n . We , the members o f t h e Model Cities Steering Committee , consisting o f 15 me mbers of th~ Mode l Citi e s community , e l e cted by the ne i ghbor hood r e sident s , i n our re cent regular meeting, voted to exp res s o u r wish es t o you in t his mat t e r. We urge you to vot e for t h e cont inuation of this Board a s it formerly stood, f o r we h ave d epended h e avily on its decisio ns and responded t o i t s a cti on. The Board, comprised o f neighbor hood residents and o ther c iti ze n s - a nd o ff i c i a ls, c lea rly repres ented the true democratic appro ach . Our resi d ents, the b eneficia ri es o f the program, have p a rti cipated i n the Model Ci ti e s Program f o r we have felt an inclus ion in its proc e s s . We hav e r eas on to doubt i ts effective n e ss i f its structure is altered. It is our hope that you share our attitudes and be responsive to our request. The Aldermanic Board, in its origina l action, provided us the opportunity to share in the decisions affecting this program and for this we are grateful and appreciative and we urge you to continue this "open door" of communication. �page 2 lretter to Board of Aldermen Respectfully yours, Moael Cities Steering Committee �