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~+ .•/ .. • "'O)•A;ia ~ DEPARTMEN T OF HOUS IN G AN D U RBAN D E VELOPME N T y PEACHTR EE SEVENTH BUILDING, AT LAN T A, GEORGIA 30323 RE GI ON Ill JAN 2 2 1969 Roclll 645 . J&n'UllrJ' 20, 1969 · IN RE PL Y REFER TO : ottic_e of the Regional Adm:1.Distrator 3DM Mr. Johnny C. Johnson Direct or City Demonstration Agency 67~ Capitol Avenue Atlanta, Georgia 3)315 Dear Mr . Johnson : SubJect: Bx:penditure of Planning Grant Funds Prior to Execution of Grant Contract I refer to recent conversations between Mr. David Caldwell of your staff and Mr . 'lhomas E. Williams, Model Cities Coo:rdi.Dator tor Atlanta, concerning the . expenditure by the ODA. of planning grant :tunds beyond the period specified in the approved Planning Budset. A.a you know, your revised Planning Bu:iget, which was approved by HUD on September 12, 1968, covers the pen!Od fl"Olll December 1, 1967 through January 31, 1969. HoveTer, since the grant budget for the first year execution phase of your program may not be executed mtil arter January 31, 1969, all eligible planning costs 111ta.y and should continue to be paid tor under the pl anx,1 ng budget (both the Federal Plann1 ng Grant- and the nonJ'ederal. contribution) until such time as planning fUDda are exhausted or until the F8-Dt contract is executed, whichever ia earliest. Sincerely yours, ~<vt--1 '1i ~ r 3 Ba.rl H. Metzger, Jr. Assistant IJegiODal A.cla:l.niatrator for Model Cities �