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. . . . . •: • 'n....... .,.,,.,~...,. ", .., .... ·~ ATLANTA MODEL. CITIES PROGRAM 90 Day Work Program 1. Pr epa r e a mendmen ts or additions to the comprehe nsive program s ubseque n t to discussio n with Federal off ic i als . 2. Prepar~ fund applications fo r cate gorical grant - in-aid programs . 3. Deve lop a dmin i str ati ve proc e dures for exe c u tion period . ,,, . 4. 9u.rve y p o ssib le locat ions f or n e i ghborhood f a cility . 5. Recr u it a dmin i s trative staff required for impleme n t a tion p er iod. 6. Co nduct orienta t ion and staf f training fo r new p os itions. 7. Coordinate impl eme ntation regulations and p r o c e d ure ~ :wi th involve d age nc ies prior t o t e nde r of supp lemental f und s. 8. Enter i nto preliminary contrac t pr e paration with involved agenc ie s prior t o actual c ontra ct negotiat ion. 9. Se c ure l e t t e rs of agre e me nt fr o m a ge nc i es not utili zing s uppleme n t a l f unds . 10 . Continu e s t a f f assistanc e to re side ntor gan i z atio n s for par t icipati o n in imp l ementat ion p e riod. ·~ . ..

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