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URBAN §Vational GJVews CORP JUNE - JULY 1969 The National Program - - A PROGRESS REPORT The Urban Corps National Development Office was established in the fall of 1968 under a grant from The Ford Foundation to serve as a catalyst for the establishment of local Urban Corps programs in cities throughout the nation, and through this vehicle to create new and viable relationships between the academic community and our urban centers. This initial period of our operations has been devoted to exploring the feasibility of implementing Urban Corps in a wide variety of communities and in developing a series of reports documenting and examining the concept and technology of the Urban Corps. Our success in this pursuit may now be measured in terms of concrete accomplishments: - - - Our initial pilot group of eight cities has blossomed into more than 15 operating Urban Corps programs in every part of the nation. - - - Federal officials, including the Secretary of Health, l;ducation and Welfare and the Commissioner of Education, have enthusiastically endorsed the Urban Corps concept as a valuable method of both serving the needs of the city and the colleges - and providing our nation's young people with an opportunity to constructively participate in the resolution of the urban crisis. - - - Institutions of higher education and regional organizations have begun to move actively towards the development of new forms of academic curricula, involving not only courses and lectures but also the opportunity to test theory against the realities of the outside world. In several cases the local Urban Corps is se r ving as the test-bed for this develo pment. (conti nued on page 2) NUMBER5 EDUCATION CHIEF URGES CHANGE IN WORK-STUDY PRIORITIES U.S. Commissioner of Education James E. Allen, Jr. has called for an increased commitment of Federal work-study funds to programs which reflect the concern of today's college population for "an education geared to realities." OE ALLOCATES $23.4-MILLION IN ADDITIONAL CWSP FUNDS The nation's colleges and universities will share an additional $23.4-million in College Work-Study Program funds, thanks to a supplemental allocation just announced by the U.S. Office of Education. The new money brings the total allocation o'f CWSP funds for the six month period ending December 31, 1969 to $102,662,178, an increase of nearly twenty-five per cent over the previously announced Work-Study levels. The supplemental grants are the result of a re-allocation of CWSP funds originally allocated for use during 1968 and unexpended by the participating colleges as of December 31st of last year. The new money is being distributed primarily to colleges in those states which suffered most heavily from the low level of the initial CWSP funding for the JulyDecember 1969 period. Generally, institutions in those states which received less than 70% of the amount recommended by the regional CWSP panels have been granted enough additional funds to bring them up to that level. Schools in states which already received all or nearly all of their recommended funding will not share in the supplement. The largest supplemental grant went to California, which received $3.7-million in additional funds, increasing its allocation from 44% of t he level approved by the regional panel to 70%. The University of California at Berkeley will receive the nation's la rgest CWSP grant of $879,898, with $320,012 coming from the supplement. Speaking at the opening session of the Atlanta Service-Learning Conference, Dr. Allen said that young people have reversed the traditional concepts of success, putting the pursuit of goals beyond the self" before monetary rewards. "Today's youth is as bored with fou r-wall abstractions as it is with materialism," the nation's education chief told the more than 200 delegates to the conference. He said that education must extend beyond the confines of the campus, to give students the sort of first-hand experience they now demand. Dr. Allen applauded the Urban Corps as a way to inject reality testing into the present academic structure. He called for major changes in the College Work-Study Program to facilitate the development of programs for the constructive involvement of college students in important urbanrelated activities. Observing that most work-study funds are now used fo r the employment of students in work on their college campuses, Dr. Allen said that he would like to see this situation reversed, with the bulk of work-study resources being used to help the nation's communities resolve their most pressing problems. Dr. Allen also called fo r an examination of techniques for the effective integration of new people into existing organizations on a short-term basis, and for the exploration of programs combining community service with academic credit. "The need," Dr. Allen concluded, " is to concentrate on ways of helping the young to real ize the potential of thei r new sense of purpose and spirit for service." �URBAN CORPS NATIONAL NEWS Published by the Urban Corps National Development Office under a grant from the Ford Foundation. June-July 1969 Number 5 Michael B. Goldstein Director Anna Beranek Editor 250 Broadway New York 10007 Telephone: (212) 964-5552 PROGRESS REPORT (continued from page 1) - - - Dozens of cities have expressed an interest in adopting the Urban Corps concept, and a number of state governments have begun to offer coordinating and resource services for those of their cities desiring to develop such a program. - - - Hundreds of copies of each of the reports issued to date by the National Office are in use by cities and universities throughout the nation, and each issue of the National News now reaches more than 5,000 persons (up from an initial press run of 200 in the early s'pring). Remaining ahead is the expansion of the Urban Corps concept to every major Urban Center, the development of "spinoff" programs intimately involving the cities with the academic community, completion of the documentation of the Urban Corps ex perience and method ology, and an analysis of the success, techniques and impact of the various Urban Corps programs throughout the nation . The Urban Corps National Development Office is programmed to conclude it s effort in the spring of 197 1. At that time it is our sincere ho pe that t~e Urban Corps will hav e proven it self a viable and valuab le program fo r the nat ion and its people. - - - Michael B. Goldstein Director 2 VVUnl'\•;:,1 uu I ni;;uuLM, ,u,w., After more than four years of operating under unofficial guidelines, the U.S. Office of Education has promulgated a set of Regulations governing the College Work-Study Program. The new Regulations, effective June 13, 1969, together with the legislative requirements of Title IV-C of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended) provide the legal framework for all CWSP programs, whether involving work for the college itself, or off-campus (such as an Urban Corps). The CWSP guidelines, embodied in the 1968 College Work-Study Program Manual, remain in effect as the official interpretation of Federal law. It should be note-d-:---however, thatthe new Regulations modify certain aspects of the program, so that the guidelines as currently issued do not completely conform. Conflicts must be resolved in favor of the Regulations. The most noteworthy changes caused by the new Regulations concern the increased emphasis upon off-campus work relating to public service activities, especially in the health, education and welfare areas. The Regulations also provide specific guides for the full -time employment of students attending summer school or other "non-regular" courses, and recognize for the first time the legal right of an institution to delegate to an outside agency (e.g. an Urban Corps) the ministerial tu nctions of adm inistering an off-campus work-study p rogram, such as payroll · processing and on-going supervision. The., Regulations specifically reserve to the institutions the sole power to determine the eligibility of students for CWSP awards. (continued next column) More than seventy upperclassmen attending units of the City University of New York have been working part-time in city agencies as part of a new seminarexperience program in urban government. Each of the students is enrolled in the seminar at his college, and spends ten hours a week on a high-level assignment within a municipal agency. Weekly seminars are augmented by monthly meetings of all the participating students, with top urban officials discussing the problems and prospects of the city. The students in each seminar often concentrate.,or.i .a-specific geographic part of the city, permitting an interchange of ideas and perceptions concerning the various services, resources and needs of the community. Although the students receive no pay for their work, they do receive academic credits for the successful completion of the program. The seminar-experience program is administered jointly by the City Administrator's office and the City University, under the direction of Depu ty City Administrator Philip Finkelstein and Dr. Robert Hi rschfeld of Hunter College. The Regulations were published May 13, 1969 in Vol. 34, Number 9 1 of the Federal Regist er at pages 7632-7635 and will appear in Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CF R) at Part 175. Copies of the new CWSP Regulations, togethe r with an ·analysis and finding Iist keyed to the CWSP Manual, are available. from t he Urban Corps National Development Office. Alumni Journal Tells Urban Corps Story The Fall/Winter edition of the Sarah Lawrence College Alumnae Magazine carries a lengthy article on the exploits of twe nty Sarah Lawrence students who participated in the New York City Urban Corps during the su mmer of 1968. Written by an undergraduate, Teresa Baker, who herself served in the program, t he well-illustrated article examines the rewards and frustrations t he girls experienced during three months with the city. The gi rls worked in a wide variety of assignments, from tutoring children and working with addicts to researching t he problems of air and water pollution. They tell of their encounters with government bureaucracy, and their own perceptions of the effectiveness of thei r experience. Repr int s of the article are available without charge from the Urban Corps Nat ional Development Office, 250 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10007. �NEW HAVEN URBAN CORPS LAUNCHED ATLANTA URBAN CORPS TO TEST "SERVICE-L EARNING" Mayor Richard C. Lee has announced the formation of a New Haven Urban Corps to give th e Connecticut city "an opportunity to benefit from the enthusiasm, energy and idealism of our young people." Lee said that the program will assign students to "meaningful and creative jobs" in a wide variety of city activities, including health, public safety, education and recreation. The Mayor said that the students wil I work in administrative, research and evaluative capacities, under the supervision of regular city employees. Mayor Lee also announced the appointment of Alan Trager, a 22-year-old city planning student, to serve as coordinator of the new program. A former V 1STA volunteer and program planner, Trager previously participated in an effort to involve city planning students in local poverty programs. Festivities Mark Urban Corps Openings During the month of June more than a dozen cities throughout the nation formally launched their Urban Corps programs. Here is a sampling of the opening events. Atlanta - More t han 200 students attended the opening session of the Atlanta Service-Learning Conference. They heard Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen and U.S. Commissioner of Education James Allen, Jr. urge the development of program s geared t o t he needs of today's youth. Detroit - The Motor City welcomed its Urban Corps students with a reception o n t he grounds of Mayor Jerome Cavanagh's offic ial residence. The Mayor welcomed t he group of 100 students, and spent over an hour discussing the city's problems and prospects with them. Mayor Kevin Wh ite greeted severa l hund red Urban Corps students in ceremonies at Boston's new award-winni ng City Hal l. He stressed t hat t he potential learning ex perience of a summer in the city is just as import ant as t he work they w ill be doing. Boston - Minneapolis - Urban Corps students ,wo rking in t he Min nesot a city spent a full day getting acquai nted wit h their hostemployer. Mayor Arthur Naftalin, in his fin al official address after eight years in City Hal l, called upon th e st udents to direct th eir t alents towards improv ing their community. City Coordi nator Thom as Thompson discussed t ransit problems in th e Tw in Cit ies area, and a panel of city offic ials and civic leaders participated in a series of ro und-tabl e discussions on specific local problems. The students were gu est s of the city at a luncheon at the Minneapolis Ath let ic Club. New York · - More than a thousand Urban Corps students heard Deputy Mayor Timothy W. Costello urge them to "shake things up" through what he termed "constructive dissent." "Action Summer", a motion picture on the Urban Corps, was shown at this opening event. From The Editor ... The National News is designed to serve as a vehicle for the interchange of ideas and developments in the growth of Urban Corps student involvement programs, and indeed in the entire area of the urbanacademic interface. We hope that by spreading an understanding of the concept, benefits and technology of the Urban Corps we will be serving t o stimu1ate t he growth of these programs througho ut the nation. This issue of the National News .marks two important mileposts in our rather short existence : distribution to every major c ity and institution of higher education in the nation, and a new format permitting both en larged content and easier reading . Indeed, t his issue has been delayed due to the need to adapt our production facilities to "mass produvtion." We will resume monthly publication with the August issue . Thanks to the generous support of the Ford Foundation, we are able to circulate t he Na tional Ne'ws without charge. Requests fo r new swbscriptions and/o r additional cop ies should be addressed to Anna Beranek, Edito r, Urban Corps National News, Room 1410, 250 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10007. We of course invite y our comments and suggestions for future issues. The Atlanta Urban Corps has been selected to serve as a "practical laboratory" for the development of a broadbased urban-academic involvement effort in the Atlanta area. The Atlanta Urban Corps will work with the recently organized Atlanta Service-Learning Conference to test new ideas and concepts designed to involve students, faculty and practitioners in arrangements providing both valuable services to the community and relevant learning experiences for the participants. The Atlanta Service-Learning Cqnference is designed to bring together agencies, institutions, organizations and individuals interested in the relationships between service experience and higher education, combining their resources in "an exploration and development ot a concept u a I framework and practical model for service-learning programs." The Conference will operate for a nine-month period, examining the various elements of the service-learning concept, from curriculum design and service potentials to financ ial resources and inter-institutional relationships. Conference meetings are planned on a regular basis, with monthly reports of the results of detailed examinations of each element. The Atlanta area is considered a hospitable one for this type of experimentation due to its unusual diversity of organizations and institutions, coupled with a tradition for innovative local development. More t han· 30,000 students attend Atlanta's eleven colleges and universities, a nd most of the "socially-relevant" Federal agencies, such as HEW, HUD and the Peace Corps have regional headquarters in the city. The Conference is being sponsored by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) , a public agency of 15 Sou thern states created by interstate compact to assist in the development of higher education and the fostering of soc ial and economic growth in the Southern region. Information on the Conference may be obtained from Mr. Wi lliam Ramsay, Director, Resource Development Project, Southern Regional Education Board, 130 Si xt h Street N.W., Atlant a, Georgia 303 13. Area code (404) 872-3873. 3 �URBAN CORPS AROUND THE NATION (All programs are operational unless otherwise noted) •AKRON Richard Neal Youth Coordinator City-County Building 219 South High Street Akron, Ohio 44308 (216) 376-1431 •CLEVELAND Robert McAuliffe Manager of Recruitment, Placement and Training Personnel Department Room 120 601 Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44114 (216) 694-2635 •ALBUQUERQUE John Cordova Director Model Cities Program P.O. Box 1293 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103 (505) 243-8661 ATLANTA Sam Williams Di rector Atlanta Urban Corps 30 Courtland Street Atlanta, Ga. 30303 (404) 024-8091 Estimated size: 250 BOSTON Roblin Williamson Director Boston Urban Corps City Hall Boston, Mass. 02101 (617) 722-4100 Estimated size: 300


Frank Cleveland Director of Youth Opportunity Office of the Mayor City Hall Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 461~384 DAYTON S. Henry Lawton Director Dayton Urban Corps Third and Ludlow Streets Dayton, Ohio 45402 (513) 222-3441 Estimated size: 130 DETROIT Carroll Lucht Director Detroit Urban Corps City-County Building Detroit, Mich. 48226 (313) 965-3992 Estimated size: 150 BUFFALO Peter Fleischmann Director, Council on Youth Opportunity City Hall Buffalo, New York 14202 (716) 854-1022 Estimated size: 40


Barry Cholak Youth Coordinator Office of the City Manager Room 105, City Hall Cincinnati, Ohio 45404 (513) 421 -5700 •EUGENE Hugh McKinley City Manager City Hall Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 342-5221


Robert D. Beckmann, Jr. Director of Public Information Office of the Mayor City-County Building Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 (317) 633-3371 NEW HAVEN Alan M. Trager Director New Haven Urban Corps 185 Church Street NewHaven,Conn.06510 (203) 772-3460 Estimated size: 20 NEW YORK Martin Rose Director New York Urban Corps 250 Broadway New York, New York 10007 (212) 566-3952 Estimated size: 3000 NEW YORK METROPOLITAN REGION (Outside New York City) Elayne Landis Associate Director Metropolitan Regional Council 155 East 71 Street New York, New York 10021 (212) 628-6803 Estimated size: 50 MADISON Charles F . Reott, Jr. Director Personnel Department City-County Building Madison, Wisconsin 53709 (608) 266-4422 Estimated size: 20 MINNEAPOLIS Babak Armajani Director Minneapolis Urban Corps City Hall Minneapolis, Minn . 55415 (612) 330-2293 Estimated size: 60 SAN FRANCISCO Thomas P. Nagle Director San Francisco Urban Corps City Hall San Francisco, Calif. 94102 (415)-558-5930 Estimated size: 25


Franklin D. Lopez Special Aide to the Mayor City Hall San Juan, Puerto Rico (809) 725-6775 ST. LOUIS John Maier Director St. Louis Urban Corps 303 N . 12th Street St. L ouis, Missouri 63101 (314) 621 -4827 Estimated size: 175 SYRACUSE Frank T. Wood, Jr. Director Executive Department Division of Research and Development County Office Building 603 South State Street Syracuse, New York 13202 (315) 477-7645


Charles Buckenmeyer Youth Coordinator Office of the Mayor City Hall Toledo, Ohio 43624 (419) 255-1500 TRENTON Jerry Miller Program Developer Model Cities Program City Hall Annex Trenton, New Jersey 08608 (609) 394-3242 Estimated size: 50 WASHINGTON, D.C. Marcia R. Kunen Deputy Director Program Coordination Unit Office of the Mayor 1329 "E" Street NW Washington, D .C. 20004 (202) 628-6000 Ext. 3495 Estimated size: 125 (Dec. 1969) • program in advanced stages of developmen t Urban Corps National Development Office 250 Broadway New York, New York 10007 NON-PROFIT ORG . U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEW YORK . N .Y . PE AMIT NO. 22 Hon. Daniel Sweat Assistant to the Mayor Ci ty- Hall Atlanta, Georgia .3030.3 ~346 �