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_ __-::.-1---- _...:; ATLANTA URBAN CORPS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FINAL REPORT . I. I f SUBMITTED BY: INMOND L. DEEN, JR. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AUGUST 22, 1969 �INDEX Page: I. Introduction i. . II. Funding 2. A. Contributions 2. 1. 2. 2 • 3. 4. III. IV. Background Information Southern Regional Education Board, Resource Development Project Summary Recommendations 2. . 3. 4. B. City of Atlanta Governmental Departments 6. C. Non-Profit Organizations, Governmental Departments, and Governmental Agencies 8. D. College Work Study Program 9. Payroll _g. A. - Procedure 11. B. Volunteers 12. C. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, College Work Study Program Division Guideline 13. 1. 2. 3. 13. Proof of Compensable Hours Worked Proof of Receipt of Payment Recommendations 13. 13. Contracts 15. A. Agency Contracts 15 . B. College and University Contracts 15 . C. Educationa l A dvisor Contracts 16. D. U r ban Co r ps - Library Theatre Contract 17 . i. �V. Atlanta Urban Corps, General Fund Account 18. A. Balance Sheet as of July 31, 1969 18. B. Balance Sheet as of August 14, 1969 19. VI. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 20, VII. Summation 21. Appendix - Previous Departmental Reports 22. I ii. �I. Introduction William Faulkner stated when he accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature in Stockholm, Sweden on December 12, 19 50, "I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. 11 The City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps, constitutes an effort toward this end, and it is realized that in seeking to implement noble and lofty concepts many obstacles must be overcome and many frustrations must be endured. The Department of Finance has in many estimation overcome many obs tacles and endured many frustrations. It is my belief that the effort is not in vain. The information contained in the following pages is presented in an effort to increase efficiency, lessen the probability of a repetition of errors, and contribute to an overall impro vement in administration. 1. �~ --_,,._...___ ____ .----·----- ·-'" II. Funding A. Contributions 1. Background Information In March, 1969, efforts were begun to solicit funds from the private sector of the business community. Richard N. Speer, Jr., Bill Adams, Dave Whelan, and Marcus Dash, all students at the Georgia Institute of Technology, obtained the support of Dr. Edwin D. Harrison, then President of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Harrison met with Mr. Harold Brackey, President, Rich's Inc., and Mr. Al Bowes of Arthur Anderson and Company, arid past president of the Chamber of Commerce. Messrs. Brackey and Bowes provided substantial support to the Urban Corps; Mr. Brackey by verbal and written endorsement; Mr. Bowes by supplying counsel in the person of Mr. David Hauser, a gentleman well versed in fund raising. Over all I feel that the efforts Qf Rich Speer, Bill Adams, Dave Whelan, and Marc Dash produced amazing results in view of the many liabilities they found, some of which follow, to wit: a. b. c. d. e. T_he late date at which efforts were begun, The fact that most budgets had been drawn, The fact that taxes had recently been paid, The fact that only a limited amount of time could be expended, and Most importantly, the fact that the Urban Corps was unknown and in reality nothing more than an idea. During the summer months while the program was in full operation, a low priority was placed on the solicitation of funds. The soundness of this decision, I feel, is debatable. None the less it must be said that fund raising conducted after the consummation of the Summer Program will have certain advantages, some of which are the experience gained, the wide-spread exposure through the mass media, and, of particular significance, the record compiled by students, i.e. the results achie ved . '- 2. Southern Regional Education Board, Resource Development Project M r . Bill Ramsey, Director of the R e sour ce Development Pro j ect, Southern Regional Education Boar d , donated T w enty 2. �~. • • •t ·- .~. ~ ·--· - • - • Thousand Dollars {$20,000.00} to be used for the development of an internship program in Atlanta. He stipulated that the money be used, 11 • • • • • to increase opportunities for college students to have service-learning experiences related to community development and to their educational and personal growth. 11 3. Summary A concerted effort was made by Rich Speer, Bill Adams, Dave Whelan, and Marc Dash. The effort was successful and com- . mendable. The support provided by Mr. Bill Ramsey, Director, Resource Development Project, Southern Regional Education Board, constitutes a major portion of the total budget and to a large extent served as a catalytic agent making it possible for the idea to become reality. Contributions rec e ived a nd the ir status as of August 21, 1969, are as follows, to wit: Allen Foundation {l) 500.00 $ Ame rican T e l e phone and T e legr a ph Co. {6) 1,000.00 Atlanta Transit Compa ny {6) 250.00 B a rnes R eal Esta t e {l) 1,000.00 C & S Bank (1) 1,000.00 Coca Cola Company {l} 1,000.00 100. 00 Cousins Prop e rty, Inc. {6) Delta Airline s (1) 500.00 Dull, J a m e s E . {4) 10. 00 First N a tion a l B a nk {2) 1,000.00 Franklin Foundation (1) 250 . 00 Garson Fund (1) 250.00 Georgia Powe r Company (1) 1,000.00 N a tiona l B a n k of G e or g i a (1) 250.00 P a rke r, W. A. (4) 50 . 00 P a tillo F ound a t ion {1) 200 . 00 R e sourc e Deve lopment Project , S. R. E. B . (7) 20,000 . 00 R i c h 1 s (1) 1, 000 . 00 S ear s Ro e buc k Found a tion ( 5) 1,000 . 00 Southern B e ll (1) 1,000 . 00 Spe rry & H u tchin s o n C ompa n y (6) 25 0 . 00 1 Stern Founda tion (D a n Sweat s offic e } ( 3 ) 1, 000 . 00 3. �Thorpe Brooks (1) University of North Carolina (1) TOTAL (1) (2) (3) ( 4) (5) (6) (7) $ 50.00 440.00 $33,100.00 Deposited. Encumbered - used or to be used to pay for intern participation in the Atlanta Servic e -L earning Confe r e nc e . Encumbered - used or to be used for payment of $250 each to Rich Spe e r, Bill Adams, D a v e Whelan, a nd Marc D a sh for s e rvices rendered prior to the c r e ation of the Urb a n Corps as a Division of t h e Office of the M a yor. Encumb e r e d - u se d or to b e us e d t o p a y a p a rt of the ex pense incurred in providing trips to Stone Mounta in for Decatur-D e kalb Y. M. C. A. Day Camp educable mentally r e tarded children. Encumber e d - us e d or to b e us e d to compens a te Arthur P e llman p er contr a ct t q direct the Urb a n Corps - Libr a ry Theatr e . Receive d but not yet d e posited. Seven Thous a nd Doll a rs ($7,000.00) r e c e ived and d e posite d, Thirte e n Thous a nd Dolla rs ($13, 000. 00) c ommitted but not y e t re c e ive d. It is my o p inion a t this t i me tha t a ppr oxim ately O ne Hund re d Thousand Dolla rs ($100, 000. 00) is a r e alistic a moun t t o s e ek and exp e ct to r e c e i ve from the p rivat e sector of the Atl anta busine ss commu n ity for the upc o m i ng y ear . 4. R e comme nd atio n s a. b. c. Complete, a ccurate, d etaile d, and e asily a cc e ssible r e cords shou ld b e main t aine d r e cor ding each contac t mad e and t h e resp o n s e r eceive d. As an exampl e see Ap p e n d age A , a s u mmar y o f a pre liminary disc u ssio n. The b l ack b u siness community has a stake in this city and a proportiona t e responsibility. A list of possible suppor t ers whom I fee l should b e c ontacted is attached and lab e l ed Append age B. Loc al businessmen have a greater stake and interest in Atlanta than any other possible source of funding . It is my opinion tha t the degree of involvement by loc a l businessmen is dir ectly correlatable to the soundness of the 4. �program, the acceptability to the public at large, and consequently the overall success of the Atlanta Urban Corps. For this reason, I feel a major effort should be made to transform the potential into reality. d. Specifically, I feel that an individual should be employed and given the responsibility of concentrating on this area alone. The cost is negligible in comparison to the product. The relationship between Atlanta Urban Corps and the businessmen who have thus far provided support should be nurtured and cultivated. Satisfied supporte rs provide an enormous supply of good will and visibility. 5. �B. City of Atlanta Governmental Departments An ordinance by the Finance Committee, adopted by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta on the 19th day of May, 1969, provided: BE IT THEREFORE ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA that Article III, Volume II of the City Code is amended by adding a new section thereto appropriately numb e red as follows: "Section 2-63: There is hereby created in the Office -of the Mayor, a division known as the Atlanta Urban Corps. The Mayor or his duly appointed representative has the duties and responsibilities for maintaining and administrating this division and the interns employed therein. The Mayor shall have authority and responsibility for entering into contracts with universities for College Work Study Program positions; non-profit organizations, other governmental units, and non-governmental organizations for the employment of interns. Said contracts shall be ratified by the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen . . A copy of the above mentioned and quoted ordinance is attached and label e d Appendage C • A Resolution by the Finance Committee and Budget Commission, adopted by the Board of Aldermen on the 16th day of June, 1969, provided for the transfer of Fifty Two Thousand, Six Hundred and Five Dollars ($52,605.00) to the Atlanta Urban Corps account. This transfer of funds represents the amount committed by the City of Atlanta to the Atlanta Urban Corps. A copy of the above mentioned Resolution is attached and labeled Appendage D. ' Without the financial, logistical, and consultory support provided by the City of Atlanta , the Atlant a Urban Corps quite obviously would not have reached fruition. Student inte rns and th e governme ntal departments to which they were assigned are as follows : Mayor's Offic e M. Berk Bloom J. Br uc e w. Lib r a r y R. Brow n K. Hatche r J . He rr ing 6. Wate r Works R. Child re ss D . D ra g a lin M. F rie dman �--...------·· t Ingram Moore McCrary Wright Owens D. Gilbert J. Hill W. Kemp L. Keyes R. Lynes J. Wilcox P. Johnson D. Christenberry T. Fleming J. Snider T. Isaac J. Martin J. Menez M. Woodward N. M. A. D. S. Finance M. Bodor D. Harvey M. Irby' C. Liang M. Mangham W. Millkey T. Snider J. Walsh Sanitation F. Benfield C. Caskey R. Combes A. Deluca J. Elman F. Goodson J. Hotard S. Lester G. Myles B. Snooks P. Stansbury R. Toney W. Travis J. Uffelman Kennes a w R. Bracken A. Miller N. Norbert S. Pickard M. Silber ste in R. Simmons S. Tucker Parks &: R ec reation C. Choke C. Davis K. Dunlap P. Durrah J. Fle mister M. Floyd E. Henderson C. McElroy J. Ste phens City Attorney J. Hollenbach Motor Transporta tion M. Winston Business Lic e nse J. Waggener Aviation W. Collier J. Tumlin Tr a ffic H. Nash Community R e l a tions F. Flowe rs 7.


Purchasing R. Brown C. Wheeler Personne l R. C ar roll A. Mayeaux Housing Con£. E. Whigham Planning M. Howeedy �C. Non-Profit Organizations, Governmental Departments, and Governmental Agencies Thirty Two (32) contracts or agreements were entered into between the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps and non-profit organizations, governmental departments, and governmental agencies who agreed to employ student interns and to reimburse the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps for a part of the monies expended for salaries and administrative costs. An accounting of the funds received, and outstanding as of the 21st day of August, 1969, is as follows, to wit: AGENCY: OUTST ANDING: Academy Theatre American Cancer Society Atlanta Girls Club +;ass . 00 Atlanta Youth Council Atlanta YWCA Boy Scouts of Ame rica Center for Research in Social Change 250. 00 Community Council of Atlanta Area Decatur-Dekalb YMCA ($12 5 per for 5 weeks) Department of Justice (Immigr ation) 342. 00 Easter Seal Rehabilita tion C e nter E. O. A. (2 a t $880; 2 at $250) d , a68 . 00 Family Counseling Center (Child Service) Fulton County Government 250. 00 Fulton County Health D epartment 5,400.00 Gate City D a y Nursery Assoc. ·Georgia Easter S eal Socie ty Grady M e tro Girls Club Hardee Circle Arts The atre 300. 00 Kirkwood Christian C enter Literacy Action Foundation 250. 00 M ennonite House Phyllis Wheatle y YWC A Saint Vinc ent d e Paul Society Sarah D. Murphy Homes Southern Consortium for Int. Education 2 50 . 00 South er n Council on International & Public Affairs Southwe st YMCA SRE B, Atlanta S e rvic e -L e arning Conferenc e 2 50. 00 Urb a n L a b in E duc a tion ($5 0 p e r ) 150 . 00 Vine City Child Development Center ($50 per) Wheat Street Baptist Church ($ 50 per) 188 . 007 $ :1.4 ,: QSiiL 6'0 ,,""1., 8. 00 RECEIVED: 800.00 500.00 1,750.00 ~ 1.So , 00 250.00 250.00 500. 00 750.00 500.00 2. '2.. loO . Oo 500.00 1,000.00 250.00 250.00 450.00 1,000.00 250.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 2,000.00 25 0 .0 0 50.00 i 00.00 $ lsa , 7S 0 , 0 0 \ \ C\ '?> tou .u o �Of the Fourteen Thousand and Fifty Two Dollars (14,052. 00) outstanding, Twelve Thousand, One Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($12,160. 00) is owed by three organizations. They are: 1. 2. 3. Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council. A requisition for Four Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($4,250.00) payable to the City of Atlanta, Atlanta, Urban Corps was submitted to the City of Atlanta and approved August 20, 1969. Economic Opportunity Atlanta. Mr. William W. Allison, Director yyas reminded in a letter dated August 14, 1969, that Two Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($2,260. 00) is due and payable. The Resource Development Project, Southern Regional Education Board contracting for itself and as agent for the Fulton County Health Department. Mr. Bill Ramsey, Director stated that payment in the amount of Five Thousand, Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($ 5, 650. 00) is being processed. 9. �D. College Work Study Program A total of twenty-one (21) colleges and universities contractually agreed with the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps for the employment by the city of certain of their students, certified cer tain students for the College Work Study Program and agreed to reimburs e the City of Atlanta in the amount of Eighty per cent of the gross pay received by certified students. A schedule entitled Accounts Receivabl e - C. W. S. P. and labeled Appendage Eis attached and contains individual information relating to each college or university, to wit: 1. 2. 3. Gross pay earned by certified C. W. S. P. student interns for each bi-weekly pay period, through August 4, 1969, The C. W. S. P. share for each bi-weekly pay period through August 4, 1969 (the amount due and payable to the City of Atlanta), and The amount received for each bi-weekly pay period as of August 21, 1969 Statements have been mailed to all colleges for all bi-wee~ly pay periods excluding the August 18 and August 22 periods which will be combined, with the following exceptions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mo rehouse College - pay period ending July 21, 1969. Dekalb College - pay period ending July 21, 1969. Georgia State College - pay period ending August 4, 1969. Morehouse College - pay period ending August 4, 1969. West Georgia College - pay period ending August 4, 1969. Georgia Institute of Technology - pay period ending August 4, 1969. The six above mentioned stateme nts should and are expected to have been mailed by no later than August 25, 1969. The statements for the joint pay periods ending August 18, 1969, and August 22, 196 9, should and are e x pected to have been mailed by no later than September 1, 1969 . 10 . �Ill. Payroll A. Procedure Payroll disbursements were made on a bi-weekly basis as follows: Time period ending: June 9 June 23 July 7 July 21 August 4 August 18 August 22 Disbursement date: June 18 July 2 July 16 July 30 August 13 August 27 August 27 One disbursement for the bi-weekly pay periods ending August 18, 1969, and August 22, 1969. The said August 27, 1969, disbursement will be contingent upon the submission 1:y each intern on August 22, 1969, and upon the approval of the Evaluation Staff of individual intern reports. The following instructions regarding pay periods, time ca1:ds, and disbursement dates are contained in a memorandum which was distributed to all interns: Time cards must be turned in to Steve Mwamba or Mac Rabb in Room 7 of the Audit Department in the basement of the Atlanta City Hall, 68 Mitchell Street, S. W. , by 12: 00 noon on the last day of each pay period in order for the payee to receive compensation on the above listed dates of disbursement. Supervisors should anticipate the number of hours interns will work between 12: 00 noon and the close of business on the last day of each pay period and include it on the time cards. Pay checks for interns assigned to agencies other than Governmental Departments of the City of Atlanta are to be picked up between the hours of 12: 00 noon and 5: 00 p. m. , on the above listed dates of disbursement in the Atlanta Urban Corps office, 30 Courtland Street, N. E. by agency supervisors or their designated representative, who present to the Payroll Auditor written authorizations from each payee represented . 11. �B. Volunteers Individuals who agreed to work as volunteers and who are to receive Two Hundred Dollars ($200. 00) as compensation for their services were paid One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) on July 16, 1969, and will be paid One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) on August 27, 1969. It is felt that this method served to encourage the volunteer in that it permitted him to receive some monetary r eward for his services prior to the conclusion of the summer program. It further has the effect of providing protection to the Urban Corps in the event that the volunteer re signs prior to the conclusion of the summer program~ Payment at the beginning of the program would have left the Urban Corps without protection from financial loss should the volunteer resign. Payment at the conclusion of the program could conceivably while affording protection to the Urban Corps have imposed a burden on the volunteer and would not have contained the incentive factor inherent in the split payment method. 12 . �C. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, College Work Study Program Division Guideline In order to comply with guidelines as set forth by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, C allege Work Study Program Division , the following procedure was inaugurated. 1. Proof of Compensable Hours Worked a. A certified statement mailed to each participating college or university having College Work Study Program students includes inform a tion relating to each student . as follows : (1) (2) (3) ( 4) ( 5) b. 2. ·, Name, Wage rate. Total number of compensable hours worked during the immediately preceding pay period, Gross pay r e ceived for the immediate ly preceding pay period, a nd Gross pay received to date. Time cards signed by e a ch student and his imm~diate supervisor certifying that a particular number of hours were wo r ked by the student wer e mailed to the student's colle g e or unive rsit y in insta nc e s whe r e the student w a s enrolled in the C allege Work Study Program. Proof of Receipt of Payment Each e mployee was r e quir e d to pick up in p e rson his pay che ck or to give w r itten a uthori zation to the i n dividua l w h o p icke d up the check. In the former situation the individua l was requir e d to give written certification of rec e ipt. In the l a tter situa tion the authoriz e d individual w a s required to c e rtify r e c e ipt of a ll p a y che cks rece ive d . 3. R ec o mme n d a tions a. At pres e nt, billing college s require s a manua l t ran s fera nc e of i11for m a t i o n fr o m computer p r intout s which are gr oup e d acc o rding t o w o rk l oc a tion, t yping of t h e bill, and checking o f the figur e s. The city gav e u s the option of h a ving the p r intouts gr oupe d e ither by work l oc a tion or school. S ome o ne c hos e to have t h e i nterns . This is of g r ouped e i ther by w o rk location little value to my I? e par tment as age ncy (work loc a tion = 13 . I i �agency) financial arrangements are handled by contract. If the problem of separating CWSP interns and non-CWSP interns can be overcome ( if the city can be sold on the idea) the computer printouts could be certified and mailed to the coll e ges. This would eliminate three steps and at the same time reduce the probability of errors. This system would, however, involve the inconvenience of sorting pay checks and grouping them by City Department and agency. Less time and effort are required to sort pay checks than to manually transfer the required inform a tion. In my estimation, this should be done at the ear lie st date possible.· b. The procedure regarding proof of payment is onerous and burdensome. The interns, justifiably, do not like it. I feel HEW should be made aware of the unpalatable nature of the guide line necessitating this procedure and a request for relief made. 14. �- ------- IV. Contracts A. Agency Contracts All contractual agreements between the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps and non-profit agencies, governmental departments, and governmental agencies have been fin a lized and are on file in the Department of Finance, City of Atlanta, City Hall, 68 Mitchell Street, S. W. , Atlanta, Georgia. B. College and University Contracts All contractual agreements between the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps and colleges and universities have been finalized and are on file in the Department of Finance, City of Atlanta, City Hall, 68 Mitchell Street, S. W., Atlanta, G e orgia. The said college and university contracts embody the agreements reached in relation to funding originating in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, C allege Work Study Program Division. 15. �C. Educational Advisor Contracts Contracts have been entered into between the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps, and Carl Wieck, Patrick Ntokogu, Roger Whedon, Barbara Rudisill, and the Georgia Institute of Technology - Roger Rupnow. The said individuals agreed to act as Educational Advisors to the 1969 Urban Corps Project; and to perform duties including but not limited to job visita tion with the interns and agency supervisors, planning and conductit1g education seminars for small groups, as well as all interns, working in coordination with the field evaluation staff to insure job relevancy and educational signi- · ficance of the program for each intern. For the performance of the duties as outlined above, the City of Atlanta agreed to pay each Educational Advisor One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). 16. �D. Urban Corps - Library Theatre Contract A contract between the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps and Arthur Pellman was executed. The contract provides in essence for the service of Arthur Pellman as Director of the Urban Corps Library Theatre for a period of not less than ten weeks; and for the receipt by Arthur Pellman of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) as compensation for the above stated service; said compensation to be paid by the City of Atlanta. 17. �-------------- 1· ATLANTA URBAN CORPS, GEN ERAL FUND ACCOUNT BALANCE SHEET July_31, 1969 · Expenditure s Account Number Title G-25-62 P artitioris 646.00 646.00 G-25-500U Mileage 500.00 15. 00 G-2 5-62-830 Salaries 170,115.00 86,412.08 G-25-62-7140 Telephone 600.00 0 · 600. 00 G-25-62-7600 Postage 150.00 0 150. 00 G-25-62-7610 Printing and Reproduction 500. 00, 62.24 853.40 {415. 64) G-25-62-7700 Office Supplies 1,000.00 171. 80 450.43 378.49 G-25-62-8100 Rentals 400.00 210. 00 50.00 140. 00 Appropriation Encumberances Balance 0 485.00 83,782.92 . �...... ATLANTA URBAN CORPS, GEN ERAL FUND ACCOUNT BALANCE SHEET August 14, 1969 Account Number Title Appropriation G-25-62 Partitions 646.00 646.00 0 G-25-500U Mileage 500.00 281. 70 218. 3 0 G-25-62-830 Salaries 88,212. 08 82,447.3 9 Encumberances 170,195. 00 - Expenditures Balance / G-25-62-7140 Telephone . 600.00 298.75 3 01. 2 5 G-25-62-7600 Postage 150. 00 150.00 0 G-25-62-7610 Printing and Reproduction 500.00 902.23 (464.47) G-25-62-77 00 Office Supplies G-25-62-8100 Rentals 1, 62. 24 . ooo. 00 171. 80 450.43 378.49 400.00 210. 00 90.00 100. 00 �VI. ATLANTA URBAN CORPS STATEMENT OF REVENUES &: EXPENDITURES August 21, 1969 REVENUES: City of Atlanta C.W.S.P. Contributions Non-profit Agencies RECEIVED: ANTICIPATED: $52, 605.00 8, 771.12 1'9 , 6:1::8 . 66 1.o ,,oo ,,u 12,750. 00 0 64,344.88 13,000.00 14,052. 00 TOT AL REVENUES TOTAL: $52,605.00 73,116.00 32 , 616 . eo 26,802.00 $ 1~ 8, 133. QQ ,,,- .s1~ . oo EXPENDITURES: Intern Salarie s Oper ational E x p e nses Educational Advisors Non-Intern Staff PAID: ANTICIPATED: TOTAL: $115,268 . 25 2, 819.11 4,000.00 4,932.70 $ 54 ,926.75 444. 04 1,000.00 392.30 $170,195.00 3,263.15 5, 000.00 5,325.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES SURPLUS 2 0. $183,783.15 ~'\ 1\ oo .u �VII. Summation In matters of Finance, it is absolutely essential to maintain accurate, complete, and easily accessible records. Every effort should be made to achieve this end. Prior to mid July, 1969, this department was plagued by senseless mistakes, inadequate secretarial support, a nd troublesome inefficiency. The acquisition of Patty Harwell, whose competence is remarka ble and whose willingness to work is admirable, eliminated the problem of inadequate secretarial support and made it possible to reduce inefficiency.. E'arlier mistakes, inefficiency, and an almost total lack of secretarial support had a pyramiding effect which resulted in the depletion of many valuable hours and had the end result of causing a pronounced reduction in positive achievement. Given a more efficient operation and the consequent increase in unconsumed man hours a great deal could have been accomplished in the area of fund raising. Absent senseless mistakes, e.g. an absurdly inaccurate listing of students accepted and placed, a much better cash-flow ratio could have been maintained. There is no justification for a repetition of the same mistakes. In closing, I feel Patty Harwell, James Rabb, and Steve Mwamba should be commended for their diligence, competence, and ability to withstand frustration. Inmond/ Dir ec t o1 · of Fin a nc e Atlanta Urban Co r ps 21. �-- . -·- ..; . . APPENDIX 22. �r.~ - ·- . ,--. !' - ATLANTA URBAN CORPS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE To: Sam Williams, Director, Atlanta Urban Corps From: Inmond L. Deen, Director of Finance, Atlanta Urban Corps Re: ~nitial Report on the Department of Finance Date: July 2, 1969 �I. The payroll sche d u l e for e mploye e s of the Atlant a Urba n Corps is set forth in a memorandum {la b e led App e ndag e 11 A 11 ) which has been distributed to all interns. Individuals who agr ee d to work as volunt ee rs and w ho are to r e ceive $200. 00 as compensation for their s e rvices will b e p a id $ 100. 00 on July 16, 1969 7 and $ 100. 00 on Aug ust 27, 1969. It is felt that this method will serve to encour a ge the volunteer in that it p e rmits him to rec e ive some monetary reward for his ser v ices prior to the conclusion of th e summe r program. It further has the e ff e ct of providing protection to the Urban Corps in the event that the v olunte er r e si g ns prior to the conclusion of the summer program. Payment a t the be g inning of the program w ould le a v e the Urban Corps without protection from fina ncial loss should the volunte e r re-sign. Payment at the conclusion of the prog ram could conceivably, while affording protection to the Urb a n Corps, impose a burd e n on the volunt e er and w ould not contain the incentive f a ctor inhe r ent in the split payment method. II. In order to comply with guid e lines set forth.by the D e partme nt of H ealth, Education, and W e lfa r e , Coll e ge Work-Study Progr a m Division, th e following proc e dure has b een inaugurated: A. A c e rtifie d st a t e m e nt (la b e l e d App end ag e 11 B 11 ) will be m a iled to each p a rtic i p a ting college or univer sity h a ving Colle ge Work-Study Prog ram stud e nts employe d by the Atla nt a Urban Corps. The s t a t e ment w ill includ e informa tion rela ting to each student a s follows: 1. Name. 2. Wage rate. 3. Total num b e r of comp e ns a ble hours worke d during the immedi a t e ly prec e din g p ay p e riod. 4. Gross pay r e ceived for the imme diately prec e ding p a y period, a nd 5. Gross p a y r e ceive d to date. B. Time c a rd s (l a b e led App e nda ge 11 C 11 ) s i g n e d by e ach stud e nt a nd his imme di a t e s up e r v isor c er tifying tha t a p a rticula r numb e r of hours we r e w o r k e d by t h e s tud e nt w ill b e mail e d to the s tud e nt's college o r u n iver sity in i n sta nc es w h ere the student i s enr oll e d in the Coll ege Work-S tudy P r ogra m. C. Eac h emp l oyee i s requi re d to pic k up i n p ers o n h is payc he c k o r t o give wr itt en a ut h o rization to t h e i n d ividu a l w ho will p i ck up the c heck. I n the fo rmer sit u ati on the i ndividu al is required to give wr i tten c ertification of re c eipt. I n the latter situation the author i zed individ ual is required to certify receipt �Page 2 July 2, 1969 of all pay checks receivedo (See Appendages "D" and "E".) III• A bookkeeping system has been designed and is tentatively scheduled to become operative on July 10, 19690 The system will consist of the maintenance of the following Journals and Ledgers: Ao General Journal- -posted daily Monday through Friday prior to 9: 15 a. m. listing all monies received and all liabilities incurred the preceding dayo B. Cash Receipts and Disbursements Ledger--posted twice . weekly recording the flow of capital. c. General Ledg e r--posted twice weekly containing separate accounts for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Office equipment, Offic e supplies, Payment r e ceived from agencies as contracted for, Payment received from educa.tional institutions as contracted for, P ayment received in the forin of grants and donations from foundations, Payment receive d in the form of grants and donations from the private busines s sector, Utilities, and All other necessary accountso D. Individual Earnings Records--posted bi-weekly. E. Petty C ash Records --maintained by Sam Williamso Inmond Lo Deen, Jr. Director of Finance Atlanta Urb an Corps �ATLANTA URBAN CORPS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE To: Sam Williams, Director, Atlanta Urban Corps From: Inmoncl L. Deen, Jr., Director of Finance, Atlanta Urban Corps Re: Departmental Report Date: July 16, 1969 �I j I. After repeated efforts to r e solve the unusually perplexing situation surrounding compensation for VISTA volunteers assigned through the Southern Regional Education Board to the City of Atlanta, Atla nta Urba n Corps, little has been accomplished. R e sponsibilitie s, however , have b een d efined, to wit: A. VISTA volunteers will rec eive bi-weekly s upplern.e nt s from the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps in a1nounts determinable by multiplying th e total numb e r of compe nsable hours worked by each intern during the preceding pay period by either . 07, . 47, or . 77, depe nding upon the individuals educational level. B. Volt T e chnical Corpora tion, a subsidiary of Volt Informa tion Science s, Inc., 795 Peachtree Street, N. E., Suite 63 0, Atlanta, Geor gia , a priva te corporation unde r contract with VISTA to provide administrative and logistical financial support, will dispe rse on a wee kly basis the VISTA share of VISTA volunteers pay. C. The City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps supplement plus the VISTA share will closely a ppro xima te that rece ive d by all .othe r interns of a co1nparabl e e duc a tiona l l e v e l. D. Carol Lim, Volt Technical Corpora tion, phone 876-635 4, has b ee n designate d as the repr ese ntative of her co mpany to h andl e inquiries from VISTA Voluntee rs assigned to the Urban Corps rega r ding compens a tion from VISTA. II. The p r oc e dur e outline d in se ction II of this D e p artment' s initia l report, da t e d July 2, 1969, regarding College -Work Study Pro g ram guidelines is proving satis fa ctory. III . The book keeping system o u tlined in Section III of thi s .Department's initial rep<;>rt is now in operation and is relatively effic i e nt . Improve ment is ne e de d in this area. As a b are minimun1 the followin g i s n e cessary: A. B. Working space (a v a ilable for p a yroll a uditors ) Freedom f r o m unnecessary inte rruption s and confu sion �r · - :-- .. --·- 1. Mr. W. Walton Clarke, First National Bank of Atlanta, was talked with on July 10, 1969. He agreed on behalf of the First National Bank to donate One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps. Mr. Charles S. Marvin, A. T. &T., was talked with on July 9, 1969. Mr. Marvin indicated an interest on the part of A. T. &T. to make a donation to the Urban Corps. He suggested that I call his immediate supervisor, Mr. Tom Koneig, on July 14, 1969, and arrange a conference. Mr. Koneig was ill. However, his secretary set up a conference for July 22, 1969 at 10:00 A. M. Mr. Plemon Whatley (Junior at Harvard) , employed by A. T. &T. and assigned to E. O.A., was talked with on or about July 1, 1969, and has reported to Mr. Marvin that he feels the Urban Corps is deserving of a donation. ·A.T.&T. 's offices in Atlanta are located at Room 1831, The Hartford Building. In general, Finance has been plagued by senseless mistakes, inadequate secretarial support, and troublesome inefficiency. At this time the addition of Dianne Wilson to this Department in a somewhat elusive position is not, in my opinion, justifiable either in cost to the Urban Corps er in increased efficiency. The above mentioned recommendation, if followed, will provide the neede d spac e m e ntione d in Section III, A, above and will eliminate the need for close supervision and will, to som.e extent, provide relief from unne ce s sa ry con£ us ion and inefficiency. �AT LANT A URBAN CORPS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE To: S a m Williams, Director, Atlanta Urb a n Corps From: Inmond L. D een, Jr., Dir e ctor of Finance, Atlanta Urban Corps Re: Dep a rtmenta l Report D a t e : Augu s t 1, 1969 �~ - -- ~- I. Payroll The payroll system is functioning satisfactorily. ment: Two areas need improve- A. At present, billing colleges requires a manual transferance of information from computer print outs which are grouped according to work location, typing of the bill, and checking of the figures. The city gave the option of having the print outs grouped either by work location or school. Someone chose to have the interns grouped by work location. This is of little value to my Department as agency (work location= agencies) financial arrangements are handled by contract. If the problem of separating CWSP interns and non-CW·SP interns can be overcome {if the city can be sold on the idea) the computer print . outs could be certified and mailed to the colleges. This would eliminate three steps and at the same time reduce the probability of errors. This system would, however, involve the inconvenience of sorting pay checks and grouping the m by City Department and agency. Less time and effort are required to sort pay checks than to manually transfer the required information. In my estimation, this should be done if the city and the Urban Corps maintain their present relationship. B. The procedure outlined in section II, C, of my report dated July 2, 1969 is onerous and burdensome. The interns, justifiably, do not like it. I feel HEW should be made aware of the unpalatable nature of the guide line necessitating this procedure and a request for relief made. I intend to a ct a ccordingly. We were fortunate on the July 30, 1969 disbursement dat e . Only one problem of any significance arose: a staff m ember told Andrea Fry e , a volunteer, she would receive $100 on July 3 O. The "culprit" had not the authority to make the decision. Nonethe l ess, we will p a y her and Young Hughley at their convenience after 12: 00 o'clock noon 8/1/ 69. II. College Billing The college billing system will work adequa tely. Colleges will be billed {bills mailed) today for amounts owe d as of July 2, 1969 . They will be billed August 5, 1969, for am ounts owed as of July 30, 1969. The August 13th, and August 27th, billings will be no problem. The September 10th billing should not be a problem but the mechanics have not been worked out. �2 III. Agency Payments Non-profit agencies in which A UC interns are plac e d have contractually agreed to employ the student and to pay a part of the student's salary ranging from 100% to 00%. On Wednesday, August 6, 1969, prompting of agencies who have not fulfilled their contractual obligations will be commenced. IVo A. Contracts Agency Contracts EOA was delayed in executing our contract due to the change of directorship. The contract has been delivered to George Berry for execution by the city. We still do not have a contract with SREB for the Fulton County Health Department. This involves 21 interns. Since SREB has given us $7,000.00 and will give us $13,000.00 within two weeks (according to Bill Ramsay) I consider that organization reputable. The decision was m ade to contract with. the Academy Theate r as a non-city agency even though the funds actually come from the City (Atlanta Board of Education). Miss Nancy Hagar was talked with and agreed to this arrangement on July 15, 1969. A letter confirming the earlier v erbal ag r eement and a written contract were n,ailed to Miss Hagar July 16, 1969. The contr a ct has not of this date be en returned to this office. The Atlanta Youth Council is for our purposes a non-city agency. contract h a s b een executed. B. The College Contr a cts When the college contracts were executed, both copies of the West Georgia contr a ct were returned to the college. Mr. Paul M. Smith, Jr., Dir ector of Financial Aid, stated by t e l ephone on 8/1/ 69 that he would on that date mail one copy to me. When it is received, Mr. Charles Davis, Director of Finance, City of Atla nta, will certify the W est G e orgia bill. C. Educationa l Advisor Contracts Contracts h ave b een entered into b e tween th e City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps, and Carl Wieck, Patrick Ntokogu, Roger Whedon, Barbara Rudisill, and the Georgia Ins titute of Technology--Roger Rupnow, �3 the · said individuals to act as Educational Advisors to the 1969 Urban Corps Project. Duties to be performed shall include but not be limited to job visitation with the interns and agency supervisors, planning and conducting education seminars for sm a ll groups, as well as all interns; working in coordination with our field evaluation staff to insure job relevancy and educational signific an ce of the program for each intern, assisting the intern in his articulation of his experience and other counseling a nd advisory duties connected with the program. For the services outlined above, each Educational Advisor shall be compensated in the amount of One Thousand Dollars. D. Urban Corps-Library Theatre Contract A contract between the City of Atlanta, Atlanta Urban Corps, and Arthur Pellman has been drawn, approved, and is in the process of execution. The contract provides in essence that Arthur Pellman is to serve as Director of the Urb an Corps-Library The at re for a period of not l ess than ten weeks and that he will be compensated in the amount of One Thousand Dollars. V. Staff Steve Mwamb a is performing a task that is in my estimation tedious and demanding. He has and is continuing to keep errors at a minimum. Mac Rabb is now working in my office and is performing at a level that is above what c an ordinarily be expected or demand e d of an individual. Patty Harwell is doing an excellent job in providing seer eta rial support. She is diligent, unusually efficient, and in every respect a pleasure to work with. �