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December 4 , 1969 MEMORANDUM To: Charles L . Davis From: George Bei-ry Subject: Attached Checks Totaling $1 ,0 25 The Urban Corps had forwarded to me the attached checks which ~epresent unanticipated contributions to the Urban Corps Project. With these checks, they have sent a miscellaneous t""equisition payable to Norrell Tempol'ary Services in the amount of $113. 75. In addition, they forwarded me a memorandum; dated December 3 , 1969, detailing the amount of unanticipated contdbutions that they have forwarded to the City. The Urban Corps~ of course , fe ls that they should have considerable latitude in expending th e contributions th t they solicit and which are over and above the budgeted receipts . They will, therefoJ' , be forwarding cert in other miscellaneous requisitions in the neal' future to be paid from thi balance of $949. 06 . GB:ja Attachm nts �